Neon Chrome

Neon Chrome

The game says my total play time is 6h 22m. Steam must be counting all the time the application has been running to come up with the 14h I’m seeing.

EDIT: play time is now around triple the first review’s


  • Good amount of options in weapons and ability loadouts

  • Good balance overall - even if you get to a point where you’re a killing most enemies with 1 shot, there are elements to keep it from becoming a cakewalk

  • Story fits my playstyle – I don’t want to be bored to tears by a novel of backstory. I came to play a game, not read a book. This game has exactly the right amount of forced story, imo. And for me, it doesn’t hurt that it’s a sci-fi with Shadowrun-style elements.

Real player with 42.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Top-Down Shooter Games.

A winning mix of twin-stick shooting and roguelike that stands its ground against the best in both genres.

I was almost about to pass this one, after the first playthrough of a tutorial that left me a very “meh” sensation: bland graphics and sound, apparently nothing new in the gameplay department… Fortunately, I made a second attempt a couple of weeks later, or I would have missed a little gem.

First of all, forget about top-notch graphics and sound, because you will find very little there: Neon Chrome is all about the gameplay.

Real player with 36.8 hrs in game

Neon Chrome on Steam

Lithium City

Lithium City

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Lithium City is a wonderfully atmospheric isometric twin stick action game. You play as a female warrior working her way higher and higher up in the city towards a final battle.

The game utilises guns, melee and thrown weapons and at times you will need all three. All will need to be used and due to the scarcity of ammunition you will frequently have to change weapons on the fly. Shooting is tight and easy and the various guns have the weight you’d expect. Even when everything feels far too hectic you can usually get back on top with judicious weapon use and occasionally running away! The controls are simple shoot/stab/punch with one button and dash with another, that’s it. Though the dash can be a little imprecise at times.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Beat 'em up Games.

A lot of people are comparing this game to Hotline Miami, which is true in a way. You enter a room with a pre-set enemy placement, and try to kill everyone in there, learning and adapting to where they are and what weapons they drop and the best way to plan your assault through it.

That being said, there’s a few stark differences between the two. Hotline Miami is focused more on larger levels, entire floor plans and buildings you have to clear out, whereas Lithium City has smaller rooms. Lithium City is a bit shorter, and each level has more of a specific concept it goes with, whether it’s utilizing moving floors or defending a single room with waves of enemies running in. The biggest complaint I have in regards to gameplay would be that Lithium City is short, with only six chapters it shouldn’t take you more than five hours to beat. Which is fine, for the price, but I found myself wanting more stages that were fully open, which don’t really come in until near the end of the game. It’s also isometric, which works really well with this kind of gameplay.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Lithium City on Steam

Restart Zero

Restart Zero

In 2237, a high-tech laboratory (Cybertec) wanted to develop an all-cure remedy for the world’s diseases. Cybertec/lab uses a high-tech supercomputer with artificial intelligence to support this. Instead of developing a cure-all remedy, the supercomputer recognizes that the real disease are humans The supercomputer tries to take over humanity and protect it from itself with the help of a specially developed algorithm.

Can you stop the supercomputer?

Restart Zero is an action shooter in cyberpunk style. Experience a fast-paced adventure single or local coop multiplayer.


Fight against numerous opponents controlled by the supercomputer. Use different weapons, such as pistol, rifle and shotgun.

Fight against bosses with strong abilities. Use your dash ability in a controlled way to survive.


Your companion, the drone will help you with various abilities. Manually control it to hack unreachable terminals so that no door remains locked.

Solve riddles to continue your way further, but be careful that your drone is not destroyed.

Clear obstacles out of your way with the gravity beam.


Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Co-op Campaign Games.

Restart Zero on Steam



Please make me stop playing the speedrun mode.


Real player with 42.6 hrs in game

amazing game with one of the most unique and bad-ass main character designs I’ve ever seen. soundtrack slaps and if you like Hotline Miami style of game play this game is for you.

Highly recommend.

Real player with 27.8 hrs in game

RUINER on Steam

Ultra Bushwick

Ultra Bushwick

This game is awesome! No boring moments; to pay the rent you need to keep it moving! & The art style is really cool!

