Zafehouse Diaries 2

Zafehouse Diaries 2

I have only played 5.4 hours of Zafehouse Diaries 2… or I should say, it took me 5.4 hours of playing Zafehouse Diaries 2 before I took a break from it.

If you have played the original Zafehouse Diaries then you will know what the game is about and all I need to say really is it is an improved version of the original game, with some things added to expand on their original ideas. If you played and loved Zafehouse Diaries then you will probably buy this or will have bought it already so you may as well stop reading this review now as I’m not going to say anything you don’t already know.

Real player with 67.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Turn-Based Strategy Survival Games.

This game is about…

Blah, blah, blah.

ZHD2 needs some improvements in creating distractions, rumors and tinkering. Distractions for example are not as necessary as they were in ZHD1. The whole town was flooded with hundreds of zombies but I never felt like I got slaughtered by the crowd. The massive distraction isn’t as effective as the bonfire in ZHD1. It doesn’t distract so many zombies. The rumor system didn’t get improvements. It’s just there. It could be deeper and wider. Tinkering is too random. You nearly have no controls about it. I want to say my people which items I want. You always have to tinker the same order. First cooking or construction because no one wants a combat pan. I never equipped that one. But you’ll get one if you tinker for weapons first. Tools are so rare in that game that you don’t want a combat circular saw. No you want a builder’s circular saw. Another thing is I got a scoped shotgun. Yes, a scoped shotgun. I don’t know how effective such a scoped shotgun is. The game didn’t tell me. I think a sawed-off-shotgun would make more sense. And so on…

Real player with 31.8 hrs in game

Zafehouse Diaries 2 on Steam

Emerge: Cities of the Apocalypse

Emerge: Cities of the Apocalypse

What kind of game is it?

Emerge: Cities of the Apocalypse is relatively casual hybrid game of with light elements of zombie tower defense, resource management, RPG. The recurring goal of the game is to secure different cities by reclaiming sectors within the city. Each reclaimed sectors allows for limited construction of resource-generating buildings, either providing much needed production for different types of automated defenses, research points for advanced technology, economy for purchases, or crystals for miscellaneous purposes including recruiting NPC survivors.

Real player with 52.1 hrs in game


! WARNING: This is an addictive “One more turn before i will go bed” game!

Emerge is an unique 4X city-builder/defender which got crossed with some rogue-lite features!

What is this game about?

You’ll have to save cities (Or die trying) by capturing/defending territories (An amount is required in each mission) and by doing a special objective (The real condition to win that matters).

I said “rogue-lite” cause you cannot manually save your game, it means you can’t “go back” and you create an unique character for each mission. There are plenty of classes, starting bonuses and weapons to choose.

Real player with 50.5 hrs in game

Emerge: Cities of the Apocalypse on Steam

Don’t Get Bit

Don’t Get Bit

First experience with a turn-based strategy game - so much fun! Just the right amount of challenge to keep me coming back for more. Felt like I was cruising along with ease until Level 23 - things have slowed down, but I’m muscling through - I’ll help Cassie & Co. beat those zombies yet!

Love the narration and story - can’t wait to see how it ends! Drawings are fantastic, to boot!

Real player with 33.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Turn-Based Strategy Indie Games.

This is the first time I have ever played a turn-based strategy game, and I love it!!

This has been a great intro into these types of games. I’m in the middle of my second play-through of “Don’t Get Bit” and it’s just as entertaining as the first play. The story is very compelling and brilliant! I love the voice actress. I love everything about the look of this game too. It’s so unique and cool!

“Don’t Get Bit” is challenging and always keeps me on my toes; I have ended up playing it for hours with no knowledge of time passing. I have screamed in frustration when my strategy has ended with me turning into a blood smear on the board, but it just makes me more determined to beat it and show the game who’s boss.

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

Don't Get Bit on Steam

Gunslingers & Zombies

Gunslingers & Zombies

plays well once you figure out the goals - no idea how to save progress though

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Całkiem miła i relaksująca gra. Grafika prosta, kreskówkowa - pasuje do lekkiego klimatu gry. Interfejs intuicyjny, przyjazny. Jak na razie nie napotkałem na żadne bugi. Po przejściu pierwszych kilku plansz, jak na razie trochę brakuje głębi strategicznej. Miałem czasem wrażenie, że wystarczy po prostu iść przed siebie i strzelać. Ale może powinienem poczekać i pograć kilka kolejnych plansz, zobaczymy wtedy.

Jak na razie daje łapkę w górę - gra bez jakiegoś wielkiego szału, ale można dla relaksu popykać,

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Gunslingers & Zombies on Steam

Wanna Survive

Wanna Survive

simple but good strategy game, I’ve enjoyed it a lot in my first hours.

After a while sadly, the game started to show its flaws. The second part of the game ramps up the difficulty so much that the game ended up not being fun anymore. It becomes more about exploiting the enemy AI and retrying. You are surrounded by a ton of enemies and you have to proceed by trial and error (played the game in original mode, which is hard mode).

Sure the game gives you the possibility to go back by one turn by paying in-game currency, but redoing the same turn over and over because you don’t want to lose any characters is not fun.

