I, W.O.M.A.N.

I, W.O.M.A.N.

I, W.O.M.A.N. is a Twin-Stick Arena Shooter with a Sci-Fi theme and story. With a quick-to-start design, you can start blasting robots within seconds of loading the game. Use a variety of futuristic weapons and power-ups to fight rampaging robots using your keyboard or game controller.

Start by customizing your Weaponized Operational Military Android Network (W.O.M.A.N.) character. Your task is ensuring the safety of the humans kept aboard the spacecraft in suspended animation. Unfortunately, a computer virus of unknown origin, for now known as The Malware, is taking over the ship’s service bots. As a W.O.M.A.N., you are independent of this ship’s internal network, and you operate autonomously, which allows you to fight off this intruding threat. Your only hope of saving the humans in stasis is to repel the rogue robots from that section of the ship, then work your way to the Bridge to reboot the Central Computer, which will theoretically purge The Malware.

Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Robots Games.

I, W.O.M.A.N. on Steam

Retrograde Arena

Retrograde Arena

I like this game. Reason: BULLETS!


-It’s a Free-to-Play!

-It has DLC so you never stop playing! I haven’t bought them, so I can’t really confirm.

-The UI is…90’s?


-Most of the time, users online is AI instead of actual users.

-The max player level is 20, and it appears that I’m the only player that has this level.


-Game Mode: Survival. Free-for-All. Just like Last Man Standing; Instead of 5 wins, there’s lives instead(hosts can pick a certain amount from 1-20); It could use every map.

Real player with 46.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Bullet Hell Games.

Put a few hours in guys before writing a review… I see a few negatives where they haven’t got the idea at all :D

Recoil is your friend not your enemy! - It is faster to move from your recoil than the actual movement controls (controls just add some fine tuning)

The gameplay is pretty much perfect, weapons are balanced and extremely varied. Imploder is a bit OP but it’s slow and can be dodged/deflected.

For the future I would like to see some team modes added, specifically CTF on a bigger map. The weapons would rly suit that mode, i.e sniper to camp your own flag, shotgun/mg to rush theirs. Boosting teammates with your own bullets etc! Maybe with one of the superweapons spawning in the middle of map.

Real player with 27.5 hrs in game

Retrograde Arena on Steam

Shakedown: Hawaii

Shakedown: Hawaii

Shakedown: Hawaii is the follow-up to Retro City Rampage.

Retro City Rampage (aka RCR) in my mind, was a sleeper hit of an indie. So how did VBlank manage to follow it up?

The gameplay in Shakedown: Hawaii is nearly identical to that of RCR, and so nearly instantly I felt quite comfortable with the controls. Mechanically the game seems rock-solid, which isn’t always something games of this nature get right, so it’s worthy of praise.

Shakedown: Hawaii sort of tones down the parodic elements that Retro City Rampage was known for by a lot, and while that might sound like a good thing since a common critique of RCR was how it was far too “in-your-face” about parodying pop culture of the 80s and 90s, I’m not so sure the comedy Shakedown: Hawaii goes for really “hits” all that often. Most of the jokes seem to elicit rolling eyes, rather than laughs.

Real player with 37.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Open World Games.

A kiddie version of GTA2 with some business management.

Nice, easy, colorfull, pleasantly funny, sympathic.

Probably its very easy to identify with the maincharacter since he still lives in the 90s and is confronted with the modern business life. So its a great game for guys who played GTA 1 or 2 when it came out.

Further its not that hard like GTA was. You can’t die, you can restart every mission, you can get health on every corner, cops are kinda brainless, no long searching for special cars to sell, no blood (I am missing that!)… so Millenials will also have their fun from a different view without any big skills, effort or heart attacks.

Real player with 33.5 hrs in game

Shakedown: Hawaii on Steam

Tiny Troopers: Global Ops

Tiny Troopers: Global Ops

Attention! Tiny Troopers: Global Ops is a fast-paced arcade twin-stick shooter in which you lead an elite squad of Tiny Troopers on action-packed missions to take down hordes of unscrupulous enemies from all corners of the world!

Yes, the Troopers are ready! Battle-hardened, razer-focused, and raring to take on daring new missions! So, suit-up and lead your squad into explosive battles with epic campaigns against legions of heavily armed adversaries, you’re the best of the best, and it’s time to prove it in Tiny Troopers’ biggest ever ops!

Tiny Troopers: Global Ops on Steam



A twin stick shooter at its finest, definitely worth the buy!

Found out about the game through a subreddit and just working on some of the achievements now. Played through the whole game with keyboard + mouse, so don’t be worried if you don’t have a controller at hand, or don’t like the feel of one. Simple mechanics evolved into complex gameplay, and all in all a really unique experience.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

A great twin stick shooter with an upgrade system that always keeps the game interesting and keeps your play style changing to suit each level and situation. I highly recommend for everyone to give this game a try. For the price you get a great bargain on an amazing game.

