Bionic Shield: Battle for Space Nebula Omega

Bionic Shield: Battle for Space Nebula Omega

You are the Bionic Shield - humanity’s last hope to survive the Automaton invasion of Space Nebula Omega.

In this 2D twin-stick shooter you navigate your spaceship, engage in epic space battles, discover and invade new planets in your combat suit, using drones, tanks or other vehicles, avoid traps, dodge bullets, customize your weapons and shoot your way through hordes of enemies. The universe is procedurally generated to allow for a different experience every time.

Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Bullet Hell Games.

Bionic Shield: Battle for Space Nebula Omega on Steam



CASH-OUT™ is the latest survival horror gem to be created by hit indie sensation


Featuring over 27 megabytes of the most visceral gaming experience of the decade,

CASH-OUT™ is as enjoyable to play as it is to reflect upon once a completion state has been reached. CASH-OUT™ exposes the player to a plethora of emotions they may never even known existed before and serves as a great learning tool for building emotional skill.

CASH-OUT™ is truly ahead of its time and the unwashed “gamer” masses may not be ready to accept such a magnificent game into their lives.

Real player with 30.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Top-Down Shooter Games.

Disclaimer: I friended the dev of the game after finding and trying the beta builds on IndieDb. I did buy my own copy of the game however, and wrote this review of my own accord.

Think Payday: The Heist meets Hotline Miami, with some Diablo-esque gear system thrown in. That’s really the easiest/simplest way to describe the game.

Controls are tight, gameplay can be challenging, and the skill system allows for a diverse set of play styles. Whether you want to be Solid Snake, the TF2 Engineer, or Rambo, the game has weapons and classes supporting that play style.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Cash_Out on Steam

Desert Pirates

Desert Pirates

Lead a post apocalyptic war convoy made out of badass cars driven by unusual characters. Travel across a dangerous and endless desert filled with resource seeking opponents.

In this experience inspired by movies like Mad Max and spaceship roguelikes, you can expand and improve your convoy, find new cars and swap out their weapons and tools, upgrade, repair and refuel them, feed drivers and give out orders to help everyone survive.

How far can you ride?


  • Unlock and collect badass cars: Find cars to restore in every run, and store them in your garage for later use. The desert is filled with hidden surprises!

  • Make runs with different convoys: Change your Convoy to fit your playstyle! Choose between Soldiers with Nitro, Heavy Soldiers with special weapons, start with additional food or gas, special systems like Shields, Radars, Decoys and more!

  • Survive the desert: You will need to destroy enemy settlements in order to get the resources you need to repair and refuel your cars, and to keep your followers fed and hydrated.

  • Give orders to your Convoy: Stay together, or split up! Changing orders on the fly can give you an advantage against your enemies. Light RTS mechanics are gaining traction during development (stay tuned!).

  • Classic Roguelike Features: Permadeath, Upgrades, procedurally generated areas. Every playthrough is different.

Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Post-apocalyptic Games.

Desert Pirates on Steam



Been following this game since it was first showcased at Milan Games Week back in 2018. All I can say is…WOW. The game was very different back then, now it feels and play really smooth and polished for an Early Access game. I’m a sucker for everything 80s, and this game has it all: tons of cameos/references/quotes from 80s movies, cartoons and games, a very cool synthwave OST and a great atmosphere.

It can be HARD at the beginning, but believe me, give it some time and you will unlock new stuff, characters, weapons, etc., and it will be amazing. Every run feels different, it’s incredible how much stuff there’s to it. You won’t regret it.

Real player with 158.2 hrs in game

Quite possibly the best modern rogue-lite on steam

Hyperparasite’s formula for designing a richly crafted love letter to the 80s certainly doesn’t go unnoticed. The entire game itself is filled with cheeky references to 80s pop culture. From the outset, the combat & gameplay loop is what you should expect from a well designed twin stick rogue-lite; tight, fluid controls, procedurally generated level pathways & randomized upgrades that are never the same during your next play thorough. Permadeath is a factor that shouldn’t put you off as the gameplay loop is designed to keep you replaying the core concept until you completely finish it. From start to finish the complete experience should take you around 2-3 hours, providing you have all the sub-levels unlocked. Which i might add are fully accessible in the wrong millennium update.

Real player with 115.7 hrs in game

HyperParasite on Steam



Killsquad is one of the greatest isometric games i ever played in my life. It feels like a mordern Contra, Metal Slug or beatem up game. love the many quests, collectibles, skills,Events & enemies. Devs please learn from other games like Diablo those if u want your game to thrive in the market today.

Players are interested in:

  1. Dungeons/Raids(with puzzles & exclusive loot)

  2. some sort of crafting

  3. Adventure Expeditions/Exploration maps

  4. Leader boards/ or any pvp

  5. Legendary or Mythic Items

Real player with 149.2 hrs in game


It’s just alright. Nice coat of paint, responsive combat system, depth of a puddle with a carrot-on-a-stick that’s got a short stick.

It’s a decent romp for a group of people for 10-15hrs before it starts feeling really repetitive. Pick it up on a sale if you have friends.

The Ramble

The game looks colorful and everything from models to animations look and feel really good. The sound is functional but nothing spectacular. Controls are reponsive and snappy leading to pretty smooth combat on both controller and mouse and keyboard.

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

Killsquad on Steam

Slayers, Inc.

Slayers, Inc.

