In 1972, as a freshman in college, Steve Allen was introduced to Pong, the first commercial arcade game. He and his college roommates, Tommy Walker and Howard White, began their video game journey and met many of the industry’s biggest names, including Jerry Lawson, the inventor of cassette tapes, Nolan Bushnell, the founder of Atari, and the developer of ET Aliens. Warsaw, Apple’s founder Steve Jobs, and many more, are writing their own legendary stories in this glorious virtual world, but things are far less optimistic than Alan thought, and a video game winter is about to sweep across the country.

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Paladin’s Lance

Paladin’s Lance

Tis the perfect game thou wast looking for.

I haveth rolethplayeth as a knight my whole lifeth and was looking for a way to spice it up.

never would I have guessed that dragons would be the answer, tilith i findith thisith game-ith.

I’am nowith a dragon-knight-connoisseur. I have left my wife who was rebellious against my knighthood and did not let me stick to my-ith duties. tenith out of tenith, I G N-ith

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

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