Don’t Get Bit

Don’t Get Bit

First experience with a turn-based strategy game - so much fun! Just the right amount of challenge to keep me coming back for more. Felt like I was cruising along with ease until Level 23 - things have slowed down, but I’m muscling through - I’ll help Cassie & Co. beat those zombies yet!

Love the narration and story - can’t wait to see how it ends! Drawings are fantastic, to boot!

Real player with 33.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Turn-Based Strategy Indie Games.

This is the first time I have ever played a turn-based strategy game, and I love it!!

This has been a great intro into these types of games. I’m in the middle of my second play-through of “Don’t Get Bit” and it’s just as entertaining as the first play. The story is very compelling and brilliant! I love the voice actress. I love everything about the look of this game too. It’s so unique and cool!

“Don’t Get Bit” is challenging and always keeps me on my toes; I have ended up playing it for hours with no knowledge of time passing. I have screamed in frustration when my strategy has ended with me turning into a blood smear on the board, but it just makes me more determined to beat it and show the game who’s boss.

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

Don't Get Bit on Steam

Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition

Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition

At the time of writing this I am at 353 hours played. My first play through of this game was clocked in around ~130 hours. This is with out doubt, one of the best video games I have ever played and for at least one of the characters had me experience one of my most cathartic moments in gaming.

Story: Takes place ~1,000 years after the first Divinity Original Sin game. I didn’t play the first and you don’t really need to to enjoy this game. You’ll pick up on some story things here and there if you read about it. You’re a Source (powerful magic) user and using source draws in the void (bad things) so you are sent to an island to ultimately die off. Story follows you through different areas in the game with different factions fighting that you can side with. Picking your character from a prebuilt gets you added story (one of the 6 listed below).

Real player with 356.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Turn-Based Strategy Tactical RPG Games.

  • Personal Rating -

☑ ✰✰✰✰✰

☐ ✰✰✰✰

☐ ✰✰✰

☐ ✰✰

☐ ✰

  • View on Price -

☐ It’s free!

☐ It’s freem̲i̲u̲m̲

☑ Worth full price

☐ Grab on a sale

☐ Overpriced

  • Approachability -

☑ This is literally one of the most played games

☐ The game is quite approachable for a wide audience

☐ Some will love it, some not so much

☐ This game is more for a niche audience really

☐ I’d love to meet all 15 of you who play this game

  • Current State -

☑ Game is released and polished

☐ Game is… well, it’s released

Real player with 286.1 hrs in game

Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition on Steam

The Banner Saga 2

The Banner Saga 2

The Banner Saga 2 it’s more of a continuation than a sequel, but the improvements that this game has over the previous one make this game incredibly enjoyable.

I know some people found their experience on the past game quite challenging or even frustrating but in TBS2 trust me that you will enjoy this ride like you have never ever enjoyed a Turn based strategy game.

Improvements in common gameplay!

The caravan system has been vastly improved, now those lazy clansmen actually bring much necessary food/supplies to you! By hunting and foraging and thus keeping up your survavility rate! This allows you to do something that in TBS1 would be unimaginable and that is Purchasing Items from the market! Can you believe it? Well neither can I and that’s just awesome!

Real player with 133.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Turn-Based Strategy RPG Games.

Before you read, note that English is not my native language, so expect errors and for that I apologize in advance.

Let me fill you in if you have no idea what the Banner Saga is.

You are nobody and you wake up to find the world that you and everyone once know is breaking apart. You struggle to get by and are forced to make tough calls, so that you and your people can survive. And through these choices you are bringing changes – though small, they may escalate. I am not going to tell you the exact plot, since it would spoil the fun.

Real player with 39.7 hrs in game

The Banner Saga 2 on Steam

The Hand of Merlin

The Hand of Merlin

Very good game, I would describe it as a fusion of game play elements from darkest dungeon with slay the spire, with some extra rpg elements added in. The artistic style is very unique and charming and so is the setting.

That’s my overall assessment of the game. I will go into more detail about areas I feel the game could be improved in the spoiler below.

! The enemy variety is pretty good, the best thing about it is that there is an enemy that can counter almost any character build forcing you to diversify your characters. The only game-breaking ability combo that I am aware of currently is rallying bash + dire haste + Watchful parry, which allows you to parry every turn with a warrior and be permanently immune to damage. However, because the abilities you get are randomized, this combination cannot be taken reliably every run.

Real player with 65.7 hrs in game


Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.


