Demon’s Crystals
Have struggled with the game. The graphics are nice enough and there are plenty of maps but its way harder than it needs to be. Can’t get past the second boss so will never see half of the games content.
Beyond that the game suffers from lack of content. All you can do is run around like a toddler blazing away at fleeting targets. Its somewhere between exciting and annoying. The least attractive feature four characters than can all be levelled but don’t seem to be especially different.
There are worse games out there, and can see how some people really like this but I wouldn’t recommend it.
– Real player with 15.1 hrs in game
Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Demons Games.
Demon’s Crystals is a twin stick shooter. It has demon’s and well, crystals which you must collect in order to save the world. It’s a very simple yet fun top down shooter.
Even though the game has a top down view, the game looks gorgeous in my opinion. Colors and the art-style really stands out. There’s something about this type of graphics which really appeals to the eyes. I had no problems with performance in this game and I was constantly getting over a 100 FPS throughout the whole time I played the game.
– Real player with 9.3 hrs in game
Marmoreal is a Bullet Hell Action RPG with magical girls, swords and fully automatic crossbows.
Join the Mages of the Arcanum and the Warriors of Melkirion in their battles against the armies of the undead in their quest to stop the evil Necromancer from becoming an immortal Lich!
Two full-length story-driven campaigns. Play as the Mages of the Arcanum and the Warriors of Melkirion as they wage separate battles against a common enemy.
Six playable characters. Play as a varied cast consisting of mages, knights, soldiers and living suits of armor, each with their own unique abilities and weapons.
Lots of bullets and enemies. Your enemies aren’t pulling any punches, and will try to overwhelm you with hordes of footsoldiers and swarms of bullets.
Varied enemy factions. Fight against the undead armies of the Necromancer, the spirits of the forest, the remnants of an ancient empire and various other factions vying for power in these undead lands.
Procedurally generated loot. Enemies drop rare and unique equipment, all with their own procedurally generated stats and attributes.
Trait-driven progression system. As you gain levels, you unlock various traits that improve your characters, ranging from simple health and damage boosts to character-specific unique traits.
Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Bullet Hell Games.
Bubblegum Zombie Hunter
Welcome to Gloomhaven, home to**Kaylee Bu33le**, the towns most iconic streamer.
Gloomhaven has been attacked by a zombie outbreak and the shambling hordes have knocked out the internet!!!! Enraged that she can’t hit her daily donations goal, Kaylee heads out, armed with her Gumball Gun and vows to take on the zombie hordes save her friends and the internet!
Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Horror Games.
Godstrike is a twinstick bullet hell bosh rush roguelite arena shooter by OverPowered Team. It was previously released on Steam as Profane but taken down. It has been updated and released under its new name. I was already following the game as Profane and keeping an eye on it. When there was a demo contest I jumped on the opportunity to win a free game key.
It can be played with a dual stick controller but personally I think it’s best played with the mouse either in combination with an one handed controller or with the keyboard. Using the mouse lets you simply put the reticle on your target allowing you to concentrate on dodging bullets. I prefer playing with a PS3 move navigation controller (in combination with a mouse), you could achieve the same with a Switch Joy Con or an analog joystick. Certain mouse drivers let you remap your buttons which is very useful for Godstrike. I’ve set up a mouse profile so I can map active abilities to the mouse buttons. You can use m to make the reticle show permanently. Alternatively you can use a draw tablet instead of the mouse. /m
– Real player with 26.7 hrs in game
I streamed this game on twitch the moment it became available. From the start, I was having a ton of fun! The life/time mechanic is awesome and leads to some extremely intense victories! The bosses each have their own mechanics and patterns, and they all felt different from fight to fight. The first four bosses were defeated with 0:00 on the clock which means you can’t be hit again or you’ll die, so this definitely led to some heart pounding moments! There are different abilities you can use to overcome the boss, but these abilities come with a cost, time. If you choose a dash ability, that subtracts 15 seconds from your overall start time to defeat the boss. There are passive abilities which do not effect time, and these abilities can help with attack speed, movement speed, damage negation, or even help with picking up shards to power your abilities. During my stream, two members of the development team stopped by, gifted subscriptions to my channel, and were overall extremely friendly. I have truly enjoyed this game and for somewhere between $10-15, I think its a great deal for a great game. Cheers all!
– Real player with 11.2 hrs in game
Fall For You
If you’re reading this, then you probably just died and got thrown out of Heaven. Sorry about that. Good news, though; you get to be on a gameshow!
Conquer Hell With Love and Snuggles!
Fall For You is a rhythm-based roguelike. Move and attack with the beat to power up, win the hearts of every damned soul you meet, traverse perilous obstacle courses, win fabulous prizes that change the way you play, and cuddle with a scary demon mom to keep yourself going!
Dance Party!
Move it when the kick drum kicks, and attack when the snare drum snares to become faster and more powerful!
Friends in Unexpected Places!
Shoot fellow damned souls with Cuddle Bullets to earn their admiration! Earn Khaos Roses from your adoring fans that cheer you on below.
The World Changes Around You!
Stay above the UnderFog, as the world’s grid rises and falls around you! Take on procedurally generated platforming challenges to stay in the game and win prizes!
Fabulous Prizes!
Save up your Khaos Rozes, and win prizes that change the way you play!
A Place to Rest Your Head
Cuddle with a scary demon mom to keep your health bar up! Survive the crazed whims of a self-proclaimed Goddesz of Chaos! Be nice to the twins!
