Stalin vs. Martians 4
Stalin vs. Martians 4 is a massively soloplayer action game which tells a story of the conflict between Stalin and the Martians. It has a narrative-based story with a plot and rich dialogues of humorous nature, which beautifully highlight the story’s narrative-based narrative and plot.
Also Stalin vs. Martians 4 is a rather unexpected sequel to 2009’s infamous real-time strategy game. GameSpot named the original Stalin vs. Martians ‘perhaps the worst RTS game ever created’. That’s high praise. You don’t hear it every day.
Well yeah, the original Stalin vs. Martians featured some brilliant, but questionable ideas in the fields of game design, level design and some other designs as well. So we sent most of the original developers to Gulag, we’re making a proper and, which is important, playable game. It is powered by Unreal Engine. And you’re gonna like.
Could you please be a little more serious?
OK, Stalin vs. Martians 4 is an isometric action/shooter game. Which is frankly quite obvious from the screenshots and gameplay videos provided. But it must be understood, that SvM4 is not entirely about the core gameplay. It is more about the overall user experience. In a way, it can be compared to Catherine. Which is essentially a puzzle game, but in fact it is so much more than that.
Even more serious
SvM4 is built around the core gameplay of an isometric shooter, but it is conceived as a pythonesque over-the-top project, that puts a very unlikely protagonist against a very unlikely backdrop. All the time, mission after mission. It’s a sketch comedy about an evil idiotic buffoon. You have Stalin in Candyland, then he emerges in the Lovecraftian setting and fights Cthulhu, then he goes to Mars, then he travels to Ancient Greece, etc. Occasionally the game spoofs other games and introduces absurd mini-games. Sometimes it changes the genre, but within reason. And then you have crazy video intermissions (think of Red Alert or, you know, the original Stalin vs. Martians).
As mentioned above, the game is very narrative-based. Kinda like Firewatch, but, you know, better. It is also very cinematic. So we intend to provide a stable, very cinematic rate of 24 frames per second… Oh, wait. Okay, maybe more if the audience expects a certain digital fidelity in this field.
• A follow-up to one of the craziest games in history
• Campy humor, insane concept and ridiculous storyline
• A “sketch comedy” approach with a variety of settings and mini-games
• Fast-paced isometric combat
• Physics-based destruction system (“Katamari Damacy in reverse”)
• At least 12 levels, separated by absolutely insane video intermissions
• Narrative-based missions (“Firewatch on drugs”)
• Some of the levels include mini-games, some are just switching
the genre, because why not?
• Character upgrades, crazy weapons and special abilities
• Ranks system which defines the progress through the game
• Survival mode
• The bestest soundtrack ever
• Actual gameplay
The game may also feature nudity if we’ll be able to find someone nude. (Which is unlikely).
Bacon Rebellion
Its worth its price of $4 but it doesn’t try to be worth anything more than that. No extra gamemodes, no multiplayer, no customization options to change gameplay, and no support for modding. This game was supposedly put on the backburner for 7 years and it was just dropped onto Steam with no marketing. Its likely that the developer just wanted this out of development limbo. Adding the fact that there’s only been two small updates in the past few months, its clear that there’s no more plans to add anything to this game any further.
– Real player with 16.3 hrs in game
Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Score Attack Games.
Straight up just a fantastic and fun arcade twin stick shooter. If you like twin stick shooters go for it, if you don’t why even think about it.
– Real player with 3.4 hrs in game
HELLDIVERS™ Dive Harder Edition
It’s as simple as the trailers. Virtually the better “Magicka” concept in execution. There was a lot of talk about… I really tried to make it short.
Now, if you’ve never played Magicka…
HELLDIVERS is a top down shooty bangbang game with emphasis on multiplayer cooperation, like Alien Swarm. But unlike Alien Swarm, it has much more depth and variation completely dependent on player preference, kinda like Magicka. What? My comparisons are awful? Fiiine.
In HELLDIVERS, you are a soldier fighting a grand war against three oppositions. In every mission, you and up to three others will be dropped in the middle of enemy territory. You are to complete as many objectives as you can or die trying. Upon completion and/or failure of every objectives, evacuation will be made available. After every three regular missions, you will have completed a planet, receive a greater reward, and also contributing to the overall war effort. zzz…
– Real player with 582.8 hrs in game
I don’t know if Arrowhead are geniuses or they got lucky with this one, I haven’t played their other games… but Helldivers is, in my opinion, a masterpiece.
It’s a game about situational awareness, quick thinking, and self control. It can be brutally unforgiving, but also allow you to pull a win out of the messiest of situations, which can be very satisfying. It’s fun when you’ve got a very tight squad flawlessly executing missions, and it’s fun when the shit hits the fan and everything starts going wrong. With full friendly fire, and tremendously powerful tools at their disposal, Helldivers can be their own worst enemies.
– Real player with 484.1 hrs in game
Glorious Tournius
A really fun party game with friends. Lots of screaming and laughing. You can really see the passion put into this game. Plus the zombies are really hard!
– Real player with 2.3 hrs in game
Similar to Gang Beasts but with weapons. It’s a blast to play in its current state, definitely added to the game night roster with it’s local co-op play. Tons of hilarious moments have been had already. Can’t wait to play more and for more content!