Real player with 18.5 hrs in game


Blazing Beaks

Blazing Beaks

No. 2 Review O' Mine: So, after my many hours of play and a session the day I wrote this, I have the feeling that I’ve “completed” this game, or I have a dear familiarity, enough to give shy advice or if I were to dare, a recommendation. I’m not sure I am really writing a review here, but more of my thoughts in a somewhat organized fashion. Somewhat.

I’ve played this game for many, many hours, 162 to be exact, and only today that I write this do I think I’m a bit winded of the game-play. Blazing Beaks does not hook in the player in with a cavalcade of unknown trinkets or a long list of fascinating levels, it does two things really, really well. Firstly, this game is brutally hard. I see this now only in retrospect, I still have no idea how to loop even with my amassed playtime. Yes, Blazing Beaks is difficult, but brilliantly so: each death or restart I knew was my own fault. Distinguishing between tedium and learning is key here. There are very rare instances where RNG is involved, and if so it never determines whether a run successful or not. Say for instance you stumble upon a shotgun in the beginning of run. Firstly, for this to happen, you’d either have to get to a secret room by getting hit and finding a hidden door or using a key to unlock one. It is a brilliant decision on the developers part to make hidden doors proc from an instance of damage. This helps the player if they are struggling, and later on if you are smart enough, you can purposefully get hit to see if there is a door; that is a pretty big risk. Their hidden door system is duplicitous, in that it caters to beginners by helping them out when they get hurt, and advanced players can take a risk to unveil a room. This is an example of what for me is remarkable about Blazing Beaks in particular, that the game-play, among other things, is incredibly well crafted. The list of artifacts and items isn’t long and soon enough you will remember each artifact and what it does, even without looking closely. There is about six levels with not too many enemies. Yet I was implored by the thought-line of, “Oh, that’s what I did wrong, I’ll do my best to not do that again in the next one.”. The challenge is thrilling, really, and even though in little steps, there is a sense of accomplishment that comes in seeing how much farther you can get with the knowledge you’ve accrued. It is a wonderful balance for a rogue-lite (I’ve no idea if I’m using that term properly") to strike, and Blazing Beaks hits the mark precisely. I think the best thing for someone who’s considering to buy this is to purchase the game and immediately play however many runs you can fit within an hour. If you find yourself implored by the little that you’ve played, I think that this game is for you. From the beginning the game only gets better, really. And if you aren’t entertained in the hour that you play, I think it is safe to return it at that point. There isn’t some point of interest that is worth playing through, the game’s initial showing of how it plays is the way it essentially stays, though becoming increasingly intricate and complex as you go along. Blazing Beaks' foundation is phenomenal, and from there the developers run with it, bringing in things as they see fit. A large part of the game is the exchange of artifacts to items, the risk versus rewards. This is done nicely as well: the negative effects of the artifacts only last for a level before you “cash” them in, meaning that you can take huge risks that you think you can just squeeze by from. The toss up here becomes quickly becomes skillful: the timing, the effect, the benefit, and if they are necessary are all factors that come to be considered when picking up that artifact.

Real player with 168.6 hrs in game

More interesting reviews on Fenol Baron Approves Curator Page

So what is «Blazing Beaks» and why should you break away from «Enter the Gungeon» or Isaac and give a chance to this new Rogue-like project? First of all, it is worth talking about the unique concept and the setting that create an indescribable face of the game, and when you consider that the game was developed by a team of just a few people, this deserves respect. The fauna is chosen as a place of action, therefore, the main characters here are appropriate - angry and very militant birds. The platypus, gull, chicken, penguin and many other feathered heroes have their own skills, which imply their passing styles, I like the penguin most of all, he is quite balanced and I like his abilities. The game with a very touching seriousness relates to the observance of the ticking theme, in all locations we are met by enemies and bosses who are suitable for this particular area: in the swamps we will encounter frogs, turnips, marsh cocoons and the boss - the giant Hypno-Toad; in the sands we will be confronted by ant lions and so on. Each locality is truly a different gaming experience that you need to acquire and use.

Real player with 51.3 hrs in game

Blazing Beaks on Steam

Full Mojo Rampage

Full Mojo Rampage

Review edited for release… still nothing but good things to say about it!

There is tons more I could say about this game and how much I enjoy it than what is in this review, so free to message me on Steam if you have any questions. I highly recommend this game if you’re looking for something new in your action roguelite/dungeon-crawling experiences… it was the most polished Early Access Alpha I had ever played, and is even better now that it is released.


Very nice and consistently styled, even in the character screen. The choice in what a friend of mine put as “playful yet macabre” is spot-on, and a very nice change of pace from others (not that those are bad, but FMR is a unique breath of fresh air).

Real player with 139.2 hrs in game

If you didn’t think there was enough “Gauntlet” in “Gauntlet”, you should probably invest in this. I will mention Gauntlet rather a lot in this “review”, btw.

