Zafehouse Diaries 2

Zafehouse Diaries 2

I have only played 5.4 hours of Zafehouse Diaries 2… or I should say, it took me 5.4 hours of playing Zafehouse Diaries 2 before I took a break from it.

If you have played the original Zafehouse Diaries then you will know what the game is about and all I need to say really is it is an improved version of the original game, with some things added to expand on their original ideas. If you played and loved Zafehouse Diaries then you will probably buy this or will have bought it already so you may as well stop reading this review now as I’m not going to say anything you don’t already know.

Real player with 67.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Turn-Based Strategy Zombies Games.

This game is about…

Blah, blah, blah.

ZHD2 needs some improvements in creating distractions, rumors and tinkering. Distractions for example are not as necessary as they were in ZHD1. The whole town was flooded with hundreds of zombies but I never felt like I got slaughtered by the crowd. The massive distraction isn’t as effective as the bonfire in ZHD1. It doesn’t distract so many zombies. The rumor system didn’t get improvements. It’s just there. It could be deeper and wider. Tinkering is too random. You nearly have no controls about it. I want to say my people which items I want. You always have to tinker the same order. First cooking or construction because no one wants a combat pan. I never equipped that one. But you’ll get one if you tinker for weapons first. Tools are so rare in that game that you don’t want a combat circular saw. No you want a builder’s circular saw. Another thing is I got a scoped shotgun. Yes, a scoped shotgun. I don’t know how effective such a scoped shotgun is. The game didn’t tell me. I think a sawed-off-shotgun would make more sense. And so on…

Real player with 31.8 hrs in game

Zafehouse Diaries 2 on Steam

Burned Land

Burned Land

Burned Land is a niche game, and a little gem to me.

At first sight it might seem a little bit empty and obscure. Then it will seem very hard, even unfair. But if you push forward, you will discover a game with a very original approach, very rich and permissive in the ways you want to shape your kingdom and face the gods.

In this game, you not only build units and facilities, you will also “monitor” your population (literacy, devotion, nobility, sedentary, etc.), so they will provide you what you need and when you need it.

Real player with 31.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Turn-Based Strategy 4X Games.

It is a pretty rough game, both in terms of UI and difficulty. The UI will hopefully get some polish from this one-man dev team, and perhaps the difficulty as well, but the difficulty certainly needs the polish a lot less. The dev is still pushing out regular updates, thus my recommendation for this Early Access game.

I made it to Turn 194, after narrowly dodging a very early game defeat. The early game near-defeat came about as my village almost starved due to a famine brought on by the gods. The entire point of this game is that the larger you grow, the more interest the gods have in stopping you from growing.

Real player with 24.6 hrs in game

Burned Land on Steam

Atomic Cards

Atomic Cards

Some of the reviews for this game are allegedly fake. I am here to provide an honest review from a layperson who enjoys card games, roguelites, and roguelikes. This game is decent; however, I will hesitantly give it a thumbs down because of the lack of options. Be aware of the following… Firstly, this game needs a seizure warning; some random events cause the screen to flash in all sorts of colors. There is a lot of needless clicking; you will be clicking boxes or crates several times, providing either food, medicine, or ammo. There are no volume controls or any options, honestly. This is likely due to the engine used to create the game, which the developer mentioned in the community forum. ( )

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Turn-Based Strategy Crafting Games.

The game in its genre (card RPG game), in my opinion, is very good. There are many different characters, constant events and complex moral choices that will definitely not let you get bored.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Atomic Cards on Steam



A game more than worth it’s money

I’ve owned overfall since it has released in early access and it hooked me straight away, Be under no illusions, the game is tough, You will die and you will have to start over, this is a rogue-like after all, but a very rewarding one at that.

With little introdution you are thrown into a world full of fantasy and myth, rich in different stories. On every island you go to you will encounter a little bit of a story, sometimes just a few lines of dialogue, sometimes a whole murder mystery. Most of these encounters are little self-contained stories, sometimes funny, sometimes serious. And often ending in a fight. What’s even better, many of them will only unfold the second, third or even fifth time you encounter them, as with playing other characters, your choices and options change.