The saga of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table exists in countless variations. Camelot, the Holy Grail, Excalibur, or the forbidden love for Guinevere are mostly fixed starters in the tale. A cosmic horror from another dimension that wants to devour the whole world with hideous creatures that could have originated in the twisted convolutions of H.P. Lovecraft’s brain, however, rather not. But that’s exactly what this is about. A roguelike with tactical, turn-based combat at its core, and a story that’s a mix of King Arthur and sci-fi horror. If you want a more classic story, look at Neocore’s King Arthur: Knight’s Tale, a quite good but still rather unfinished reinterpretation of the Legend of Arthur.

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

The Hand of Merlin on Steam

Underwater Wars

Underwater Wars

Awesome game, very relaxing and nostalgic if you like xcom terror from the deep. Easy to learn, still in early access so they’ll add more skirmish maps soon. I love skirmish mode. Take your time and enjoy some underwater combat.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

TLDR: Despite its uncommon setting, this tactical game is dogged by uninspired design. The poor voice over, boring missions and absence of narrative cripple it in a competitive and already crowded genre.

I’ve always had a soft spot for seafaring type games, be they on the surface (Pirates, Sunless Sea) or beneath it (Terror from the deep), so I originally had high hopes for Underwater Wars. Unfortunately I have never reviewed a game where I could only find one good point to highlight…

  • Turn-based submarine combat, and the underwater setting

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Underwater Wars on Steam

Midnight Protocol

Midnight Protocol

I don’t have many games in my library - I’m quite picky in my tastes. I’m not usually one for hacking games but the Demo left me wanting more. After 22 enjoyable hours, I’m evidently happy to have added this game in my library. I waited to give this revieuw untill I finished the story for the first time - It will certainly not be the last. I’ll take some time to revieuw a few aspects of the game that might interest you most:

Gameplay/Mechanics: 8/10

A game is nothing without gameplay, and a hacking game sets a promise: it will not be just ‘a game’ - but one with depth, complexity, and decision making. To achieve this, Midnight protocol structures its gameplay around levels that feel like a labyrinth or puzzle. A Digital dungeon, if you will. To get around the various obstacles such as firewalls, encrypted nodes and ‘antagonistic’ system operators that chase you down you get access to hardware you can tailor to your playstyle, as well as a host of programs each with their own up- and downsides. You quickly learn how to balance them carefully, using fairly easy commands to allocate memory to the programs you need in order to finish the level. Suffice to say, Midnight protocol nails the hacker-feel you’ll expect. It is not all roses and sunshine of course - there is quite a reliance on RNG to many of the mechanics of the game that can make you second guess your decisions while they are actually fine, or save you when you know you had no right to make it. Aside from that, i found myself at times trying a level, finding where the hidden obstacles were, and avoiding them alltogether once I got to reload the level. This was- at times-unavoidable, and felt wrong. I’ve since noticed that these hidden obstacles are slightly randomized, at least in some levels, which alleviated this somewhat. Perhaps the developers could not just list potential ICE, but also include a map at the beginning of the mission (once you enter a mission you see the layout anyway, except in rare instances), that does not show the obstacles, but layout of the nodes beforehand. With this information I feel I personally would not have had to reload to adapt my strategy as much as I did.

Real player with 41.0 hrs in game

| 🔵 POI | ✔️ Pos | ❌ Neg | 💡 Ideas | 🍿 Video | ⭐ STAR |


🔵Ultimately MP is a puzzle game running under the guise of a hacker game.

🔵Each Network is a puzzle, and you must defeat the puzzle using commands & tools.

🔵MP could be considered a Lightweight Hacker game which introduces turn-based gameplay

🔵Has some additional unique and impressive gameplay mechanics.

🔵I was instantly Immersed by the story and the characters.

Real player with 29.2 hrs in game

Midnight Protocol on Steam

Might & Magic® Heroes® VII

Might & Magic® Heroes® VII

Historically, I’ve played nearly every HoMM game out there –- Started on 2, moved to 3, struggled through 4 (but came to like it and its music), enjoyed 5 (more like 3.1) and pre-ordered 6 (with my first monies as a working student).

After the absolutely shoddy quality of 6 - and I’m talking about misspelling DRAGON (seriously, DRAGON - that’s like the main feature of this game) and instead writing DARGON (like the Noble gas with a D) in the f%^&* artbook for pre-ordered customers. With this I gave up on buying 7 early and waited for a special - eventually buying it for half the price. I also intended to wait for all the bugs, glitches, etc to be sorted out with the first few patches and then buy it.