– Real player with 1.6 hrs in game
Resistance is Fruitile
Anyone who doesn’t like this game must be in a vegetative state
I was plum out of fresh shooter games so I decided to pick this one up on the market. I had tried to get earlier access to the full game but the studio was pretty dilligent about preventing leeks.
After finally getting to play, all I can say is that anyone who doesn’t like this game must be in a vegetative state.
Everything is well-balanced and well put-together in one complete package, from the gameplay, to the storyline, to the art and music. I also found RiF to be refreshingly difficult. Handle the controls gingerly - this game is no cakewalk.
– Real player with 13.1 hrs in game
I bought this game because it just seemed to silly and ridiculous. Played co-op and it was a lot of fun. Definitely recommend it to others. Much more fun with a second player though!
– Real player with 9.2 hrs in game
‘Pop’s’ is a fun little arcade stall style shooter in which you have to shoot various toys with a colour corresponding ball. Set in a funfair style setting the graphics are bright and colourful keeping with the fun theme. The good news is the gameplay is also fun and very simple to get into (despite the long, drawn-out tutorial). Provided you are going to play this at a VR party with friends or you just enjoy chasing your own score you will get your money’s worth there, but in truth, there really isn’t a lot of content. Sure, its not original and you don’t get a lot for your money, but its a bit of fun for a small price and that is good enough for me.
– Real player with 0.2 hrs in game
Pressure Overdrive
Love the Game!
Replay of levels (I enjoy the replayabilty and improving my gold haul)
Various combinations to upgrade your buggy & 3-levels per upgrade.
Smooth game-play
Achivements are not impossible (nor luck based).
- Honorable mention: double Damage
In Keyboard/mouse-mode the keyboard controls are very responsive. You need to get used to maneuvering the buggy.
Cursor: Can’t change the cursor color or shape
Power-up: The drops type (rapid fire, double damage, unstopable, Love Bug, etc) seem to be random (but maybe I don’t know how to get the drop to be what I want)
– Real player with 24.5 hrs in game
Note: This review is sort of a comparison to first Pressure game.
I expected this to be a continuation of the story, however this seems to be a remake (so far, all the cut-scenes are the same)
Game is significally more complex. Different upgrades to different things. Before you could simply upgrade the Buggy, max weapons and rampage through levels. This game makes sure you undertand what you need in which levels, as different slots do different things and the gameplay can vary a lot depending how you upgrade your buggy.
– Real player with 5.8 hrs in game
Bubblegum Zombie Hunter
Welcome to Gloomhaven, home to**Kaylee Bu33le**, the towns most iconic streamer.
Gloomhaven has been attacked by a zombie outbreak and the shambling hordes have knocked out the internet!!!! Enraged that she can’t hit her daily donations goal, Kaylee heads out, armed with her Gumball Gun and vows to take on the zombie hordes save her friends and the internet!
Shakedown: Hawaii
Shakedown: Hawaii is the follow-up to Retro City Rampage.
Retro City Rampage (aka RCR) in my mind, was a sleeper hit of an indie. So how did VBlank manage to follow it up?
The gameplay in Shakedown: Hawaii is nearly identical to that of RCR, and so nearly instantly I felt quite comfortable with the controls. Mechanically the game seems rock-solid, which isn’t always something games of this nature get right, so it’s worthy of praise.
Shakedown: Hawaii sort of tones down the parodic elements that Retro City Rampage was known for by a lot, and while that might sound like a good thing since a common critique of RCR was how it was far too “in-your-face” about parodying pop culture of the 80s and 90s, I’m not so sure the comedy Shakedown: Hawaii goes for really “hits” all that often. Most of the jokes seem to elicit rolling eyes, rather than laughs.
– Real player with 37.4 hrs in game
A kiddie version of GTA2 with some business management.
Nice, easy, colorfull, pleasantly funny, sympathic.
Probably its very easy to identify with the maincharacter since he still lives in the 90s and is confronted with the modern business life. So its a great game for guys who played GTA 1 or 2 when it came out.
Further its not that hard like GTA was. You can’t die, you can restart every mission, you can get health on every corner, cops are kinda brainless, no long searching for special cars to sell, no blood (I am missing that!)… so Millenials will also have their fun from a different view without any big skills, effort or heart attacks.
– Real player with 33.5 hrs in game
State of Anarchy: Master of Mayhem
Dodger game relying on yours reflexes.
Grind fest basically
to rake up enough points to level up for skill points,
running around dodging bullets, flying objects, and picking up cash for upgrades.
Fun at first, gets alittle dull through half the progress after level 20.
Could really use some menu for button configurations for the keyboard,
toggle Sound On - Music Off.
Fortunately the game saves your level and stages progress even when you dies.
– Real player with 80.9 hrs in game
State of Anarchy: Master of Mayhem is an enjoyable top-down shooter. It has 48 stages to fight your way through to earn primary and secondary weapons, and money and skill points for upgrades.
I obtained all the achievements for the game in about 12 hours, taking on the waves of enemies with various weaponry and vehicles. I become supremely powerful in stage 46 by taking advantage of the three close enemy barracks, and then finally completed the game and saved the world!
– Real player with 12.6 hrs in game