Troubled Passage

Troubled Passage

Troubled Passage is a Roguelike ARPG with a very peculiar combat system based on mouse swipes. This system allows for some interesting combat encounters that feel more engaging and rewarding. The mouse is an extension of your sword.

You are set to travel across five regions and reach an old port. There you will take a ship that will take you far away. That’s all you know for now. But beware, these lands are filled with undead creatures, traps and other nasty travelers. You should always be careful, even if you decide to share the road with a companion.

Character Creation

Choose your character appearance and select a trade. Trades are like character classes that defines with which types of weapons and types of damage your character is proficient with, gaining a buff when using that type of weapon.


Attacks are performed by swiping your mouse in a certain direction (up, down left or right). These swipes will trigger the combat skill that you have assigned to that direction.

There are multiple skills to learn throughout the game for each type of combat:



Twohanded (skills are missing at this point of development)

Bow (skills are missing at this point of development)


Troubled Passage loot system is built on the idea that “if they have it, you can have it”. No longer will you get disappointed if a heavy-armored-cool-looking enemy only dropped a knife and an apple. You want that armor! Well, good news! In Troubled Passage, enemies will drop exactly what they are wearing (stats included). You can strip your enemies of everything and claim it for yourself. This means strong enemies equals strong loot.


From time to time, you will encounter recruitable companions that can help you in your quest. They may be expensive, but they are a great help in dealing with enemies. All companions are randomly generated, and so are their motives.


Companions react to your attitude towards them. If they get mad at you, they can become your rivals and appear later on to seek revenge as a mini-boss battle.


Visit traders to buy and sell items. Blacksmiths will even allow you to forge your own weapon from a list of components and manage the weapon stats.

Random Levels

To ensure that each playthrough feels different, levels are randomly generated. So there are new areas to explore each time you play, and loot is distributed at random. There are still some “static” levels in terms of layout due to workload, but later they will all be fully random.

Read More: Best Tutorial Class-Based Games.

Troubled Passage on Steam

Midnight Renegade

Midnight Renegade

This game is awesome, I sincerely hope that the creator continues to provide some support or updates for the game, because if it was a little longer and well worked, I would easily pay for the game, obviously it has its errors, the design of the “phases” is a little strange, the difficulty curve is really steep, the last boss being much more difficult than the 3rd boss, here is a list of things that I think should be fixed:

  • The 2nd version of the 4th boss (the one of the conquest), has too much life, I would prefer it to have less life and do more damage

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tutorial Platformer Games.


Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Midnight Renegade on Steam



Amborettio is an interesting game with a unique story behind it. I was impressed with the details in the backstory and I enjoyed collecting materials to build the required tools for the game. For the price, I would recommend this game to everybody who is interested. The solo developer has completed impressive work with this game at a fair price. I look forward to seeing the future games that this developer publishes.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tutorial Survival Games.

Amborettio on Steam



It’s a very simplistic, bullet hell/swarm game with a rudimentary upgrade system - There is SOME depth as to how you proceed with a certain weapon (You have 3 save slots for each of the 6 weapons, so you can test builds out). However, the upgrades are seemingly optional; however, they are absolutely required to complete any number of waves. This game has a very addictive substance to it, and I myself would love to see some more things on the farm - Perhaps you could use gold to upgrade/purchase additional farm implementations to assist you? At Wave 190, I’m killing probably around 200 enemies a wave, while scraping with minimal health/near misses!

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

A simple fun game for only $5. I will try to beat wave 100 in the future but wave 33 is very hard. I highly recommend playing this game. It is a wave base game like Call of Duty Zombies. I would buy a game like this.

8 out of 10

Find more review from me on my steam curator page:

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Jogward on Steam

PowerBots RETRO

PowerBots RETRO

Battle robots to level up, team up with friends to beat bosses, or fight against players to get ahead! PowerBots Retro is a pixel art styled metroidvania made with fans of old school gaming in mind. This game is full of challenging levels and secret passages, with power-ups to help you reach new levels. It feels like playing popular titles from the 80’s and early 90’s, but with online chat and multiplayer gameplay!

PowerBots RETRO on Steam



Awesome game, plays sorta like a scifi Binding of Isaac, really cool, high difficulty curve at the start.

