Naval Warfare

By Jove have I ever seen a pretty game.

Naval Warfare strikes me as a game that tries for a certain balance between both satisfying, in-depth, skill based gameplay and enormous gratuitous explosions. Suffice to say it hits that mark. Despite plenty of checkpoints and fairly generous power ups this game genuinely feels challenging to play - which makes it even more satisfying to watch a ship sink below the waves.

Now, as I said earlier, this game is pretty. Really pretty. (You may wish to glance at the screenshots above at this point) The game is tagged as “Steampunk”, a title I will happily say it earns. Unlike many others, who grab a few gears, brass and a bucket of oil, stick them on an airship, give it to a lady wearing a corset and metal goggles (seriously why would you ever make your goggles out of metal), then proceed to slap the steampunk label on it; this game has clearly thought put into it’s art and design. Everything from an aircraft to enourmous battleships and artillery cannons fit together perfectly.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Steampunk Games.

this game has horrible mouse control and voice acting, alot of the options menu wont even work, the progression system makes no sence, the first boss battle is badly made and the rest of the boss battles are just puzzles with a bit of shooting that still makes no sence outside of blind shooting, at times you cant use some support boats because of the reason of no, the one part of the game that i bought it for that i saw in the show case video was short and poorly made, the story was crap, the cut scenes were out of synk cut out and did not fit the art style, some of the boats are made of pure bull shit (play and you would know), the ending was pointless and had the worst twist, its never explains the back story of why the word is water, you travle from the polls of the world to the equator in no time flat, the AI is as dumb as bricks, the w a s d keys are some how side ways, and it looks like shit.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Naval Warfare on Steam

Country Discoverer

Country Discoverer

This game is so addicting to play once you start you cant stop until you get a new high score

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Colorful Games.

I really enjoy this game and think it deserves more hype. It is very thought out and clean. One suggestion would be maybe having a bonus for choosing random powerup at the start? :)

P.S I learned things today about countries.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Country Discoverer on Steam