A Quiver of Crows

A Quiver of Crows


_Les mouches bourdonnaient sur ce ventre putride,

D’où sortaient de noirs bataillons

De larves, qui coulaient comme un épais liquide

Le long de ces vivants haillons.

Tout cela descendait, montait comme une vague,

Ou s’élançait en pétillant ;

On eût dit que le corps, enflé d’un souffle vague,

Vivait en se multipliant._

A Quiver of Crows game. You, as a flying being, ‘a crow’, shooting with some lasers into some relentless ever-respawning undeads of various sorts.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Shoot 'Em Up Games.

This game needs some reviews, so I want to do a 2-hour first impression. The art in this game is astoundingly well developed. It wordlessly creates a lot of ambience as you fly your way through abandoned playgrounds and discarded remnants of civilization as a new dawn approaches a terrible day…

You play a freaking bird with laser weapons. If you’re still reading this, you want this game. It’s hard. Quite hard, but it can be enjoyed in bursts of 10 minutes or a whole rage inducing hour. The controls are extremely tight, and the weapons and enemies are all interesting. My favorite are the basic enemies, which I call the “Dental Association” as they chomp me to bits.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

A Quiver of Crows on Steam

Doomsday Hunters

Doomsday Hunters

This is a great game! If you love rogue lights this is the game for you! A middle ground between binding of Isaac and Enter the Gungeon. I Dracula Genesis delivers with fun and varying game play. The game really can be a challenge too! One of the best rogue likes in the making!

I honestly have to say this is in my top 3 games of all time. Great game!

I would like to see a lot more content at the end of the game. I want more challenges to push through with powerful endgame builds. Fields of mobs that come at me. Over the top bosses. As of right now it feels amazing to get a victory on this game on universe 3. It’s a lot of fun, but it also feels like it kind of robs you short like you want to take on another challenge. There is always another run though, and it is a very difficult game! If you give it a try get ready for some real adrenaline moments when things get close!

Real player with 180.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Perma Death Games.

At this point I feel I’ve played and seen enough of this game to recommend it. I, Dracula: Genesis (that is a Kingdom Hearts tier name right there) seems to have inherited a lot of great design philosophy from its predecessors like Enter the Gungeon and Nuclear Throne, and it does the most impressive job of mashing them together I’ve so far seen in the rogue-‘ish’ genre.

The first thing that stands out to me is how solid the interactive physics and gameplay model is. Right from the get go, you feel a unique weight and chunkiness to movement and shooting, and it gives the gamefeel a flavour that distinguishes from its contemporaries. The addition of a jump mechanic, with elements of light platforming throughout, is a really fun addition to the ‘shoot stuff’ gameplay, though individual platforming challenges often leave me scratching my head wondering “how the heck am I supposed to reach that”.

Real player with 86.0 hrs in game

Doomsday Hunters on Steam

Definitely Sneaky But Not Sneaky

Definitely Sneaky But Not Sneaky

great game. totally worth the price. weapons feel good, tons of levels and a hoard mode, and it gets 100x better with friends. my only complaints are the lack of vsync (on linux at least, idk if the windows version has it) and I feel like the weapons system could have been pushed a bit further. I would like to see some more utilities like temporary invisibility or a dash/speed boost. A chainsaw would be cool too. I give a 9/10 considering the price.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Level Editor Games.

I consider myself to be a social gamer, meaning I often don’t gravitate towards games that aren’t specifically made for multiplayer; however a friend of mine wouldn’t stop recommending Definitely Sneaky But Not Sneaky, and now I’m so glad he did. My expectations were surpassed to say the least, and I absolutely loved the Co-op aspect of it, because of how valuable teamwork can be, and how the action of “Accidentally” shooting my own teammate was never met with frustration, rather a seemingly endless hilarity that eventually became part of the game when me and my brother played together.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Definitely Sneaky But Not Sneaky on Steam



I Regret Nothing

POSTAL is one of those games, even after all these years, you can still pick it up and truly appreciate for what it is and how it affected the view of video games back in 1997. Unlike it’s sequel POSTAL 2, this game is extremely dark, (in which HATRED tried to do and then some, but personally found it to try too hard.) Postal is an isometric top-down shooter where your goal is to kill all enemies (or 90% of them) in the map and move onto the next area. Due to what a lot of people believed, you don’t actually have to kill innocent people! Though what’s the fun in that? … It’s not, it’s painful trying to complete the game without killing any innocent people.

Real player with 51.1 hrs in game

Having played this games series to completion (well, almost: what, you mean to tell me that you actually got all the way through Postal 3?!), I feel that reviewing them all is necessary. This game, however, is going to be difficult to review. It’s not that it’s a badly made game or that I hate it (on the contrary). The problem is that it’s such a disturbing game that I may end up on a watchlist for recommending it. Whatever! Here it goes.

