Blocks!: Hammer of the Scots

Blocks!: Hammer of the Scots

Looks great. Could be great .

However there are a some serious bugs that make the game not really playable. At least , not faithful to the board game.

The card that makes a noble switch sides , should be decided on a die roll. I have seen that card come up four times, and it was successful each time. Could happen, but there is no dice rolled in the graphics makes me thing otherwise.

The main attack force and the reserves is the biggest problem, that is just chosen randomly by the computer.

Naval movement only allowed me to move one unit. And then asked me if i was sure , when i pressed NEXT. So the game at some level know i was allowed to move anther unit , but would not let me.

Real player with 64.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Turn-Based Strategy Indie Games.

The game requires some serious polish.

Besides a weak AI (more or less acceptable), coding is sometimes faulty.

The game hangs randomly due a fatal bug during wintering phase that turns it totally unplayable with either Scots or Brits. From time to time the cards drawing enters in a wierd loop.

Also noticed that picking destinations at the end of the turn are some times ignored, like Wallace unable to move to the forest, or nobles unable to pick specific castle.

There are some other improvable usability annoyances.

Real player with 55.3 hrs in game

Blocks!: Hammer of the Scots on Steam

Battle for Iwo Jima

Battle for Iwo Jima

yes, but:

1. It goes so extremely slow, mainly i think due to unnecessary graphic duration. The very worst is the flare shooting into the air at each nite attack. It goes dramaticly on & on, but, you know, after the very 1st time, ok, we get it. Actually same re artillery & j attacks, and movement in general - i think the units could move a lot faster if the sound&graphics were abbreviated.

2. I play over&over & lose EVERY time. OK i learned, but this last time was especially bad: Day 13 end turn, i’ve achieved green on 3 of the so-far 4 objectives, red on the 4th :(, several days remain to get to the next 1, only 235/320 j points, truly it feels the opposition is COLLAPSING, i am racing to the final objectives with plenty of time left, seems i’ve finally got this fig’d out, and suddenly “japanese decisive victory”. WHY?

Real player with 55.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Turn-Based Strategy War Games.

38 hours playing to lose after 7 days max every single game. jap artillery hits and always causes casualties, they can fire 2 hexes always causing casualties, they can ambush and always hit, they banzai and always hit, the Americans have support which does nothing, they cannot hit anything, they cannot assault. Pointless game made to look pretty and that is it.

Real player with 42.9 hrs in game

Battle for Iwo Jima on Steam

Great Battles of Carolus XII

Great Battles of Carolus XII


  • simple graphics

  • easy to learn, hard to master

  • price

  • easy concept, for me better than Great Battles


  • no settings (music disable, resolution settings, nothing)

  • no save function - if you have no more time or game crash you have no chance to continue battle

  • no minimap

  • only a little content

  • no army builder

  • no “undo movement” button

  • no “next unit” button

  • infantry and grenadiers looks the same


  • after winning battle “Continue” button does not work

Conclusion 6/10. It is fun for 5 Euro, but missing some basic functions.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Turn-Based Strategy Alternate History Games.

This game is great! It is easy to learn and simple but very engaging! I will spread the word and with you all the luck in its success!

Please play this game, folks!

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Great Battles of Carolus XII on Steam



what does a temple and granary do

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Hoplichess on Steam



Loosing progress at the Dia de los Muertos Event??

I build a city with more than 300 population for nothing?

You are Not worth of my time and my money anymore!!

Mark my words. Look at the playtime at writing this review (213hours) … not a minute more, not a cent more for the many future DLCs.

DLCs that are necessary (but not paid once), as clearly the game is MISSING stuff to be enjoyed, to be recommended.

There are still games out there, You buy at release day, You play, You enjoy …. And You don’t feel fooled. Humankind is NOT one of them.

Real player with 213.0 hrs in game

This is now my favorite Civ-like 4x game.



-Its tutorialization GUI and tooltips leave something to be desired. For example, the fact that Fog environment (tile modifier) on the ocean stops line of sight units from being able to fire through. Some things you have to just learn on your own. I wish they could update this for as much as possible.

