Alpha One

Alpha One

In Alpha One you awaken from bio-stasis alone in an uncharted region of the galaxy. Aboard the United Colony Ship Alpha, you were part of an interstellar expedition gone wrong. To survive it was necessary to deploy the colony ship into station mode and outfit a space capsule with the ability to collect resources. After discovering a strange, crystalline substance, it allowed you to create an experimental jump drive that you hope one day can get you home to Earth.

With your limited jump-drive capabilities, you explore the region and find out there are many types of resources with the potential to build and unlock new technologies. However, you quickly learn you have an adversary. You meet an intelligent life-form pursuing those same resources and they see your very existence as a threat!

Find a way to control these systems, defend them, harvest and use them to research technology. It’s a race for you to defeat the enemy or stay alive until you can find a way home.

What you do in Alpha One:


  • Classic Newtonian physics; thrust in one direction, spin your capsule to angle your trajectory

  • Harvest resources with your space capsule

  • Use resources to build, repair and research


  • Compete for resources in dogfights with hostile NPC ships (and escape if you have to!)


  • Each star system is a level that you have to clear in order to claim and deploy automated outposts (your opponent will do the same)

  • Outposts will collect resources from the system they inhabit


  • Defend your outposts, with your ship or leave it up to automated Gunship Defenders

  • Build and strategically deploy Gunships Defenders on the map to protect your economy


  • Strategically expand by deploying outposts to systems with resources that counter your opponent!

  • Use each resource for its own line of weapons and defense


  • Research tech to defend the enemy’s weapons

  • Create weapons that your opponent can’t defend!


  • Attack Enemy outposts to hurt their economy and hinder their ability to make repairs, build and research tech


  • Play a progression of maps that get progressively harder

  • Includes a map editor to make your own levels

  • or generate your own random map/settings for a custom randomized experience

Read More: Best Turn-Based Strategy Top-Down Shooter Games.

Alpha One on Steam

Demonpact: Clarice

Demonpact: Clarice

After having allegedly consumed most of the content in the game, I’ve decided to write the review this game deserves.

I will start with my initial impression and its evolution;

I was very unfamiliar with Goiaba’s business as a whole previously, only knowing them through a friend of a friend kind of deal, and while I can appreciate the art, the trailer and screenshots of the game don’t do it justice.

Even in the first few minutes of the game, the situation presented makes me think I’m getting into some early 2000s highschool furry webcomic situation based on the first 3 characters presented and how they talk.

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Turn-Based Strategy RPG Games.

A very well made furry RPGmaker brazillian game. I’m pretty amazed it was free, taking into account how much content there is to explore. No grind too which is always nice. There’s a lot of secrets and easter eggs to dig, I have spent like fourteen hours and didn’t find everything yet!

The game does carries some heavy serious stuff plus some edgy and saucy jokes, but do check it out if that doesn’t bother you. For me it was an enjoyable experience.

Real player with 15.2 hrs in game

Demonpact: Clarice on Steam

Edifice of Fiends

Edifice of Fiends

Nice tiny tutorial how to do your fights & skills

Saving your progress is possible but at a certain cost :P

Each floor you progress through gives u shops & items to buy and improve your character

Interface kept simple but goes fast even playing with the keyboard

Gives you the possibility to change the keybindings

Game also is getting regular updates at the moment of writing

Some minor points:

First floors not have much of a scenery/setup change, took some floors to see a small chance, could use for sure some variations

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Turn-Based Strategy Strategy RPG Games.

I saw this on sale for 80% off ($1) and decided to pick it up.

Can’t recommend it. This is a poor RPG maker game and there are better ones out there.

Let’s take a look at the listings on the store and go one-by-one, shall we?

“Every choice matters as you try to fight your way to the top of the Edifice of Fiends”

Your choices are… what do I buy, and what skills/attributes do I spec into. There are not any other meaningful choices (well, I guess you could waste your time picking up a pickaxe/felling axe so that you can possibly make gear that is basically as good as what you can buy in the store)

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Edifice of Fiends on Steam

The Age of Decadence

The Age of Decadence


☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☐ Good

☑ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it


The game portrays an aesthetic I have a massive soft spot for - Post-apocalyptic colonial Roman Empire. The environment art is well polished and beautiful, and the art style is self-consistent and immersive. I really feel like I’m somewhere in Carthage. The cities feel appropriate for their size – Maadoran feels like a dirty, bustling metropolis down on its luck. The design of the armours and weapons are all era-appropriate, with proper, real-life names (e.g. Lorica Segmentata).