The first installment of the Postal series is of humble origins, provided that your definition of “humble origins” involves being banned in 14 countries, being blacklisted by most major retailers and being mentioned by Senator Joe Lieberman to the Senate as one of the “three worst things in American society” (the other two being Marilyn Manson and Calvin Klein underwear ads). Postal is a game about a guy (the Postal Dude) being bombarded with demonic mental images and voices convincing him to murder society as a whole. Each level is a neighborhood, truckstop, air force base, shopping mart, etc. of innocent people and hostile people (“hostile” being cops, government agents, well-armed vigilantes and other people who are merely trying to stop a madman with weapons from murdering everybody). You are instructed to kill at least 80-90% of the hostile people before progressing to the next level. Unlike the succeeding two games, the only morality choice you’re really given is whether you want to kill only the people trying to kill you or kill everybody.

Real player with 29.7 hrs in game

POSTAL on Steam



This game is awesome! The speed and progression are excellent. The difficulty is just right. The graphics are flashy and the game has that unknown thing, that soul and mystique that make playing through it so good. Robotron lovers need to get this game now.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

TL;DR: A good time-waster if you can get it on sale.

What I like is that it has a progression system to the powerups. Yes it feels a little tacked-on, but I don’t mind chasing the upgrades.

The game is competent, and the levels are enjoyable with good variety. However I find the graphics all look the same so you can’t distinguish your avatar from the projectiles, from the enemies, the enemy projectiles, etc. It is all a big phony retro blur.

I played it for about 1.5 hours before I grew weary. Probably wouldn’t have lasted that long but I’m a sucker for twin-stick shooters.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Retromancer on Steam

Two Brain Sides

Two Brain Sides

Difficult platform game, but finally I completed all the levels!

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Oh man. I am SO glad I found this game. I was thinking, “Man. I’d really love a rhythm music game that was challenging.” Not that others are not, but I work as a musician so most of them are fun challenges for me but not necessarily challenging challenges.

THIS WAS EVERYTHING I WANTED! I’m a pianist so I love to two side difficulty. I love that it was use a mouse and keyboard instead of just keys “a/d” and arrows for two different movements difficulty. I thoroughly enjoyed the music. I loved that it wasn’t just move on beat, I actually had to do quite a bit of subdividing which is a great difficulty, but it wasn’t so hard that someone with little or no musical experience wouldn’t be able to find the rhythms. Well balanced.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Two Brain Sides on Steam

Assault Android Cactus+

Assault Android Cactus+

TL;DR: Probably the best twinstick shooter ever made. Why are you even looking at this review? Play the free demo and then buy the full game when you inevitably love it.

The good

  • It’s a blast, plain and simple. Blowing up robots with the various weapons, powering up your weapon, dodging bullets, lasers and mines, stacking up immense combos and multikills… there is a lot of classic arcade twinstick action to be had here.

  • There are 9 playable characters to choose from, each with really unique weapons. No two characters play alike.

Real player with 891.1 hrs in game

I’ve played this game for 25 hours as of this review, but AAC is already one of my favorite games. It’s extremely addictive, and this game caused the first time I’ve ever had strain in my directional key fingers in my ~25 years of PC gaming. It was a subtle ache that felt so good because it reminded me how much fun I’d been having.

The art style is modern futuristic. The music is pumpin' and really gets you into the game. The sound effects are absolutely perfect. The characters are simultaneously cute and cool in every way, and each has their own unique style. I love them. The simultaneously cute and cool style of this game sets it apart from any other futuristic game I’ve ever played.

Real player with 760.7 hrs in game

Assault Android Cactus+ on Steam

Damned Cold

Damned Cold

Very challenging and I am having alot of fun! Love the idea of getting the intel to unlock extra difficulties. Definitely recommend picking it up for the 9$ it is 100% worth it!!!!

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Simple gameplay, and simple pixelated graphics to remind you of the good old days, Damned Cold is as challenging as twinstick shooters can get, you’re trying to escape your emprisonment as a prisoner of war, you’re going to die over and over again, but you’ll rinse and repeat, as this game is very addicting.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Damned Cold on Steam

Kill to Collect

Kill to Collect


achievement-hunters shall stay away from that game, period, for the reasons below


choose one of four characters and clear randomly-generated dungeon, which is full of various enemies, both melee and ranged. at the end you fight a boss. during the quest two kind of currencies can be found:

  1. “techs” : to buy medkits, powerups, weapons, ammo in dungeon-shops, and to unlock new titles outside of dungeon (purely cosmetics)

Real player with 159.3 hrs in game


Quick Rundown:


The good: Gameplay mechanics are solid, if a bit simplistic.

The bad: Exceptionally difficult to find others to play with.

Verdict: A hopeful 6/10 in its current state. Fun for a quick romp but disappointed about not having enough friends to play with. Interface, matchmaking, and netcode need a few tweaks.

Potential: 8/10 with a solid-buy recommendation if matchmaking gets an overhaul. Once the multiplayer community gets up and running,

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

Kill to Collect on Steam

Soulbound Steel

Soulbound Steel

I really liked the idea of the game. some things need to be adjusted.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Pretty good so far.

Core gameplay is a bit tricky at first, but if you time your parries properly and doesn’t just spam them, you’ll be good to go.

Your special ability is even trickier but then I learned to use it in sync with my rmb. It creates this huge AOE skill.

I wonder if I can change my scores without starting a new game, though. Going to back to a castle won’t reset it.

UI could be better, music and graphics are great.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Soulbound Steel on Steam