-This might just be a flavor thing, but the way the game is set up, you can transition to entirely different cultures as you enter a new era. You can go from Assyrian to Swedish within a campaign, without ever having dominated or assimilated any different culture-groups. Sometimes, I wish this had been handled differently, like you could only transition into culture-groups you had somehow been culturally involved with by neighbors or assimilation/domination. But gameplay wise it is still very fun as it is. Just hampers the immersion slightly.

Real player with 155.4 hrs in game


Imperiums: Greek Wars

Imperiums: Greek Wars

So, I have been playing this game for about near 40 hours at the time of this review.

Imperiums, focus' on the Greek Wars time era. And the developers do a very good job in portraying accurate history, in my opinion. The game keeps trying to ‘curb’ you back toward history. However; you can fight against that, and go your own way. However it requires more effort or ‘elbow grease’ to get there. Basically, to ‘go against’ history; the game feels harder! Usually. Usually when trying to go against history. I really like this aspect of the game.

Real player with 323.7 hrs in game

As a strategy game Imperiums is one of a kind. Designed from scratched with pen and paper by a passionate developer and now released as the second entry in a hopefully long lasting series of strategy games.

Over the years the game is shaped and finetuned by the help of a small, but very dedicated playerbase who can discuss with the developer in forums on Steam and Discord.

Hundreds of players already mentioned their complains and wishes for the game and the developer keeps a list with urgent must have features and nice to have features for the future.

Real player with 158.9 hrs in game

Imperiums: Greek Wars on Steam



  • Searches for historical games on Steam

  • Hm, asset flip, pixel junk, Numantia, hentai, AAA garbage…

  • Wait, Numantia? I remember Rome tried to siege an Iberian city with the same name

  • Nah, probably yet another asset flip game. But i will check just in case

  • gasp The game is really about the siege of Numantia

Unlike other historical strategies, this game portrays a local conflict instead of global domination across centuries. The campaign is mission based. Every chapter you recruit new soldiers, buy some equipment for them, watch events and participate in batlles in the end. Events offer choices, almost all of them bring immediate results (moral or resources increase/drop, new units/equipment, unexpected battles, etc), story is mostly unaffected by them (some characters can die but it does not change much). Artwork looks simple and charming at the same time. Music is nothing special, there are only few background tracks. UI could be better but I got used to it pretty quickly. Keys can’t be rebinded.

Real player with 25.5 hrs in game

Numantia is an actual fun to play strategy game showing actual melee vs range advantages and disadvantages, low health high damage range vs high health medium damage melee etc, the strength of the troops is almost equivalent to the cost and maintenance of the troop. They balanced the troops out well, pros and cons, a weak unit is able to gain the upperhand if you take advantage of your unit’s strength and the enemy unit’s weakness.

The amazing artworks, graphical interfaces, sound effects, background music etc, is really something to that catches my heart. The storyline is really nice, but there’s a few bugs here and there that needs to be ironed out, for example freezing of game.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Numantia on Steam

SGS Heia Safari

SGS Heia Safari

The game has a campaign game and four campaigns which start in 1915, 1916, 1917 and 1918 and run to the end of the War. I have been playing the game for over a month and am greatly enjoying it. It has good period feel and the game captures well the asymmetric nature of the conflict with lumbering large Allied forces chasing the German forces, made up almost entirely of native askaris, who wage an effective campaign of raids, cutting Allied supply lines and overpowering isolated Allied garrisons.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

It has always been my belief that games can succeed in two ways. The first, through the intricacies of its systems, how they relate to one another, and the opportunities they present for players to express themselves within its world. The second, thorough the novelty of expert explorations of its setting. Sometimes, but not often, we’ll be presented with games that manage to do both. Heia Safari’s iterative design doesn’t stray far from its established formula, and I’m assuming, the reason for that, is the existence of an already established fan base and the recently well-received SGS Afrika Korps. I’m hesitant to call this an all-out review, per se, because I enjoy doing reviews properly, going in-depth with every little detail, something I can’t afford to do with SGS right now, but I’ve spent a long couple of hours in the game, so I should be confident enough to share my opinion on it.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

SGS Heia Safari on Steam

Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI

Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI

They ruined this game with the gathering storms release. They took out the ability to have larger maps not only in gathing storms but even in my game that I paid for the first to releases. They should give me a refund since the game has been broken for 2 years and I paid for what I wanted. I didn’t pay for gathering storms and didn’t like the entire concept of that release but they screwed up the versions I already paid for. Been playing this game since Civ 2 about 20 years and I will never give them another dollar. I keep looking every couple months to see if they will fix this issue but they never do. I am done with Civ games. They don’t respect their player base and don’t respect what I have paid for the game and now I can’t even play it.

