

Really fun strategy game with an environmental twist. This premise has you doubting between going all-in for the win and playing more conservatively to preserve the environment. I played beta for the past two years and the final version is even more polished! Server issues on launch day aside, great game and I certainly recommend it.

Extra fun when playing with friends, the AI is a decent matchup for beginners but can be predictable at times.

Update: Even better with the map editor and workshop update. You can now play with your friends on maps that you created yourself.

Real player with 54.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Turn-Based Strategy Tactical Games.

I would rate this:

Overall - 7/10

Strategy - 10/10

Graphics - 7/10

Originality - 9/10

Replay ability - 4/10

This game is great fun and it seemingly has the perfect balance of R.N.G. and strategy. I have never found myself in a spot where bad R.N.G. couldn’t have been avoided. Playing with friends is great if you can, but the AI are a good challenge. (The AI NeuralNewt on hard can put up a great fight.) This game isn’t really complete yet, I heard of some additions and maybe a campaign being added later on but the game as it is is fantastic- in concept. As I said don’t let its retro graphics fool you. It can drag out and be a bit and become, well, less nuanced to state it simply, and after playing it for a while, both through playing many rounds and/or long games.

Real player with 46.6 hrs in game

Epicinium on Steam

Base Wars

Base Wars

Base Wars is a unique strategy concept, it feels mechanically similar to RTS games like Age of Empires and Starcraft but packaged in a turn based format. I’d describe it as chess without a grid.

I’ve been following development for a couple years and the game is actively getting updates every month or two. As of 1.0 the core gameplay is great. Online games are easy to set up and the map editor is very in-depth. There are some missing extras like a full singleplayer campaign and a replay system, but those are claimed to be coming soon.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Turn-Based Strategy Resource Management Games.

Base Wars on Steam

Infinity war

Infinity war

Dreadful… i accidently purchased it and It was a big mistake!! No map editor, the servers don’t always work, no one plays it, you get just one stupid map and that’s it.

the original Perfect General was more perfect than this

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Turn-Based Strategy Real Time Tactics Games.

Infinity war on Steam

Sengoku Jidai: Shadow of the Shogun

Sengoku Jidai: Shadow of the Shogun

Sengoku jidai is a turn based 4x4 grid style strategy game based in eastern asia and asias historical battles. Covering Japan to Korea, China and Mongolia its a true gem of a game that, get this, the developers still work on.

Lets talk about the game play:

Im going to be straight up honest, It’s not for everyone. Its like chess, with rng. Your units battle each other, based on their attack stats, armour stats, terrain and morale the computer calculates how much damage is done to the unit and if damage is done to their morale. You can also affect this based on your position which is where the game really shines.

Real player with 216.7 hrs in game

This game is simply incredible. I had been looking for a tabletop wargaming experience in digital format for a very long time. The direct predecessor to this game, Pike and Shot, looked very viable, but I was not interested enough in the time period and aesthetic of it to gamble $40. Something about landschneckts in frilly blouses and giant feather caps wielding impossibly long pikes just doesn’t do it for me (purely a personal preference).

But being a lifelong fan of Japanese history, and in particular the Sengoku Jidai, when this game came out I knew I had to get it. I have no regrets. It is a near-perfect digital adaptation of tabletop wargaming.

Real player with 81.7 hrs in game

Sengoku Jidai: Shadow of the Shogun on Steam

Afghanistan ‘11

Afghanistan ‘11

Let me start by saying this is my first review. Why am i choosing this game for my first review? Because I, like many of you reading this, always look at reviews before buying a game, especially the negative ones to see what the postive reviews are ignoring. This is my first review because, very honestly, I believe most of the “most convincing” negative reviews for this game are wrong and can be ignored.

1. “Tedious and boring”

AKA: not your type of game. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it a bad game. It is a turn-based resource management/micromanagement/strategy game. Most people think those are boring. I don’t. That’s why this game interested me. Let’s move on.

Real player with 87.9 hrs in game

Highly recommended.

TLDR; Follow-up to Vietnam ‘65, easy-to-learn controls and layout, but requires some very keen operational executions to succeed. More solid than its prequel, and more helpful towards new players as well.

A sequel to Vietnam ‘65, this game has the same core mechanics, and will be familiar to those who has played the prequel. For those new, there’s 4 excellent tutorial missions that will teach you those core mechanics, and will do so while actually playing scenarios. Still, while Vietnam ‘65 really felt like a tablet port, this game feels much more like a PC game.

Real player with 80.5 hrs in game

Afghanistan '11 on Steam

Panzer Corps 2

Panzer Corps 2

It’s an OK title that doesn’t live up to the previous installment in game depth and it’s poorly optimized, so it crashes my pretty decent computer with a dedicated graphics card.

Despite the criticisms below, the main game is decent (if short), so it may still be worth it, but don’t expect the DLC to somehow expand or better the game. It was more frustrating than entertaining.

I got the field marshal edition with all the dlc and what they don’t tell you in the AD is that the DLC is not at all connected to the main game. it’s a stand alone game where you advance in chapters. TOTAL bummer.

