Dungeon Brawlers
well it’s not bad
– Real player with 2.5 hrs in game
Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Beat 'em up Games.
10/10 one of the best indie games i’ve ever played. Great character design, fun brawling, lackluster menu, sates my unyielding desire for vengeance, colorful graphics, and overall a great time. Some of the weapons are pretty op tho
– Real player with 0.3 hrs in game
The Last From Mars
‘The Last From Mars’ is a pretty traditional alien shooter. You get wave after wave of cute looking aliens all wanting to eat you alive, or maybe implant their eggs into your stomach. There is only one play area here and a handful of guns with a few powerups thrown in for good measure. It looks OK I guess and feels OK to play, but none of it is original and there is nothing ‘stand-out’ here. I would have liked to have seen it a little chapter than £5.79 (the current asking price) as there isn’t a lot of content here, but even so, I feel you will probably get your money’s worth if you take the time to get into the game. Personally, I found it all too…“meh” to bother with, but I do still recommend it (I just wish I could be neutral about it).
– Real player with 0.2 hrs in game
Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Hero Shooter Games.
Too Many Weapons
Edit: After playing quite a bit more, i havent found a single friend that didnt love this no matter the gender. Definetely recommended for some simple stupid fun rounds
Pretty fun. Friends liked it even though we didnt have time to play alot. Will definetely play again soon though
– Real player with 5.7 hrs in game
Read More: Best Twin Stick Shooter Controller Games.
Quite a fun little game. The AI is ok if you’re playing by yourself and the levels are interesting.
In my opinion the best level is the Museum (Because of the smashable Glass).
In my opinion the game is worth it, but only at around 50% off. At full price the game doesn’t justify its cost. The game is fun though. Customization is great and physics is fun too.
– Real player with 4.8 hrs in game
Glorious Tournius
A really fun party game with friends. Lots of screaming and laughing. You can really see the passion put into this game. Plus the zombies are really hard!
– Real player with 2.3 hrs in game
Similar to Gang Beasts but with weapons. It’s a blast to play in its current state, definitely added to the game night roster with it’s local co-op play. Tons of hilarious moments have been had already. Can’t wait to play more and for more content!
– Real player with 1.6 hrs in game
Fun party game to play with friends!
– Real player with 1.6 hrs in game
Needs some work, server issues, volume issue, camera issues, but shows promise.
– Real player with 0.8 hrs in game
Aster Fpv Drone Simulator
– Real player with 22.6 hrs in game
Really fun to fly in this sim, its like a bare bones version of Velocidrone, you can change your rates and play with physics. There are a few bugs. E.g. OSD settings reset every time you change maps and if you get stuck in colission like tree leaves theres no reset button so you have to exit the map then redo your osd settings and reenter the map. But other then that I love this sim!
– Real player with 16.6 hrs in game