The Maracot Deep

The Maracot Deep

Turn based RPG game in fantasy setting - a set of simple elements from RPG, plus turn based movement and fights.


Game opportunities:

  • There is a stock, the whole three types of weapon and a rum bottle (that else can cure the real old salt!).

  • It is possible to plunder chests with gold! (the truth pirates from it strongly are upset and fall into violence).

  • It is possible to collect objects and to plunder chests only to a final whistle - at least one opponent is still alive (that a little inconveniently and forces other crew members to run from blows while one plunders everything that comes across).

  • On the stolen gold it is possible to buy the same pirates.

  • Weapon has a resource, and breaks at the most inappropriate moment, leaving the seaman with barehanded - and it at the levels a little therefore more powerful weapon should protect and be not to spent for weak opponents.

  • During the game it is possible to switch to any seaman (so far he gives signs of life of course). It is impossible to switch to pirates - for management it is necessary to allocate with them the seaman.

  • During fight it is possible to transfer weapon from one other seaman, in turn using it.

  • For passing of final fight - at least 6 pistols are required - they are at the previous level, but there it is better not to spend them.

Read More: Best Turn-Based Strategy Singleplayer Games.

The Maracot Deep on Steam

Spawn Kings

Spawn Kings

The E to open works most of the time but stops working sometimes. game is fun but gets boring fast.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Turn-Based Strategy Creature Collector Games.

Alright. Im going to start this off by saying i dont do reviews. Never have, but i may start more with these indie titles. Im going to run thru everything that ive seen good, bad, and needs work, in hopes that the dev may see this and take some notes.

First and foremost. This is a FREE GAME. The dev has NO obligation to do anything else with it if they so choose. The game is NOT listed as an early access game, which means everyone should take it as a completed project. So, anyone who sees this game should go into it with absolutely no expectation or bar. You will be disappointed otherwise. Ive only put a little under 3 hours into the game because unfortunately that is ALL there is to offer at the moment. So lets get into the good, bad and ugly of the game.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Spawn Kings on Steam

YIIK: A Postmodern RPG

YIIK: A Postmodern RPG

I knew going into YIIK that it was a bad game. I’d heard all about how the developers were serial plagiarists who stooped to the level of stealing a song from Shadow of the Colossus for their previous game, Two Brothers. I’d heard about how they plagiarized Haruki Murakami and a random educational website in this game, and then put up an incredibly bitter bibliography that they hid in the corner of the “Press Start” screen. I’d heard that it was badly written and that the gameplay sucked. Then, I decided to do a screenshot Let’s Play of it.

Real player with 30.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Turn-Based Strategy RPG Games.



“Sarcasm and jokes were often the bottle in which clinical depressives sent out their most plangent screams for someone to care and help them.” ― David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest

Where do I start?

I played this game, on stream ( ) on the recommendation of someone who I thought was my friend, until I actually decided to play the game. I don’t know why he would want to hurt me like that, it just doesn’t make sense. Why, Dan? Why would you make me suffer through this, DAN? There is a man in a room with a gun, but that’s a story for another day. ANYWAY. Yes, I played this game, in its entirety, on stream, which is frankly the only reason why I am able to say that I finished this game. Let’s get down to it, shall we? Anyone who has played this game is probably already having flashbacks to all of the unnecessary monologues they had to endure, without reading this stupid fucking preamble to a review that will say nothing you haven’t read or heard before, couched in more articulate terms. But let this be a warning to anyone who might still interested in buying, or playing the game. The whole game reads like this preamble. You have been warned. Now, let’s actually get into it.

Real player with 29.9 hrs in game

YIIK: A Postmodern RPG on Steam



My new favorite virtual board game!

Played locally with friends and we all had a blast!

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

There is no doubt in my mind that this will be the future of strategy board games.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Abridged on Steam

Necromunda: Underhive Wars

Necromunda: Underhive Wars

TLDR: Despite being incredibly buggy, frustrating and deeply flawed I still managed to while away a couple of hundred hours and did, ultimately, enjoy the experience

Elephant in the room: AI: It is incredibly bad. Pathfinding, target selection, strategy, character builds and movement. I can now predict what the AI will do in a turn and it trivialises the engagements. It prioritises objectives over everything else, including survival. As a lot of objectives take away your weapons (you use your arms to pick them up, no shoulder mounted weapons) it becomes a turkey shoot. This means the 1:1 encounters are more or less a gimme, but the 3 and 4 gang engagements become more interesting because there are limited objectives so the AI actually becomes more aggressive.