Shmup with twin-stick controls. Use the right stick to fire a reflect beam that is ever so satisfying; it bounces multiple times off of walls to allow you to create a zig-zag beam of terror. You’d think you can mow through enemies with ease with the laser, but enemies take multiple hits before dying so there’s a bit of challenge.
The game is fast-paced, levels are short and so are the boss battles. There is a good amount of creativity in level design; the developer chose to create a short game with creative levels instead of a longer game with repetitive, drawn-out levels. There are no power-ups but you can transform your mech into a jet with a stronger straight-firing horizontal beam. You also have a CPU sidekick that shoots almost at the same rate as you. With your meter full, you can join forces with the CPU to unleash a super-powerful beam.
– Real player with 0.4 hrs in game
Stardust Galaxy Warriors: Stellar Climax
I’ve had half of an eye on Stardust Galaxy Warriors since it hit Steam Greenlight. I bought it, and my impression of it then was that it was an alright introduction to shmups. I’d hoped to get some of my friends into shmups by playing this with them, but due to my IRL friends being non-gamers, this didn’t pan out. I’ve attempted to get myself through some of the achievements every now and then, so I’ve put an hour into this game “here and there,” and then I put the game down again because I wanted to play something else - I must admit that this game was not made for someone like me. Yet somehow, I keep finding myself playing this game alone, and every time I pick it up I am not disappointed. This game has, so far, been the highlight of my quest through my backlog.
– Real player with 36.5 hrs in game
To start off, I highly recommend anyone that enjoys side scrolling shooters to purchase this game, it is a must have. Feel free to keep reading if you want to know my reason.
I’m not a hardcore fan of shoot-em-ups, I didn’t even know what the word “shump” meant until today, but what I do know is that this game is really fun.
The game is very easy to pick up and play, the controls and mechanics are simple and none of that convoluted stuff, which I feel is a great thing. I don’t want to spend an hour learning about wierd game mechanics when all I want to do is just destroy enemies.
– Real player with 21.4 hrs in game
永远消失的幻想乡 ~ The Disappearing of Gensokyo
If you are looking for a good game, read more below and after that ask yourself if you still want to buy it.
TL;DR: Unpolished, badly translated game with very shallow depth on the story and baffling gameplay design decisions that make the game unfun.
The game features itself as a “ARPG” with bullet hell aspect which is prevalent on touhou themed games. There are a lot of flaws in this game, but the biggest problem in this game is it becomes unfair at the later stage. Touhou bullet hell games always has been hard but fair to me, if you die then it’s your fault. Unfortunately Halfway through the game, the game starts to throw more bullshit, at least give dodging I-frames(invulnerability) to at least to counter it (oh yeah, DLC characters might have I-frames with them LUL). It also changes the camera angle on boss fight to make the fight “harder” since it warps your perspective that you think you’re going to dodge a projectile.
– Real player with 49.6 hrs in game
Fun touhou fan game although the whole “fan based” style story is cringy at times. Dungeons and bosses can be cheesed with certain character even on Lunatic -coughnotReisenandMarisacough-
-Decent cast of playable heroes that can be unlocked via Story/unlock requirments
-It is translated into english just change language in the options off main menu
-mix of bullet hell and meleeish
-boss fights are very fun and requires pattern memorization and HP management (certain bosses can mix their next stage attack with a current attack causing mayhem to the players tempo)
– Real player with 30.3 hrs in game
For an Early Access Game this is pretty wholesome. What i would love to see in the future is :
-More maps/biomes ( the more the merrier, personally i think it would be wise to in the future even implement some kind of endless mode when the game/story/map is fully developed )
-New apostles ( that i see are awaiting to be introduced )
-1 more item slot 1 less bow slot for inventory
-Balances to weapons and especially the upgrade system:
If your run actually reaches Underground B2F you are 100% left with a lot of extra armor and upgrade credit you have nothing to do with, this can be fixed by allowing further upgrades of lower rarity weapons that also increases their rarity and also upgrades of higher rarity weapons
– Real player with 115.9 hrs in game
A very enjoyable experience so far. I have managed to reach Stage 3, and have really been enjoying the aggressive feel of the Apostle of Night. As a roguelike and bullet hell it has been scratching both itches. Once you get familiar to enemy patterns things start progressing much faster. Only thing I would like to see is a method to increase the effectiveness of the base bow (If there isn’t a way later). Maybe adding a passive to each Apostle to alter the base bow that needs both Stones and Fragments to upgrade.
– Real player with 9.4 hrs in game
Riddled Corpses
There comes a point where Originality becomes nigh-impossible, so instead, unless you are a whacky genius, your best bet would be to take a already established trope, and injecting into it some variants rarely seen to create a unique concept, along with cramming your game with love and entertaining design, that’s where Riddled Corpses comes in.
What was the name of the overused cliches undead people again? Yeah, those.
At this point, I swear im totally fed up with them, is no different here, things go badly and suddenly we have a plot device that’s just as generic as possible, however, while the story is no longer than 3 lines, everything else makes up for it.
– Real player with 22.0 hrs in game
Riddled Corpses has decent graphics, a fine soundtrack, solid playability, BUT….
Why is it a frustratingly bland grindathon?
First off, I love the grind. Rarely do I ever need an excuse to play a game over and over just for shinier loot, some unlocks, or acquiring dollarz for the game art-galleries I’ll never peruse. Arcade ports at or around full-price are a hard sell, so it never hurts to have extra modes or something to shoot for besides a hi-score. The nicest aspect of these extras is that they create another incentive for gamers to replay the game. The more they play it, the better they get. For example: By the time I filled out the art gallery in Dynamite Cop on the Dreamcast, I could beat the game without dying.
– Real player with 10.8 hrs in game