This game is a great experience and I really enjoy it! There are a bunch of characters you can unlock who all have slightly different play styles, and it honestly feels natural and fun to unlock them. There are a ton of items and achievements and it really challenges you. This is not one of those games where you can just press a button and instantly win every time - it takes strategy to survive, which makes it feel really rewarding. Worth the buy for sure!!

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Neat roguelike, enough different characters and item combinations to stay interesting for a while.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Slayers, Inc. on Steam

Red Sector

Red Sector

Fun arcade style game that gives you that, “I want to complete the next level” feeling. Still early doors but I feel sure the road-map of improvements will be coming soon.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

There are a bunch of things I like about this game. Start with the creative “sector” element of an arcade shooter. Moving to different sectors to clear out before giving the player the decision as to where they want to go next makes it a bit more controllable while breaking up the action in parts.

I also like the visuals. Simple but appealing too.

Really nice product!

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Red Sector on Steam

Gran Vitreous

Gran Vitreous

This game is probably the best value for your dollar on Steam, period. A strong RPG progression system that includes both equipment changes, skills, and even a form of crafting. The base game is a 2d space shooter, but all of its parts combine to make something you don’t want to miss.


  • A wide variety of weapons which all function differently.

  • Several abilities to choose from in the form of a ‘Utility’ slot

  • Many levels, all randomly generated

  • A bonus system, also random, allowing you to challenge yourself

Real player with 66.6 hrs in game

My thumbs hurt



The paper napkin pitch? Twinstick shooter roguelite. Geometry Wars mashed with Rogue Legacy, with a dash of FTL.

-Geometry Wars: You are a shape, shooting other shapes for points.

-Rogue Legacy: There is an item progression and a skill progression. You retain these when you die, which allows you to push further.

-FTL: The game is comprised of 4 sectors that you must progress through and defeat the boss at the end.

Being a roguelite there is also a healthy amount of randomization throughout. Each sector has dozens of levels. Each level is randomly generated with a subset of the enemy shapes, and various buffs and debuffs. For example, 50% smaller playfield, 200% Enemy health, 75% increased item rarity, and an ASTEROID FIELD. Beat one level and unlock paths to 2-5 others which are similarly randomized. The classic FTL conundrum of pushing forward to simply survive to see the final encounter, versus moving laterally for more loot/XP is in full effect here (though there is no pressure of an enemy fleet encroaching).

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

Gran Vitreous on Steam

NoReload Heroes

NoReload Heroes

Update 12/25/19: So, uh, I guess the multiplayer works now. Flamethrower minion freeze floor sound bug is still present though, so that sucks.

I bought this on sale for $0.99 on the Nintendo Switch. It is a great game, but you guys should have done a lot more polishing to make sure the Switch version was actually stable. The frame rate drops tremendously quite frequently and there are even game breaking bugs. There was one issue I had where I actually managed to dodge out of the map, and I had to restart the game all over again. There are also several bugs with the sound in the Switch version, such as the sound for the flamethrower minions (Freezing! floor) getting stuck on loop forever. This bug is also present in the PC version. Please fix the Switch version and make sure it is actually stable.

Real player with 69.5 hrs in game

I love this game! Honestly one of the best top down shooters/ dungeon crawlers out there, I would 100% reccomend this game… If they fixed a few things, the game is a bit laggy for weak computers, so when I want to play on the go, I use my laptop, but i get 30 fps max on lowest settings, not the worst thing just one of the problems I’ve had, another problem is multiplayer, It just doesnt work? Whenever I click find game it pops up a window saying its searching for a game, then just puts me in an offline game, Doesn’t really bother me, Just i feel this game would be alot easier with 4 players (Which you could do with an offline game if you had enough people and controllers.) than with 1 player, Other than that its a fun game, puts you up to a ever-increasingly difficult challenge, Except the flamethrower ballbot, He is just OVERPOWERED and will kill your winning streak in less than a second if you get trapped. But all that aside, I will keep playing this game, and I support the endevour in this game.

Real player with 36.9 hrs in game

NoReload Heroes on Steam

Zap Blastum: Galactic Tactics

Zap Blastum: Galactic Tactics

You are Zap, an alien who has always dreamed of saving the galaxy. When robots invade your planet, you’re super-psyched and ready for anything! Zap Blastum caters to both hardcore and casual gamers with its intuitive cover shooter gameplay, optional mouse controls, and action-packed tactical combat.


Streamlined controls bring cover shooter gameplay to anyone who can use a mouse – without losing any depth. Snap into cover and automatically lean around corners while shooting. Even on a gamepad, just select a target and lock on – we’ve removed aiming from the equation.


This is a shooter that’s not afraid to be cheerful. Not everyone’s into dark and gritty space marines. Zap doesn’t fit the stereotype. The robots will never know what hit ‘em!


The game explores impostor syndrome: the tendency to attribute our earned success to luck or deception. Deep down, Zap is haunted by self doubt, and the robots know how to take advantage of it. In a way, your mission is an internal one. You can be a hero. Don’t listen to the voices that say “No.”

  • Explore 20 levels that span across 5 planets.

  • Enjoy an original soundtrack that mixes orchestral, rock, and dubstep genres.

  • Fight 10+ types of robot enemies.

  • Rack up huge points in the online leaderboards and earn big rewards for combos and streaks.

  • Unlock new features to discover more secrets.

  • Play in full screen or in a small window. Take a break from your busy day and shoot some robots.

  • Save the galaxy with a friend in local co-op!

Zap Blastum: Galactic Tactics on Steam