Real player with 374.0 hrs in game

OK… so I don’t genuinely review games because opinion is often so divided on what one individual will enjoy and another will despise. Yet I felt compelled to say a few things about this game, so will jot them down here to be read or discarded at leisure.

Firstly I would like to say that in terms of whether I am giving the game a thumbs up, the answer is yes. As you will probably have seen through other reviews the game currently has some flaws. Many minor, some major - I will get to those shortly. Outside of the bugs, however, if you’re a fan of the whole Games Workshop 40k vibe and enjoy strategy games… then I would say that it’s a must have. Yes it has issues, but I believe these will be addressed, in time. Unfortunately it suffers from what has become something of an “epidemic” amongst modern computer games… where the people holding the purse strings determine release schedules and not the developers. I have worked in the industry for 20 years, so I do know a little of what I’m talking about. When the devs say they need three years and the company tells them they have 18 months… you know you’re in for trouble from the outset. Games will release buggy and the additional development time will emerge as patches and DLC. It’s shortsightedness. Financial losses through poor reviews could easily be avoided by a few more months of careful bug fixing. But I’m wandering off point.

Real player with 191.3 hrs in game

Necromunda: Underhive Wars on Steam

Theseus - Mythological Hero

Theseus - Mythological Hero

Broken mechanics, invisible walls, and a terribly designed maze with awful lighting plague this asset reliant mess of a game.

It’s just BAD. Nothing more needs to be said. Watch part of my first impressions review video if you need more about it.

NOT RECOMMENDED, even if it were free, I’d tell you to stay far away.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

It runs terribly and looks awful.

For a solo development, it is pretty cool but as a game that I paid $$ for, it is a failure.

Take this over to for some help and feedback.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Theseus - Mythological Hero on Steam

Untitled Video Game

Untitled Video Game

This is a great game.

Fun game to play and I highly recommend this game.

I will play more and more.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Untitled Video Game on Steam

蜀山幻剑录 Sword of Shushan

蜀山幻剑录 Sword of Shushan



WHAT TO EXPECT: Hardcore SRPG. Intimidating challenge except on easy. Chess-like strategy. Squad-based tactics. Fast gameplay. Complex tactical combat with strong AI. Chinese theme, ambience and setting. Pretty graphics. Complimentary soundtrack. Lacks dynamicity. Limited replayability. Terrible English translation. Singleplayer only.




Real player with 32.4 hrs in game



剧情 0 分

关卡设计 0分

剧情乱七八糟,尾关的二选一结局其中之一还卡bug 看不到



通关了没感觉到有任何的成就感。。 只有慢慢的恶心。。。

Real player with 21.8 hrs in game

蜀山幻剑录 Sword of Shushan on Steam

Maya’s Dice

Maya’s Dice

I’ve been having a lot of fun with this game! The puzzles are interesting, the dialogue is fun, and the liar’s dice is addicting. I’ll probably end up adopting this dice game when I go gambling with my friends!

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

This game is awesome! The story is super interesting and liars dice as a core mechanic was surprisingly fun! I felt myself getting better at predicting and understanding my opponents as the game progressed. I’d recommend this game to anyone who enjoys outsmarting you opponents in games of luck and skill

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Maya's Dice on Steam

Austen Translation

Austen Translation

This is a cute, casual game inspired by Jane Austen’s works and the culture of her time. Each game is fairly quick to play (about 10-15 minutes), which turned me off at first, but then I decided I liked that since I can play it even if I don’t have much time. I love the graphic style, and the game play is amusing. It did take me a few tries before I really got the hang of it, so don’t get discouraged it you’re confused at first.

I was a little worried about replay value, but the game has more variety than you’d expect at first glance. Each game has the socialites attending four events, each of which is briefly described. The events are selected at random, so you can play several games in a row without much overlap. (There are some random variables in the descriptions also, where the names and preferences of different bachelors are inserted.) I’ve played probably two dozen times or more and there are some events I’ve only seen once or twice.

Real player with 61.4 hrs in game

Greatest Regency-era YAWHG-like in the Galaxy!

Alright, so you’ve played The YAWHG or Monster Prom and want more of the same, right? Well, sorry to disappoint, but this game is far fancier and schmancier than anything else EVER. One might say, all other games are NOCD.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that if one wishes to make an Austen homage, one better get the language right. And by turf n' thunder, Austen Translation accomplishes this and more. The geniuses at Worthing & Moncrieff parrot Miss Austen’s prose, pacing, style, themes, memes, AND manage to get the historical details spot on.

Real player with 28.0 hrs in game

Austen Translation on Steam