Memento Infernum

Memento Infernum

Pretty fun to play, awesome time killer. Great Hell mode that allows you to compete with your friends. There is still much to do but its definitely worth to buy.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Top-Down Shooter Games.

There are no bugs. Only features. Story mode isnt anything special but the hell mode is where the things are getting exciting, cracking the skulls of everything that is near me with a shotgun is very satisfying, though i dont think that is how guns work

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Memento Infernum on Steam

Demon’s Crystals

Demon’s Crystals

Have struggled with the game. The graphics are nice enough and there are plenty of maps but its way harder than it needs to be. Can’t get past the second boss so will never see half of the games content.

Beyond that the game suffers from lack of content. All you can do is run around like a toddler blazing away at fleeting targets. Its somewhere between exciting and annoying. The least attractive feature four characters than can all be levelled but don’t seem to be especially different.

There are worse games out there, and can see how some people really like this but I wouldn’t recommend it.

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Anime Games.

Demon’s Crystals is a twin stick shooter. It has demon’s and well, crystals which you must collect in order to save the world. It’s a very simple yet fun top down shooter.


Even though the game has a top down view, the game looks gorgeous in my opinion. Colors and the art-style really stands out. There’s something about this type of graphics which really appeals to the eyes. I had no problems with performance in this game and I was constantly getting over a 100 FPS throughout the whole time I played the game.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Demon's Crystals on Steam

Ritual: Crown of Horns

Ritual: Crown of Horns

Summary: While Ritual may be in need of some quality of life improvements in certain areas, its fast-paced action-packed and strategic gameplay mixed with a metal soundtrack and varied weapons and abilities, create a difficult yet fun and engaging take on the Wild West. 8/10

A full detailed video review can be viewed here:


The writing is not a case of being a masterpiece but they certainly do the job, creating engagement and intrigue throughout. The characters bounce off each other reasonably well, with them often questioning each other or even outright annoying or teasing one another. It is unfortunate however that one doesn’t get nearly as much dialogue like that of the others, but regardless character design works. There is no mistaking the plot plays second to the gameplay in Ritual, never the less for those who are looking for a decent story in amongst all the carnage, there is an interesting one to be found here.

Real player with 15.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Top-Down Shooter Games.

When it comes to top-down shooters, nothing beats tangling it up with hordes of monsters and all you have a six-shooter and pure luck. These are the kind of games that are exciting, fast-paced, and 100% rage-inducing. Ritual: Crown of Horns, from small indie studio Draw Distance, checks all the boxes.

Stylistically, this is a nice looking game. The art style heightens the grim landscape that we find our protagonist, Daniel Goodchild in. The music, a bold mix of heavy raw guitar and western-inspired melodies, only adds to the chaos that we’re about to dive into. Unfortunately, those two important elements are sometimes not enough to ease the frustrating aiming system and the unnecessarily hard stages you must clear.

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

Ritual: Crown of Horns on Steam

BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre

BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre

This is an enjoyable shooter chock full of rudeness, lewdness and dudeness. Definitely not for all audiences.

We play as Lou, the son of Satan and join him on his quest to reclaim Hell from the hordes of humans who have come for all the debauched pleasures on offer. Mostly these pleasures are fast food and sex. In order to save Hell from the invaders, Lou takes an arsenal of weaponry and blasts everything that moves into little tiny human or demon chunks.

The most obvious talking point of the game is it’s 18 rated content. There is a bevy of booze, drugs, rock n' roll and sexual references that definitely aren’t for all ages. A downloadable content patch removes censorship, but if you are easily offended, the game is not designed for you anyway and really having censorship is a moot point. Playing as the son of Satan, we shouldn’t be expecting a saintly protagonist. You will be shooting loads, in more ways than one.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

For many players, the genre “twin-stick shooter” is a synonym for difficult games that mix fast-paced, long-range attacks, close-range mobs, and giant bosses with tons of health. BDSM is definitely a twin-stick shooter, but I wouldn’t say that this game is difficult. That’s because there are plenty of ways to abuse the combat system, in addition to a special ability called rage; (filled by defeating foes), that gives invulnerability and a lethal laser that overkills ANY enemy! It fits the game’s lore, but it’s unfair to the mechanics of the genre. You’ll never need to worry about ammunition, either: Almost everything in the environment is destructible. And since there’s a default weapon with infinite ammo, you’re covered even if you run out.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre on Steam



A fun, frantic and sometimes frustrating spiritual successor to Sinistar, Devileader delivers that classic arcade fun in spades. I never really got into the ‘original’ a whole lot, but this game has a few more interesting elements that give the game a good depth and the difficulty setting is a nice addition that keeps things approachable and adaptable, especially for people like me who are not already experts at this game format. I would definitely recommend giving this game a try if you’re at all a fan of the original arcade shooters or fast-paced arcade action in general.

Real player with 124.3 hrs in game

Hijong Park delivers again. This time with Devileader (Sinistar on crack).

So yes, Sinistar… but this time re-imagined with 4 difficulty levels, much larger enemy variety, interesting weapon variety, and online scoreboards. First off before gameplay begins you are given a choice of one of a handful of superweapons to equip on your ship. These are very powerful and will be used sparingly as they require mining crystals to recharge. They are great for getting you out of tough spots or clearing out a path to hit the devileader with devibombs. Careful though as some will also completely wipe out asteroids and mined cystals which have yet to be collected. Next, your primary laser has a secondary rapid fire mode that clears enemies at a much faster rate. On the flip side it heats up quickly requiring a cooldown time after prolonged use. These two core weapon changes alone already make the frantic gameplay in Devileader much more interesting than in the original arcade classic. Now lets add in a larger ever growing enemy and hazard variety as you progress further into the game and you are looking at a truly great arcade experience. Last but not least, there is a lone drop ship that enters the play area every so often to drop either more powerful ammo limited weapons or time limited items such as shields or cloaks. Be sure to check your map periodically for the drop ship as it can be easy to miss the computerized voice alerting you to its presence in the heat of action.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Devileader on Steam



Review Update

I have had to come back and edit this review.