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

The game is a neat little hidden gem. With the gradual introduction as the stages go on of new characters with abilities, there is always something new to learn in order to make the dynamic of the group work better in fights. Wanna Survive has a very steep difficulty curve, in which things seem to go from 0 to 100 very fast. This isn’t neccesarily a bad thing upon reflection, but it definitely left me frustrated to begin with- however, one can’t say that the game is boring because it is too easy. I’ve played through to the end once, and though I won’t be replaying immediately to check off the last few achievements I can see myself picking it up once more for a second playthrough in the near future, which would take the amount of time I got out of this game to roughly 10-11 hours once all done.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Wanna Survive on Steam

Dead State: Reanimated

Dead State: Reanimated

A pleasant way to spend a few hours.


+The Base-building Aspect is a lot of fun. The delicate mix and interplay of facilities, resource management, and character skills including your own definitely play a big impact on your crew’s morale and survival prospects. Those who get bit (infected) during the game as a result of combat with zombies have to be managed with daily antibiotics. Each infected cause a potent little morale hit on a daily basis (fear those infected will turn keeps your survivors up at night).

Real player with 429.9 hrs in game

There seems to be 2 reviews of this game. either it is the dumbest game due to ui problems or its the greatest game because you have a base and zombies.

was very concerned about the bad reviews before getting this game , because so many people said it had bad ui and how can that many people be wrong. well they were wrong… the ui granted is horrible if you dont know what you are doing and give up 2 seconds into the game.

things you need to know:

!. if you kill a guy/zombie you can move on that square still( seen a lot of reviews saying you cant)

Real player with 320.1 hrs in game

Dead State: Reanimated on Steam

Dead But Alive! Southern England

Dead But Alive! Southern England

I love visual novels, and love zombie games wih resources and group managing. And so I really wished I could recommend this game but I really can’t.

The first biggest issue, is that the game is short or incomplete. While is not uncommon games that have are launches as only chapter 1, this one is sold as full price complete game and not advertised as a chapter 1 of a story or work in progress. You can finish the game in one sit in a few hours (5-9 hours gameplay I would say, even less if you rush things) and there’s a bug where you literaly skip a part of the story straigh to the end, may you want to do it or not.

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

Awful game.

I don’t normally review games I haven’t completed but even before I ran into a game-breaking bug I was completely fedup with this game.

It’s just an appalling mish-mash of zombie survival + visual novel.

The characters are stereotypical and lack depth. The conversation is stilted and boring, oftentimes with different people saying the same line at different stages.

The text explaining the survival bits where you weigh up and embark on different resource runs is poorly written, boring and repetitive. There’s so many elements that just seemed half baked, like key survivor health levels. Or the fact one of my group kept begging for a new kitchen, despite that fact that when I got it I never used it as it was far more cost effective in resrouce time to go scavenge food! Anyway, the consequences of running out of food or making too much noise never materialise either so you can forget about worrying about that new kitchen!

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Dead But Alive! Southern England on Steam

Zombie Strike

Zombie Strike

honestly i have only played 3hrs and that was from first login. i will be continuing as i have no reasons yet not to. consequently, this review is subject to change

the incredibly naive will quote this as a pay-to-win game, which is utter nonsense. only game i ever played (in 40 years of gaming) that falls into THAT category is zynga’s poker game which you could win actual money playing…….. as long as you were an american living in america. you can pay but you don’t win anything.

this game does NOT target your wallet……..that’s just cheap. no, this game is SO overly priced it targets your savings account :D

Real player with 101.0 hrs in game

good game😊 . but it can be better than that 😐😑

Real player with 48.4 hrs in game

Zombie Strike on Steam

Pawn of the Dead

Pawn of the Dead

Nice change on chess games, waiting for new scenarios

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

If you’re a chess fan, don’t miss Pawn of the Dead. New rules totally reinvigorate the game (but the original’s still there if you want it). Campaign is a series of 64 challenges but as if that wasn’t enough there’s also an arcade-style “queen vs zombies” mode.

You probably have to be a chess fan to enjoy this, but if you are, this is mindblowing. Features a campaign with 64 challenges, a “queen vs zombies” mode, 2p mode and both classic and zombie rules.

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Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Pawn of the Dead on Steam

Smash Up

Smash Up

If you like the card game you will probaly like this game as well. It is a great “port” and the artwork is beautiful as always. I really hope the developers keep adding expansions. At the moment only the base game and awesome level 9000 are included. Please give me my sharknado!

The AI is pretty good and can be quite challenging to everyone but really experienced players. But it is of course way more fun to play other people and I hope this game grows so you can just queue up for a game.

If a developer randomly reads this I have some suggestions for UI improvements:

Real player with 213.9 hrs in game

Smash Up is an excellent card game, and the digital version is fun, but imperfect. The bot AI strikes a nice balance between competence and efficiency, leading to challenging but not impossible games without the frustrating wait times for AI pondering that some other games suffer from.

The UI design prioritizes streamlined gameplay over clarity, so it takes some getting used to to understand what’s going on. It also is not a 100% bug-free game. Both of these issues are manageable, but definitely take some getting used to… don’t turn off the Proceed button, make sure to check the log if something happens you don’t understand, keep an eye on the scrolling text at the bottom of the screen, quit+save+restart+continue if a technical glitch occurs, and if all else fails, ask for help in the forums.

Real player with 46.9 hrs in game

Smash Up on Steam