Real player with 391.5 hrs in game

In brief: AoD ditches many of the genre long established staples to focus on the roleplaying, and this it does amazingly well; there really is nothing quite like it out there. The EA version is very much playable (there are less bugs than in many releases). The combat, which has been much the focus of attention due to its difficulty, is not awesome, but it gets the job done and it is optional.

***Since for some reason Steam has decided to implement a character limit to user reviews (what’s up with that Gabe?), you can read my whole review here: , but below is a very long extract:

Real player with 214.3 hrs in game

The Age of Decadence on Steam

Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters

Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters

Lead humanity’s greatest weapon, the Grey Knights, against the corrupting forces of Chaos in this brutal and fast-paced turn-based tactical RPG. Root out and put a stop to an insidious plot to infect the galaxy with the Bloom, an intergalactic cosmic plague capable of rotting worlds into oblivion.

Armoured in faith, shielded by devotion, the Grey Knights’ very existence is rooted in mystery, enforced with mind-wipes and executions. Experience life in the 41st millennium and follow the journey of these elite warriors in a narrative penned by acclaimed Black Library author, Aaron Dembski-Bowden.


Upgrade your base of operations, build new facilities, conduct research into arcane mysteries and engage in combat missions across multiple worlds to purge the spread. The Bloom corrupts without prejudice; your choices will affect which planets succumb… and survive.


Command your own, personalised squad of Grey Knights; learn a range of diverse skills and psychic abilities, unlock powerful equipment and specialise your champions into four unique standard and hero classes. Each of your warriors can be customised with voice, armour and facial options to make them your own.


Grey Knights are an elite chapter of Space Marines and are not in the business of making mistakes or missing their shots. The Precision Targeting system puts you in control of your tactical decisions, allowing you to plan your strategy with confidence, whether by taking shots from afar with sure-fire accuracy, or dismembering and dismantling a foe in brutal melee combat!


As the Bloom corrupts worlds, environments will evolve and erupt with deadly hazards and minions, cultists and the infamous Death Guard Chaos Space Marines will mutate with pestilent boons and blessings, giving them new attacks and abilities. Adapt your tried and tested strategies to overcome unsurmountable odds against towering foes and their servants.


Charge headlong into fast-paced tactical combat. Eviscerate and execute enemies up close in gory displays of prowess, or strike from afar with blessed bullets and powerful psychic energies. Use the dynamically destructible environment to your advantage by tearing down pillars or slamming vehicles into unsuspecting enemies.

Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters on Steam

Brain Sanguo

Brain Sanguo

The game looks like a combination of Chinese chess pieces and a map made of very simple graphics. This does have an English translation but it is hard to understand and has many grammatical mistakes. Even when you can read Chinese this is hard to get into. The tutorial didnt help much. It simply gave me an idea of what the main menu points are but it wasnt enough to figure out what to do. There are many options of things to do in the game, mostly text based menus, but it was really hard to tell what your goal was. Should you attack the other cities? Or defend against the bandits? There was no clear indication to what you should do and there was no story either. I tried to attack some bandits but the fighting system was really hard to understand too. I could select some units and attack but I didnt really see who was who or what I was attacking. After clicking attack it just said Defeated. No graphics show anyone fighting. The chance is really high that you will be disappointed when you buy this.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Doesn’t work. Game runs, but tutorial stops after one screen, no way to continue. Every command on the command screen leads to the same exact set of options. NOT JUST A NON-FINISHED PRODUCT, IT’S A NON-STARTED PRODUCT.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Brain Sanguo on Steam

The Banner Saga 2

The Banner Saga 2

The Banner Saga 2 it’s more of a continuation than a sequel, but the improvements that this game has over the previous one make this game incredibly enjoyable.

I know some people found their experience on the past game quite challenging or even frustrating but in TBS2 trust me that you will enjoy this ride like you have never ever enjoyed a Turn based strategy game.

Improvements in common gameplay!

The caravan system has been vastly improved, now those lazy clansmen actually bring much necessary food/supplies to you! By hunting and foraging and thus keeping up your survavility rate! This allows you to do something that in TBS1 would be unimaginable and that is Purchasing Items from the market! Can you believe it? Well neither can I and that’s just awesome!

Real player with 133.5 hrs in game

Before you read, note that English is not my native language, so expect errors and for that I apologize in advance.

Let me fill you in if you have no idea what the Banner Saga is.

You are nobody and you wake up to find the world that you and everyone once know is breaking apart. You struggle to get by and are forced to make tough calls, so that you and your people can survive. And through these choices you are bringing changes – though small, they may escalate. I am not going to tell you the exact plot, since it would spoil the fun.

Real player with 39.7 hrs in game

The Banner Saga 2 on Steam

Zafehouse Diaries 2

Zafehouse Diaries 2

I have only played 5.4 hours of Zafehouse Diaries 2… or I should say, it took me 5.4 hours of playing Zafehouse Diaries 2 before I took a break from it.