The first point, and it’s a reasonably large one, that this game scores over Gauntlet is that it has genuinely random (thus replayable ad inifinitum*) levels and a fairly expansive character customization section make this a far more worthwhile purchase. Gauntlet promised randomised, limitless levels and failed to deliver, preferring instead to rotate a level through 180degrees or make you do them “the opposite way round” (from start to finish in a ‘death’ level, for example). It’s obvious, woeful and does nothing to hide the fact that you’re always playing from a small group of levels that can easily be remembered, no matter what way round they are.

Real player with 32.9 hrs in game

Full Mojo Rampage on Steam

Demons Ate My Neighbors!

Demons Ate My Neighbors!

1991 — it seems like any other sweltering July in the sleepy suburbs of Fairweather Valley…until a cursed VHS unleashes untold horrors upon the neighborhood, turns the residents evil, and generally makes April & Joey’s summer a total bummer. Our heroes must exorcise their neighbors from hell, fight their way back to the haunted High School and rewind their summer to save the world!

Evoking moody ‘80s / ‘90s teen-horror with Saturday morning cartoons and a manic, humorous tone, Demons Ate My Neighbors! honors ‘90s co-op classics as only an unofficial SPIRITual sequel could.


  • Two heads are better than dead - Team up in local co-op, then pump, refill, and spill ‘em all with Splasha squirt guns, loaded with an infinite supply of holy water. Don’t worry about death - with infinite timelines, another April & Joey are ready to DAMN! or DELIVER all over again.

  • Customizable and Upgradeable Splashas - Pump past the limit with Overpump and unleash holy hydro hell. Swap & pop Nozzles to drench demons with different shots, effects, and Overblasts - then upgrade the Splasha’s stats with Nitro Splashtanks found throughout the ‘burbs of Fairweather.

  • Interactive, Procedural Environments - Knock over mailboxes, trashcans, and more to find household weapons that exploit monster weaknesses. Freeze Zombos, zap Zaplings and vaporize Vampunks with Garlic Pizza.

  • Collect VHS tokens from Boss Demons- Unlock new permanent meta upgrades in The Hideout

  • **Getting lost finding possessed citizens in procedurally-generated levels? **Not with the radical Radar Radio called the RadWatch. Level it up by slaying monsters to boost its range and ability to find survivors.


  • Citizens can Tune-Out! - and transform to climactic combat challenges where one of three choices must be made: DAMN, DELIVER, or DIE. Be kind and rewind by draining their recharging stamina with a Holy Hi-Fi arsenal to DELIVER them from evil, or blast through with Lethal Lo-Fi weaponry to let them stay DAMNED.

  • Yo! 16-bit characters feel right at home in this ever-changing top-down 3D world of nightmare nostalgia featuring a funky, thrilling dynamic soundtrack by Sonic Mania veteran Tee Lopes, Varien, Nice Legs, and Papoose!

Demons Ate My Neighbors! on Steam

Metal Mind

Metal Mind

Metal Mind is a top-down shooting game that combines Mecha transformations and Roguelite, inspired by Metal Max and other Roguelites. You are presented with various American Mechas and thrilling weapons in pixel art. Have fun with transforming your Mechas with hundreds of parts and too many Builds to count!❤


Feedback mailbox:support_en@giant-studio.com

The Fate of the Anthropomorphized AI

AWC, an organization composed of politicians, scientists, engineers, and secret agents, believes that robots should not have sentience and has begun arresting robots around the world to deprive them of their higher functions and enslaving them.

Seeking Free Will (Robot)

As a robot that has awoken, the character will encounter arms dealers, scientists, fellow robots, Chappie, RoboCop, and Pilot on its journey against oppression.Feel and experience what is freedom to a being made of metal and wires.

All Ablaze

Cannon on the shoulder? Defensive armor protecting the body? Equip an astonishing 130mm naval artillery? Everything goes!

Transformation Checklist

  • Heat—————————————✔

  • Weapon Spinning SPD————✔

  • Cooldown——————————✔

  • Power————————————✔

  • Ability————————————✔

  • Automata——————————✔

  • Armor Piece—————————✔

  • Projectile ——————————✔

  • Load ————————————✔

Remember: Not all transformations provide benefits

Robot Assembly Guide

Build a war machine by assembling four parts and transforming hundreds of times. All assembled parts and applied transformation have their own weight.

Body: Determines survivability. Some come with combat abilities.

Core: Determines Power Cap and Power Restoration Speed.

Actuator: Provides Basic Movement Speed and Max Load. Some come with displacement abilities.

Weapons: Different weapons spin at different speeds and produce different degrees of Heat.

Metal Mind on Steam



play it on stream, and love it. get some viewers interersted in it as well. awesome game my dude

Real player with 30.1 hrs in game

I think the game is good and better than I thought.

The game is early in development, but the developer makes a new update every or almost every week.

The game is already fun, kind of weird the way upgrades work, but you get use to it.

The game is similar to Nova Drift, but with a leveling and upgrading somewhat similar but different, a Twin-Stick Shooter movement and shooting mechanic, a Side-Scrolling Shooter way to make enemies appear, the white and black shooting and absorbing mechanics of Ikaruga, and bugs instead of spaceships.

Real player with 26.5 hrs in game

Dualism on Steam