Real player with 3255.4 hrs in game

I usually don’t bother to write reviews for games but the poor management of Civ VI has made me to.

This game used to run fine on launch but now it just constantly desyncs in multiplayer and is very prone to crashing. The latter which after some research turned out to be because for whatever reason the game can’t handle multiple CPU cores anymore and just crashes irregularly. I even turned a bunch of mine off to test it and voila: the game runs like shit because I artificially made my computer run like crap but it doesn’t crash anymore which proves the core issue. The desyncs in mp-games might be caused by whatever but completely brick your games, something that also was only introduced with the later DLCs and patches and did not exist earlier. Which brings back fond memories of Civ V, which had the exact same issue which, there too, made us stop playing it in multiplayer altogether.

Real player with 2236.7 hrs in game

Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI on Steam

The Ancients

The Ancients

Earth in prehistoric times. The continents are shifting, the last ice age is coming. Fierce predators roam the land.


  • Survive in harsh conditions of prehistoric earth and wild creatures of virgin nature.

  • Research and craft new tools according to your geographical needs.

  • Protect your tribe from wild animals, cold winters, drought, make them feel safe.

  • Discover the language and build an identity for your tribe so your people will be a whole.

  • Create root religious ideas and combine them to create your own religion.

  • Observe every change of your tribe. (Further reading tribe scene below)

  • Build your own culture, make your tribe patriarchal or matriarchal, polygamic or monogamous, etc.

  • Shape your tribe policies, authoritarian or free people, brutal or peaceful, equal or hierarchical. Each decision will help you deal with difficulties in its own way.

  • Migrate different nodes on earth, to even the most impossible areas and try to survive there, you will be native to where you stay in the end.

  • Meet the prehistoric animals, and be prey to them or make them your prey.

  • Witness the historical development of humanity or create your own history.

  • Try to make the best decisions in various events caused by internal or external sources.

From being starving hunter-gatherers, you will develop a great tribe with many options on prehistoric technology to great cultural breakthroughs. Your goal is to survive and thrive in real-world-inspired locations and migrate to new lands.


The culture tree is where you discover religion, policies, and human interactions inside and outside of your tribe, the main purpose of the culture segment is to allow the player to shape the cultural development of the people. We worked on it to make it as real as real tribe’s decisions.You decide the roots of the culture of your community and what they are like when they advanced to settled life.


The research tree aims to help the player overcome the obstacles of the game by inventing new tools materials and crafting options. Research Tree is composed of six different categories inspired by historically correct ancient technologies. Our research tree consists six different categories, and six consecutive historic periods. You can become better in any category than others, like historic tribes.


The Tribe Scene gives you a close-up look at your tribe’s development. You can see the results of your tribe development on this screen. In addition to visuals, tribesmen and tribe states can be observed here. You can check if your tribe members are fed, feeling safe, and bound to the tribe socially. Otherwise, they may fight, steal or leave the tribe. Being a tribe doesn’t mean traveling and eating together, you have to live together and survive as a community.


While surviving against the wild, relentless nature of the last ice age; travel the vast landscape of the ancient earth. The ancient earth was geographically different than the earth we know today. The world was not like today at the last ice age, do you want to try to walk to America from Asia? Do you know Britain and japan weren’t islands at all…

Discover the ancient earth with your tribe.


In the game, the player controls different clans of a tribe. These clans may gather food, hunt animals, make camp, or later in the game improve campsite with basic structures like tents and fences against wild animals. Our maps consist of hexagon tiles which is very useful for planning tactics for your clans.

The Ancients on Steam