Real player with 190.5 hrs in game

Overfall is a fantasy turn-based rpg filled with tons of lite questing as you forge your own destiny by leading two heroes on a path to unite a single race of your choice torn by faction and conflict. Here are some of its most prominent features to give you the gist of it:


*High replay value due to ton of unlockables from Classes, to Companions, to Trinkets, to Weapons, to new Skills/Spells.

*Neat turn-based battle featuring the usage of a 3 step action-point system consisting of Movement (Step 1), Utility (Step 2), and Attack (Step 3). This allows tons of combo and synergy between classes and companions!

Real player with 108.5 hrs in game

Overfall on Steam





WHAT TO EXPECT: Contemporary pandemic setting. Boardgame clone. Elegent design. Basic mechanics. Superficial depth. Narrow strategy options. Repetitive gameplay. Short games, very dependent on difficulty. Very polished production values. Singleplayer only. Workshop integration but little additional scenarios.




Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

Quarantine is a turn based strategy game where the player is tasked with protecting the world from a deadly virus. The core gameplay is reasonably enjoyable, but unfortunately there’s a serious lack of depth. I’m giving a positive recommendation because, although you’ll probably only get a few hours entertainment from the game (I’m done with it after 6 hours), the purchase price is low, so it still represents value for money.


At the start of each turn, the virus will infect more people and spread to more cities around the world. The player can then use their team to perform a few actions.

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

Quarantine on Steam

Thea: The Awakening

Thea: The Awakening

About time I wrote a review for Thea. I have played the game for 900 hours now and I still don’t see myself getting bored with it anytime soon. More on the replayability later but first a quick overview.

Thea: The Awakening is a turn-based survival strategy game on a procedurally generated hexagonal world. It plays a lot like the early exploration phase in Civilization. The main difference is that the game is about survival instead of expansion. You won’t build an empire with a large army, instead you have to defend your only village from evergrowing threats while also finding the time to go out and gather materials and do quests so you can become stronger. If you don’t keep up with the enemies in terms of power they will overwhelm you but don’t worry, there are many difficulty modifications. You can play on 50% (very easy), 350% (very hard), and anything in between. The game has a lot of RPG elements, an excellent crafting system, and a card game to resolve various types of conflicts. The game combines regular fantasy creatures such as orcs and elves with slavic mythology. If you don’t know anything about that you’ll meet a lot of new creatures here such as Stryga’s and Baba Yaga’s.

Real player with 1201.0 hrs in game

A Review of: “THEA: The Awakening”

A Single-player, 4X Dark Fantasy, Hex-Grid, Turn-Based Strategy-RPG, Card Battler, Resource Management Survival Game where Choices Matter with Crafting and Replay Value.

I’m usually either a fan of Grand Strategy games or RPGs, turn-based War-games and War-sims. I had this game in my library a couple years before getting around to trying it out. Now that I’m playing it; it’s great or certainly could have been with a few GUI and QOL improvements.

It’s very RPG-like, with lore and Slavic-based mythos. I love deep lore games that tell a storey (BG / Planescape). I also like games that base their lore on “real world” mythos (Inquisitor) and this game makes tons of references to eastern European folklore.

Real player with 177.2 hrs in game

Thea: The Awakening on Steam

Thea 2: The Shattering

Thea 2: The Shattering

I played the first Thea and loved it so of course I had to grab this Thea. I also am loving it but being that it is in Early Access still it is not without its flaws and bugs and crashes. I will mostly talk about the issues I see currently because I think that is what people really want to see when they read a review BUT please understand there is a lot to also love about Thea 2 and it has a lot of heart. So while I talk about some of my issues, understand overall I love this game and how it is progressing.

Real player with 478.4 hrs in game

Thea 2 is mixture of 4X, RPG, card game and rogue-like - it’s one of its kind no game is quite like it. If you like some or even all of those you should definitely check it out.

Thea 2 has amazing replayability - if I could only play one game for the rest of my life this would be it. It greatly improves and expands on the concepts of Thea 1.

For me it’s one of the best games I ever played - hence a happy 9/10

Quick gameplay summary

In Thea you start us with a small group of characters (determined by your choice of gods and which traits you choose) - you need to survive, battle monsters, face random events, gather resources to craft new things, research new materials and recipes or just not starve. You want to find out why the world has been shattered and restore the power of your god. To do this you roam the lands, eventually found a village and recruit more characters/make babies.