When I made my initial review, I was only about 1h into discovering and enjoying the game. As you can see from my play time now (currently 67 hours) I have completely fallen in love with this game. And I’ve gotten damned good at it to, but we’ll get to that soon enough.

Let’s rewind to the beginning.

I say with some sheepishness now, that I initially judged the “intensity” of the game’s aesthetics and marketing to be a bit of a gimmick. The swearing and outlandish presentation gave me a bit of an eye roll. I’ve played and beaten a great many crazy-hard games from the original Serious Sam on Serious difficulty on down the line. As a gamer that dearly loves a fair but punishing game, I have grown weary over the years of various games that would promise insane amounts of action and intensity, but generally deliver broken game design or tediously easy games.

Real player with 329.9 hrs in game

This is without a doubt, my favorite arena shooter I have ever played. If you have ever liked Total Carnage, Geometry Wars, Smash TV, or really any other top down omnidirectional shooter, you owe it to yourself to give this a try. It even has local coop, for those of you always searching for new couch multiplayer games.

Tormentor X Punisher is a score attack and leaderboard centric arena shooter focused on nonstop action, (you reload your machinegun by shooting your shotgun) where everything dies in one hit including all bosses, and yourself. It’s great for the “just one more round!” effect because matches will last at most 5 minutes, and it takes about 7 seconds to go from dead, to being in a new round.

Real player with 73.8 hrs in game

Tormentor❌Punisher on Steam

Wildcat Gun Machine

Wildcat Gun Machine

Wildcat Gun Machine is an explosion roller coaster ride! Enter a bullet hell dungeon crawler where you take on hordes of disgusting flesh beasts with a wide variety of guns, giant mech robots, and cute kittens.

Explore sprawling maze-like dungeons and liberate giant mech robots from demonic elder gods. Enemy encounters are challenging and specifically designed - not randomized - to provide difficult combat puzzles.

Gear Up - Mow Down - Get Killed - Retaliate! Over 40 gun types to choose from. Each has their own unique features like auto-aim bullets, long-range laser beams or exploding rounds with a huge blast radius.

Super abilities that disintegrate everything on the screen!

Character upgrades to suit the player’s gameplay style. Players wanting a more forgiving difficulty can increase the times they’re able to respawn, while speedrunners can upgrade their movement speed and improve their dash skill.


  • Bullet Hell shooter

  • Over 40 gun types

  • Epic set-piece boss battles

  • Skill upgrades to suit your playstyle

  • Unique 2D art style

  • Monster closet combat puzzles

  • Hand crafted, consistent experience

Wildcat Gun Machine on Steam

Bullet Runner

Bullet Runner

Fight your way through HORDES OF POWERFUL ENEMIES, who stop at nothing to shred you to pieces! Execute combat strategies with quick reflexes to take on the biggest of the baddies.

With a variety of enemies capable of unique game-changing abilities, you’ll have to observe and rethink your approach to show them who’s boss!

Use a wide variety of BIG FUCKING GUNS to take on the enemy your way! Customize your loadout with the guns you find throughout the levels to fine tune a playstyle of your liking.

From shotguns to plasma rifles, there’s a treat to be found for everyone.

Combine CRAZY MOVEMENT AND COMBAT MECHANICS to make your way through dangerous environments. Dodge, slide, swing and shoot your way to victory!

Master your toolkit and move around the arenas at high velocity, as standing still is not an option.

Bullet Runner on Steam

A Quiver of Crows

A Quiver of Crows


_Les mouches bourdonnaient sur ce ventre putride,

D’où sortaient de noirs bataillons

De larves, qui coulaient comme un épais liquide

Le long de ces vivants haillons.

Tout cela descendait, montait comme une vague,

Ou s’élançait en pétillant ;

On eût dit que le corps, enflé d’un souffle vague,

Vivait en se multipliant._

A Quiver of Crows game. You, as a flying being, ‘a crow’, shooting with some lasers into some relentless ever-respawning undeads of various sorts.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

This game needs some reviews, so I want to do a 2-hour first impression. The art in this game is astoundingly well developed. It wordlessly creates a lot of ambience as you fly your way through abandoned playgrounds and discarded remnants of civilization as a new dawn approaches a terrible day…

You play a freaking bird with laser weapons. If you’re still reading this, you want this game. It’s hard. Quite hard, but it can be enjoyed in bursts of 10 minutes or a whole rage inducing hour. The controls are extremely tight, and the weapons and enemies are all interesting. My favorite are the basic enemies, which I call the “Dental Association” as they chomp me to bits.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

A Quiver of Crows on Steam

Shadow Walls

Shadow Walls

A good indie game. It is not really a horror game but an action game. There is an atmosphere of suspense through sound, but the theme is action. The difficulty is well balanced, which is very rare in the indie scene. Today, I arrived in the last phase, I believe there was a short time to finish, but it is not easy. There is a good progression of the difficulty that increases gradually and peaks in the last phase, of course. My only criticism is the flashlight, which in fact is useless, just decoration. The developer has a style that can be recognized in other works and knows how to do a good level design, this is very good. And finally, the game has an originality, something also difficult to achieve today with so many titles. Congratulations.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Very nice game to play and with a lot of challenge. It is undoubtedly a great deal for the price. If you are looking for a fun and challenging experience, this game is for you.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Shadow Walls on Steam