Real player with 481.5 hrs in game

Huge disapointment. I’m a huge Panzer Corps fan and I could’nt wait for this game to come out. I have played this game and have run into some errors that need to be adressed

Let me start with what this game gets right.

1. AT guns act like artilery when defending against hard targets, ei tanks, which is a good feature that makes both Tank destroyers and AT guns usefull and instrumental both attacking and defending.

2. The option for troops to use a transport and then dismount is also a very welcome feature.

Real player with 278.1 hrs in game

Panzer Corps 2 on Steam

SGS Heia Safari

SGS Heia Safari

The game has a campaign game and four campaigns which start in 1915, 1916, 1917 and 1918 and run to the end of the War. I have been playing the game for over a month and am greatly enjoying it. It has good period feel and the game captures well the asymmetric nature of the conflict with lumbering large Allied forces chasing the German forces, made up almost entirely of native askaris, who wage an effective campaign of raids, cutting Allied supply lines and overpowering isolated Allied garrisons.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

It has always been my belief that games can succeed in two ways. The first, through the intricacies of its systems, how they relate to one another, and the opportunities they present for players to express themselves within its world. The second, thorough the novelty of expert explorations of its setting. Sometimes, but not often, we’ll be presented with games that manage to do both. Heia Safari’s iterative design doesn’t stray far from its established formula, and I’m assuming, the reason for that, is the existence of an already established fan base and the recently well-received SGS Afrika Korps. I’m hesitant to call this an all-out review, per se, because I enjoy doing reviews properly, going in-depth with every little detail, something I can’t afford to do with SGS right now, but I’ve spent a long couple of hours in the game, so I should be confident enough to share my opinion on it.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

SGS Heia Safari on Steam

Tactical Combat Department

Tactical Combat Department

Definitely recommend this game. As many have said, it takes inspiration from games like SWAT, Doorkickers and Xcom. What I find most unique is the shooting system that doesn’t work on a % chance based on stats (like most turn based games). Instead it randomises where the bullets go based on the weapon and experience of the shooter. Think doorkickers in this aspect, meaning you may hit something between you and the target, or even hit something behind them. The unique part comes in this being a turn based game using that system. I personally haven’t seen something like that before.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Good game! It’s an innovative tactical game with Swat theme in turn based design. You can work with 5 members in your team. In this game is interesting weapon fire system. It’s based on skills of your member and accuracy of weapons. But projectiles fly from weapons, you can hit other civilians or your team member. This is good!

Price is very friendly and fair! Recommended!

If you like Doorkickers and you want to play another Doorkicker’s game, play Doorkickers. If you want to play xcom or big turn based strategy with base building play Xcom, Xenonauts etc. But if you want to play something new and interesting, play this small but interesting game.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Tactical Combat Department on Steam

Eternal Warfare

Eternal Warfare

I have been dabbling in this game for a few years now and I have watched it develop and improve with the developer happy to listen and take on boards ideas and suggestions. Whilst it easy to describe it as a turn based Command and Conquer it is more than that and what is important about it is that it is simply great fun. Different game modes cater for your mood- you can battle through the various campaigns (which vary in challenge from winning through sheer force to more subtle and stealth scenarios), fight off waves of enemies in the invasion mode or conquer the world in huge skirmishes against an impressive AI which cannot be bargained with and which has had me on the ropes more than once when I let my guard down. The graphics are fun, the selection of units is interesting and all for a bargain price. What more do you want?

Real player with 56.3 hrs in game

please play this advace wars clone… please… i need someone to play with

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

Eternal Warfare on Steam

Strategic Command: World War I

Strategic Command: World War I

I’ve spent some time playing this game, and unfortunately, I wouldn’t be recommending this game at current state.

The biggest problem is how SLOW the game is. Reminds me of old SNES games where you made a cup of tea while waiting for enemy AI to finish their turn. In 2020, that’s not acceptable.

The balance of the game is OK but not great. I think they’ve nailed the stagnating warfare in the Western Front, but this meddled with balancing in East and Asia.

And because portrayal of stagnation of Western Front is so good, there are little incentive for Germany to go west. Current meta for multiplayer seems to be, don’t invade Belgium, go East First. We usually see Entente invading Belgium, not other way around. If alt-history is happening most of the time in a historical strategy game, some things needs to be addressed.

Real player with 614.8 hrs in game

Immersive and thoroughly addictive game that more than satisfies the need to scratch a turn based strategic Great War itch. Having played both Guns of August and Commander Great War, SCWW1 is not only a worthy successor but a real gem of a game that needs effort and thought to master.

A good selection of scenarios, including a full campaign, the addition of the ‘Blue Max’ mods and numerous scripts together with an elegant engine and sensible AI makes the game replayable and challenging.

To date, I haven’t played two games the same, as the AI varies decision making events randomly. For instance Italy joins the Entante or bribed with territorial gains by the Hapsburgs to delay entering the war; if Russia is making gains then Lenin remains a bit part orator in Switzerland, if not than the Entante to the West will feel the weight of those transferred Eastern Front battled hardened Corps in 1917/18.

Real player with 473.7 hrs in game

Strategic Command: World War I on Steam