Real player with 180.8 hrs in game

Thea 2: The Shattering on Steam

Carving Fate to Valhalla

Carving Fate to Valhalla

Carving Fate to Valhalla is a turn-based strategy game where you have to make you Vikings survive and travel to the great gates of Valhalla. Jormungadr ripped the space fabric while traveling between the realms. Now the realm of Helheim is bleeding its damned souls and freezing winds into Midgard, the realm of your people. Fortunately, the gates of Valhalla have opened to welcome whoever dare make the trip to reach them. Lead your Vikings and cross the unknown world of fjords to reach safety. Make them hunt and gather food, forge new tools and sharpen their axes, prepare the caravan or build a drakkar, how you reach the gate is up to you.

Key features:

  • Turn-based - Play at your own pace and take the time to reflect on your choices.

  • Living Vikings - Every Viking is unique, customize their equipments and teach them new skills to adapt to the situation.

  • Strategic gameplay - Control your Vikings and decide their actions and their fate, plan your expedition and lead it to success.

  • Procedural worlds - Every play-through is different, from the shape of the world to the characteristics of your Vikings.

  • You are not alone - The world is filled with events from meeting a friendly trader or a caring Valkyrie to bandits or worse … draugrs.

Freedom of choices

This game is about planning, making decisions and executing them. There are many obstacles of different kinds and many more solutions. Which one you use is up to you. For example, a river has many ways to be approached, will you simply swim through it; or maybe build a drakkar to sail across it while staying dry. Exploring leads you to a bridge to cross by foot. It seems guarded, maybe, those people will let you pass for some gold but you prefer paying them in steel. The temperature fell and now the river is frozen, you could have waited instead of fought, great you can scavenge the bodies to get some warm clothes, but will the wounds and fatigue of the battle slow you down too much to continue ?. Anyway, there is only one way and it is forward. Perhaps you should have taken more time to plan and think but would you have taken more, someone or something might have made the choice for you. There is no wrong choices just ones harder to take responsibility for.

Carving Fate to Valhalla on Steam

Dead State: Reanimated

Dead State: Reanimated

A pleasant way to spend a few hours.


+The Base-building Aspect is a lot of fun. The delicate mix and interplay of facilities, resource management, and character skills including your own definitely play a big impact on your crew’s morale and survival prospects. Those who get bit (infected) during the game as a result of combat with zombies have to be managed with daily antibiotics. Each infected cause a potent little morale hit on a daily basis (fear those infected will turn keeps your survivors up at night).

Real player with 429.9 hrs in game

There seems to be 2 reviews of this game. either it is the dumbest game due to ui problems or its the greatest game because you have a base and zombies.

was very concerned about the bad reviews before getting this game , because so many people said it had bad ui and how can that many people be wrong. well they were wrong… the ui granted is horrible if you dont know what you are doing and give up 2 seconds into the game.

things you need to know:

!. if you kill a guy/zombie you can move on that square still( seen a lot of reviews saying you cant)

Real player with 320.1 hrs in game

Dead State: Reanimated on Steam

Genesia Legacy: Ultimate Domain

Genesia Legacy: Ultimate Domain

A very original game ! I didn’t find a style close to this Genesia Legacy.

You build your city, from nothing, in a pure natural landscape. And nature is not so friendly! You have to assign farmers, woodcutters, gather water, in order to survive, and grow.

You have also research trees to evolve, and, for example, resist to diseases, build vehicles, trade, …

But, the game is difficult, in the sense of “punitive” : you make a strategic mistake, and your village will die from disease, or starve in winter, etc…

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

If you’re looking for the original Ultimate Domain (US) / Genesia (EU), then steer clear of this game. I paid $19.99 for it and tried to give it a fair shake after discovering it’s not much like the original. Sadly that is when I learned that if you play more than 2 hours on a game you are automatically disqualified by Steam from receiving a refund. Note to self, don’t give games a fair shake if you don’t love them after 20 minutes anymore. Perhaps the developer will one day turn this into a game worthwhile, but at it’s current condition, it’s not worth more than $1.99, and that’s being generous.

Real player with 17.8 hrs in game

Genesia Legacy: Ultimate Domain on Steam