Unique about this game - Weapons have infinite ammo, but can overheat, in order to reduce heat you need to jump and dash, sort of a “Move or Die” type mechanic which keeps things fast paced. Really awesome Idea, and something that makes it stand out amongst other games of the genre.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Although marketed as a story driven game, what first excited me about Gunnhildr was when I read it was a first-person shooter rogue-lite, something I’d never seen executed well but certainly something I’d love to see executed well. Unfortunately, Gunnhildr doesn’t quite deliver… yet.


Where Gunnhildr does deliver is the story, which is no surprise when the game is marketed as a “narrative shooter”. The story is arguable the most polished part of the game, there is a lot of interesting lore to unravel about Norse gods and the world of Gunnhildr. However, it’s how the game tells the story that is an issue. It is a complete overload of information. The number one rule of story telling is “show don’t tell”, Gunnhildr shows nothing and tells a lot.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Gunnhildr on Steam

Ary and the Secret of Seasons

Ary and the Secret of Seasons

Well, it’s definitly a good one… just not a great one, unfortunately.

For starters, the game feels a bit incomplete at times. Like there are 4 seasons, but only two of them actually “do” something, and winter certainly does “the most”.

I did not encounter crashes, but I got into an endless loop with an NPC not getting out of its dialogue, repeating the same box over and over and over again. Some enemies like to leave a hitbox with their gold drop inside, making it unreachable, and the game occasionally makes enemy corpses fly away, or has you clip through the ground. “Used” things on the map aren’t always grayed out, and there’s probably a lot of other minor-ish bugs.

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

Not sure why people feel the need to compare it to some old game. The fact is that its fun. If you like what you see, you should like the game and have fun with it.

There’s a bunch of quests like helping a guy that lost his home in a funny way to find a new home. Finding secret areas, a small game of being the seeker in hide and seek (one kid hides really well) and much more. Its fun even for an adult if you don’t mind the kids story.

It has an Ultra graphics quality mode which may not be auto enabled by default and looks great. Considering I enjoy games that push graphical limits, I find this game looks quite nice on Ultra. The performance is great as well on an Nvidia 2060 and with vsync enabled (left it on as default) shows a stable 60 fps at 1080p.

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game

Ary and the Secret of Seasons on Steam



If there ever was a game to excite the heart and give you constant twists and turns this is it. I have studied this game for over 20 minutes and have mastered the horrors of Accident House. I really can’t state the euphoric high that comes with mastering this game I look forward to speedrunning it at AGDQ in the future. I achieved 100% achievements and let me you tell you this gem is worth every penny.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

As to be expected with an early access game, its a bit broken. Hallways and rooms are too small to dodge monsters. Turning off your flashlight to hide is only useful up to the second key, after that you they can and will find you. Health doesn’t regenerate so you have to rely on checkpoints because unless you are lucky, you will eventually get hit one too many times. One positive thing I can say is the first jump scare did in fact genuinely scare me, which is very hard to do. The dark atmosphere and gliding/slow motions had me distracted JUST enough. It has potential, but needs some tender love and care to be something more. At its current state, its just more frustrating than scary.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

AccidentHouse on Steam

Neeron: The Blade of Nature

Neeron: The Blade of Nature

The sheer beauty of this game will be lost on many. The idea of a bear, who is a nature guy, fighting against robots, who are not nature guys is truly awe inspiring and says a lot about our society.

Tbh this must have taken a lot of effort tho so good job :)

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Whacked out camera controls can’t figure out what direction I am facing. no options you can tweak.

good thing it was free, Stream should be vetting crap like this.


Recently tweaked my settings and it is still whacked with the controls, found land that you fall through, also ended up in a body of water that I could not get out of, and you don’t drowned. Very very very badly made game. Uninstalling because the game is more annoying then fun

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Neeron: The Blade of Nature on Steam

Cataclysms and Catastrophes

Cataclysms and Catastrophes

The Cult of Ki’Teh is trying to awaken an ancient evil, and only four crazy cats can stop them! Choose to start with the fighter, thief, mage, or bard and gather the other party members through various quests. Each character has special capabilities that will assist in exploration.

Cataclysms and Catastrophes on Steam