Real player with 1082.8 hrs in game

Just a friendly heads-up: If you have Trial by Fire and want to play it, make sure to launch “Might & Magic Heroes VII” from Steam library, instead of “Might & Magic Heroes VII – Trial by Fire”. Both will open the same executable file, but with different App IDs, so playing the DLC from library won’t unlock the achievements on Steam (the DLC on Steam itself doesn’t have achievements).

When H7 first came out, I had tried playing it on my friend’s account (because he pre-ordered the game but couldn’t get access to his PC at the time) and I had to say that it was definitely an unfinished product. I even joked to him, “Loading a map takes a year, and AI’s turns are gonna end soon in the following winter.”. In fact, I was telling the truth, the optimization of this game was a disaster, I got a decent gaming laptop back then and the game performed poorly. Switching from high preset to low didn’t even help, probably there were some serious issues with the game itself. Another problem I had encountered was the memory leaks. Playing largest map without having the game eating up all my RAM was impossible, whenever I nearly discovered the whole map, it just happened. I have to say, my past experience with this game wasn’t so good, it was pretty sad and I was so angry while playing this game 2 years ago.

Real player with 173.1 hrs in game

Might & Magic® Heroes® VII on Steam

Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville

Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville

A series that takes an inventive twist on the zombie apocalypse setting, Rebuild takes the “man versus man versus nature” struggle present in most games pertaining to zombies and reframes the gameplay from the more common action/shooter elements and turns it into a 4X game of conquest. The world of Rebuild is one in which the survivors are all fairly competent people. Nobody here is an idiot that is going to stand there and quiver in fear while the zombies take a bite out of their neck. The primary struggle is maintaining the flow of your resources and zombies are only really a threat when you spread your people thin. Fortunately the game manages to balance this well so that you’re generally never too comfortable that you don’t have to worry. Each map tends to follow the same flow of scrambling your survivors frantically so you can find food to eat that night to having a slight bit of breathing room so that you can begin to, as the title suggests, Rebuild and then challenge the AI factions present. Zombies ramp up their difficulty as time goes on as well. There are a few strategies that generally guarantee victory as long as you execute them well but I’ll leave you to figure out what those are. It has clever nooks and crannies and like any other good 4X you’ve played it’ll keep you up all night as you have multiple goals planned out at once, one of which can always be achieved in Just One More Turn. The ebb and flow guarantees that you’ve always got something to do.

Real player with 338.0 hrs in game

Summary: Turn based zombie survival

Multiplayer: No

Completion: 46 hrs

Cards: Yes

Cloud: Yes

Rebuild 3 is a real time or turn-based tactical zombie survival game with a focus on recruiting followers and expanding territory. The game offers two distinct modes of play, Quick Play, and Story. Quick play offers unlimited procedurally generated maps, with various settings that can be adjusted to your liking. Story mode is a whole campaign where you can carry over leader stats and a small group between missions.

Real player with 81.6 hrs in game

Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville on Steam

The Banner Saga 3

The Banner Saga 3

Simple Review Portion:

===[ ❤ Audience: ]===

☐ Kids

☐ Everyone

☑ Casual players

☐ Pro players

===[ ☼ Graphics: ]===

☐ Potato

☐ Really bad

☐ Bad

☐ OK

☐ Good

☑ Beautiful

☐ Masterpiece

===[ $ Price/quality: ]===

☐ It’s free

☐ Full price

☐ Wait for sale

☑ Average

☐ Refund it if you can

☐ Don’t do it

===[ ☣ Requirments: ]===

☐ 90' PC

☐ Minimum

☑ Medium

☐ Fast

☐ High end

☐ NASA computer

===[ ☼ Difficulty: ]===

☐ You just need 2 arms

☐ Ez

☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master

☐ Hard (first few hours)

Real player with 72.5 hrs in game

The Banner Saga 3 is the 3rd and final part in the trilogy and is also the weakest game in the trilogy. I won’t be explaining too much about the mechanics as you should already be familiar from the previous two games.

If you have not read my reviews for the first and second game here they are:



Story - 4/10

The story tanked in this game, there were many plots that were left unexplained and even the ending wasn’t that satisfying. The endings can be acquired in the very last moments, thus making your prior decisions in the previous games all for naught.

Real player with 38.2 hrs in game

The Banner Saga 3 on Steam

The Mystic

The Mystic

Game is improving a lot trough the EA. Even now i find it god offer. I’m looking for the campaign. if it is good this will be classic.

Real player with 40.4 hrs in game

The Mystic on Steam