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

Wow. Really fun and visually stunning for a 5 dollar game. Killer pixel art, but with so much on screen its a little tough to find the enemy’s in the chaos. A simple outline of the enemy’s would help. Otherwise this game rocks, and is well worth the asking price. This was made by one guy? Hell I have played TS games that were made by a huge team of programmers and were not nearly as fun, one guy made this? Good job man.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Ultra Bushwick on Steam

Beat The Machine

Beat The Machine

the game has its flaws don’t get me wrong. but this game honestly can be super fun once its rounded around the edges of bugs and dialogue. I’ve recommended this game to some of friends and overall the response i feel and others tell is its frustratingly fun. which at the end of the day for what this game is, is something I couldn’t agree more about.

Real player with 71.3 hrs in game

Love the arcade style feel to it. Controls took a second to get used to on mouse and keyboard but it was cool to play a game with movement controls that I’ve never used before. Definitely recommend if you’re into arcade style game. Levels are way more challenging than they seem. Dev team did a great job so far!

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Beat The Machine on Steam

Hovership Havoc

Hovership Havoc

This is quite a simple game but it’s well made and quite worth the cost. It’s very good if you want to play something for half an hour without becoming too involved in anything complex. The physics simulation is quite good enough and it’s easy to begin playing within a minute or two.

Real player with 60.1 hrs in game

I’m hooked! This is a great twin stick shooter game with a nice challenge element. Tons of ship secondary weapons keep each play through fresh, and the permanent ship upgrades keep you trying to bulk up your favorite ship! This game reminds me a lot of classic arcade games of the type, almost makes me want to go out and buy an arcade pad to play it!

The music in the game is also fantastic.

All around I would definitely recommend this game!

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Hovership Havoc on Steam

Nex Machina

Nex Machina

Having never played a twin-stick shooter in my life, Nex Machina posed quite an enigma. But one thing was clear to me - shoot things before they shoot you. And so I did, and immediately fell in love with the flow of the game.

I need a hero!

There isn’t much to say about the story. It’s your typical humans invent AI, AI sees they are idiots and decides it’s time for spring cleaning on Earth, so a decked-out hero is sent to stop it.

But who cares about the story when you literally fight a robot version of Donkey Kong. It’s all about the gameplay my dude, as that’s what stole the show; The swift, extremely tight and responsive controls, fun and challenging boss battles, varied enemy design, and just the overall flow of the game. All of it is simply outstanding.

Real player with 38.3 hrs in game

I’m writing from just 15h of playing it, but I believe I can say what this game is about. It want to give us game “that used to be”. Coming from over 20y old studio Housemarque that made too many PlayStation arcade exclusive games and teaming up with one of the biggest names from days of the arcade, Eugene Jarvis who made in 80’s for Williams Electronics games like Defenders and Robotron 2084. And what this is is Robotron for 2017.


Controlling is basic twin stick shooter. Other then that there are just 2 more buttons - special weapon and dash which are quite self explanatory. Shooting is rapid and constant, so while aiming direction might seam most important stuff to worry about, your positioning and maneuver are what makes you win..

Real player with 27.4 hrs in game

Nex Machina on Steam

Legion of Scorn

Legion of Scorn

First, and quite possibly last, the game is pretty okay for one dollar, it doesn’t support HD resolution and the it only has the most basic of top down shooter game-play and a story that might as well not exist, but hey it’s only a buck and it works i guess, oh and the music is pretty alright too.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Legion of Scorn on Steam

Rogue Sentry

Rogue Sentry

Good, short and tough.

Plenty of secrets to find.

Real player with 29.4 hrs in game

Check out this awesome retro shooter. Apparently most people have been completing it in 2-3 hours but I’m 3 hours in and only 1/2-2/3 through the game. Gameplay is simple but a little unusual (in a good way). Really have a lot of fun with it!

The best way I can describe this is as a “top down metroidvania” with bullet hell elements. Exploring is as fun as clearing rooms. Retro graphics are simplistic but well done. Challenging and very fun.

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Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Rogue Sentry on Steam