If you have played the original Zafehouse Diaries then you will know what the game is about and all I need to say really is it is an improved version of the original game, with some things added to expand on their original ideas. If you played and loved Zafehouse Diaries then you will probably buy this or will have bought it already so you may as well stop reading this review now as I’m not going to say anything you don’t already know.

Real player with 67.6 hrs in game

This game is about…

Blah, blah, blah.

ZHD2 needs some improvements in creating distractions, rumors and tinkering. Distractions for example are not as necessary as they were in ZHD1. The whole town was flooded with hundreds of zombies but I never felt like I got slaughtered by the crowd. The massive distraction isn’t as effective as the bonfire in ZHD1. It doesn’t distract so many zombies. The rumor system didn’t get improvements. It’s just there. It could be deeper and wider. Tinkering is too random. You nearly have no controls about it. I want to say my people which items I want. You always have to tinker the same order. First cooking or construction because no one wants a combat pan. I never equipped that one. But you’ll get one if you tinker for weapons first. Tools are so rare in that game that you don’t want a combat circular saw. No you want a builder’s circular saw. Another thing is I got a scoped shotgun. Yes, a scoped shotgun. I don’t know how effective such a scoped shotgun is. The game didn’t tell me. I think a sawed-off-shotgun would make more sense. And so on…

Real player with 31.8 hrs in game

Zafehouse Diaries 2 on Steam

The Ancients

The Ancients

Earth in prehistoric times. The continents are shifting, the last ice age is coming. Fierce predators roam the land.


  • Survive in harsh conditions of prehistoric earth and wild creatures of virgin nature.

  • Research and craft new tools according to your geographical needs.

  • Protect your tribe from wild animals, cold winters, drought, make them feel safe.

  • Discover the language and build an identity for your tribe so your people will be a whole.

  • Create root religious ideas and combine them to create your own religion.

  • Observe every change of your tribe. (Further reading tribe scene below)

  • Build your own culture, make your tribe patriarchal or matriarchal, polygamic or monogamous, etc.

  • Shape your tribe policies, authoritarian or free people, brutal or peaceful, equal or hierarchical. Each decision will help you deal with difficulties in its own way.

  • Migrate different nodes on earth, to even the most impossible areas and try to survive there, you will be native to where you stay in the end.

  • Meet the prehistoric animals, and be prey to them or make them your prey.

  • Witness the historical development of humanity or create your own history.

  • Try to make the best decisions in various events caused by internal or external sources.

From being starving hunter-gatherers, you will develop a great tribe with many options on prehistoric technology to great cultural breakthroughs. Your goal is to survive and thrive in real-world-inspired locations and migrate to new lands.


The culture tree is where you discover religion, policies, and human interactions inside and outside of your tribe, the main purpose of the culture segment is to allow the player to shape the cultural development of the people. We worked on it to make it as real as real tribe’s decisions.You decide the roots of the culture of your community and what they are like when they advanced to settled life.


The research tree aims to help the player overcome the obstacles of the game by inventing new tools materials and crafting options. Research Tree is composed of six different categories inspired by historically correct ancient technologies. Our research tree consists six different categories, and six consecutive historic periods. You can become better in any category than others, like historic tribes.


The Tribe Scene gives you a close-up look at your tribe’s development. You can see the results of your tribe development on this screen. In addition to visuals, tribesmen and tribe states can be observed here. You can check if your tribe members are fed, feeling safe, and bound to the tribe socially. Otherwise, they may fight, steal or leave the tribe. Being a tribe doesn’t mean traveling and eating together, you have to live together and survive as a community.


While surviving against the wild, relentless nature of the last ice age; travel the vast landscape of the ancient earth. The ancient earth was geographically different than the earth we know today. The world was not like today at the last ice age, do you want to try to walk to America from Asia? Do you know Britain and japan weren’t islands at all…

Discover the ancient earth with your tribe.


In the game, the player controls different clans of a tribe. These clans may gather food, hunt animals, make camp, or later in the game improve campsite with basic structures like tents and fences against wild animals. Our maps consist of hexagon tiles which is very useful for planning tactics for your clans.

The Ancients on Steam



Conquer the World! Let your strategy skills talks, weaken your opponents, and break a leg to get the best luck!

Occupy resources to build the strongest country much faster. Build Castles, Armies, Factories, and Embassies to greater your power and defense your country.

Arosia blends strategy with luck but does this with a well-balanced system. Take risks, use your tactics, and try to win.

Arosia inspired from a non-named basic paper game that creators played in High Scool. You’ll have square lands, you’ll

Arosia on Steam