The Last From Mars

The Last From Mars

‘The Last From Mars’ is a pretty traditional alien shooter. You get wave after wave of cute looking aliens all wanting to eat you alive, or maybe implant their eggs into your stomach. There is only one play area here and a handful of guns with a few powerups thrown in for good measure. It looks OK I guess and feels OK to play, but none of it is original and there is nothing ‘stand-out’ here. I would have liked to have seen it a little chapter than £5.79 (the current asking price) as there isn’t a lot of content here, but even so, I feel you will probably get your money’s worth if you take the time to get into the game. Personally, I found it all too…“meh” to bother with, but I do still recommend it (I just wish I could be neutral about it).

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Hero Shooter Games.

The Last From Mars on Steam

Stalin vs. Martians 4

Stalin vs. Martians 4

Stalin vs. Martians 4 is a massively soloplayer action game which tells a story of the conflict between Stalin and the Martians. It has a narrative-based story with a plot and rich dialogues of humorous nature, which beautifully highlight the story’s narrative-based narrative and plot.

Also Stalin vs. Martians 4 is a rather unexpected sequel to 2009’s infamous real-time strategy game. GameSpot named the original Stalin vs. Martians ‘perhaps the worst RTS game ever created’. That’s high praise. You don’t hear it every day.

Well yeah, the original Stalin vs. Martians featured some brilliant, but questionable ideas in the fields of game design, level design and some other designs as well. So we sent most of the original developers to Gulag, we’re making a proper and, which is important, playable game. It is powered by Unreal Engine. And you’re gonna like.

Could you please be a little more serious?

OK, Stalin vs. Martians 4 is an isometric action/shooter game. Which is frankly quite obvious from the screenshots and gameplay videos provided. But it must be understood, that SvM4 is not entirely about the core gameplay. It is more about the overall user experience. In a way, it can be compared to Catherine. Which is essentially a puzzle game, but in fact it is so much more than that.

Even more serious

SvM4 is built around the core gameplay of an isometric shooter, but it is conceived as a pythonesque over-the-top project, that puts a very unlikely protagonist against a very unlikely backdrop. All the time, mission after mission. It’s a sketch comedy about an evil idiotic buffoon. You have Stalin in Candyland, then he emerges in the Lovecraftian setting and fights Cthulhu, then he goes to Mars, then he travels to Ancient Greece, etc. Occasionally the game spoofs other games and introduces absurd mini-games. Sometimes it changes the genre, but within reason. And then you have crazy video intermissions (think of Red Alert or, you know, the original Stalin vs. Martians).

As mentioned above, the game is very narrative-based. Kinda like Firewatch, but, you know, better. It is also very cinematic. So we intend to provide a stable, very cinematic rate of 24 frames per second… Oh, wait. Okay, maybe more if the audience expects a certain digital fidelity in this field.


• A follow-up to one of the craziest games in history

• Campy humor, insane concept and ridiculous storyline

• A “sketch comedy” approach with a variety of settings and mini-games

• Fast-paced isometric combat

• Physics-based destruction system (“Katamari Damacy in reverse”)

• At least 12 levels, separated by absolutely insane video intermissions

• Narrative-based missions (“Firewatch on drugs”)

• Some of the levels include mini-games, some are just switching

the genre, because why not?

• Character upgrades, crazy weapons and special abilities

• Ranks system which defines the progress through the game

• Survival mode

• The bestest soundtrack ever

• Actual gameplay

The game may also feature nudity if we’ll be able to find someone nude. (Which is unlikely).

Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Top-Down Shooter Games.

Stalin vs. Martians 4 on Steam

Children of Apollo

Children of Apollo

This is a lovely twin stick shooter with great gameplay, and beautifully redered 8-bit graphics.

My only complaint is the inability to save. I know that the intent is that the game be approached like an old-school arcade title, but the fact that I can’t save my game means that if I ever want to beat the game I’ll have to block out several hours of uninterupted play time, which is rarely feasible for me. As it is, it looks like I’ll be playing the first couple of levels over and over until my kids or some other obligation interupts me.

Real player with 677.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Pixel Graphics Games.

Enemies take to long to kill but its a fairly nice game. Second to last boss is tricky, last boss is easier.

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Children of Apollo on Steam

Martian Law

Martian Law

If you like classic 80’s style arcade games, you’ll love Martian Law. It’s recommended to use a controller and I found out why. I first thought a 3 button Sega Genesis mini classic USB controller would work but it doesn’t have the dual sticks needed. I used an Xbox One controller and it works perfectly with Martian Law.

Like classic arcades, this game can get quite tough, but that’s the point. When the power ups come, it can really help out when the screen is falling all around. I love the weapon upgrades, this can help rack up the score quickly. I’m a very old school gamer and I like that I can switch between windowed and full screen within the game menu, I hate having to fiddle with a keyboard trying to figure that stuff out, simple is better!

Real player with 15.9 hrs in game

it’s a cute game, but the controls kind of suck, and the graphics can be a bit eye-straining and the music is loud, kind of annoying, and gets repetitive fast. the gameplay itself is incredibly lackluster, with there only being a few powerups, and the way the game works encouraging sitting in a corner and doing nothing, the bombs can hit through the middle platform so trying to maneuver around is a chore, so i found myself sitting at the screen’s edge, letting the bombs fall. the saving grace is when you get the powerups as you no longer have to be so inert, you can shoot horizontally but there’s no real point in doing that cause by the time it is useful the bombs are already at the ground, though diagonal can help make it so you have to move even less. the game discourages movement, which from the get go makes it bad. not to mention the only reason to even move in the first place is to avoid megaton bombs or go and deal with the laser bots. that’s it, the corner of the screens provide protection from everything else and time will get you way more score than action. i dont think this was the dev’s intention but the game make it such.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Martian Law on Steam

Rock Boshers DX: Directors Cut

Rock Boshers DX: Directors Cut

Charming! I finished this now and finally realized that there are a few bonus arcade games too. Actually, even the main game feels like a collection of the type of little home-made games we made for the ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64, just with a lot more enemies. I am happy that I played with a controller, since this is a twin-stick shooter which can be somewhat unforgiving at times. The collision detection sometimes seemed to detect collision before I did, which caused some frustration, but it may be my own fault for beginning to getting used to games where you can graze bullets. It was in any case easier than many vintage games. The light-hearted story ties all the different levels together well, but don’t be mislead into thinking that this is just a shallow game about steampunk mining on Mars. If looking deeper, it actually teaches an important life lesson: Never be without scones, cheese and tea.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Bit conflicted about this game. Sometimes it’s just an annoying crowd control shooter game (with added difficulty as you run around ‘laps’ in certain levels that require that) and sometimes it’s a clever blast from the past action game and a well designed one too.

Love the MSX-era look. The 16-bit graphics option that was added in the latest patch is very nice looking too.

Unlockable arcade games puts your old arcade skills to test. Loderunner anyone?

Check actual gameplay videos to get a better picture of what this game is and skip the stuff on the store page. Store page gives a false impression there are adventure elements in the game. In reality they are non-existent.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Rock Boshers DX: Directors Cut on Steam