Great Battles of Carolus XII

Great Battles of Carolus XII


  • simple graphics

  • easy to learn, hard to master

  • price

  • easy concept, for me better than Great Battles


  • no settings (music disable, resolution settings, nothing)

  • no save function - if you have no more time or game crash you have no chance to continue battle

  • no minimap

  • only a little content

  • no army builder

  • no “undo movement” button

  • no “next unit” button

  • infantry and grenadiers looks the same


  • after winning battle “Continue” button does not work

Conclusion 6/10. It is fun for 5 Euro, but missing some basic functions.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Turn-Based Strategy Historical Games.

This game is great! It is easy to learn and simple but very engaging! I will spread the word and with you all the luck in its success!

Please play this game, folks!

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Great Battles of Carolus XII on Steam

Brain Sanguo

Brain Sanguo

The game looks like a combination of Chinese chess pieces and a map made of very simple graphics. This does have an English translation but it is hard to understand and has many grammatical mistakes. Even when you can read Chinese this is hard to get into. The tutorial didnt help much. It simply gave me an idea of what the main menu points are but it wasnt enough to figure out what to do. There are many options of things to do in the game, mostly text based menus, but it was really hard to tell what your goal was. Should you attack the other cities? Or defend against the bandits? There was no clear indication to what you should do and there was no story either. I tried to attack some bandits but the fighting system was really hard to understand too. I could select some units and attack but I didnt really see who was who or what I was attacking. After clicking attack it just said Defeated. No graphics show anyone fighting. The chance is really high that you will be disappointed when you buy this.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Turn-Based Strategy Turn-Based Combat Games.

Doesn’t work. Game runs, but tutorial stops after one screen, no way to continue. Every command on the command screen leads to the same exact set of options. NOT JUST A NON-FINISHED PRODUCT, IT’S A NON-STARTED PRODUCT.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Brain Sanguo on Steam

Fort Sumter: The Secession Crisis

Fort Sumter: The Secession Crisis

A very faithful implementation of the original board game, which is a Eurogame by design with a historical ACW theme tagged on it. The game does have a decent AI and can be played solitaire as a result. Statistics on your own profile is available and so you can track your own performance vs. the AI. The only downside is the program still has a bug, freezing the solitaire game play from time to time and it seems Playdek was not aware of the issue. The multiplayer is easy to set up and game with score, measuring how you fare against others. However, there is no world ranking in the game, and different level of AI there is not. You can get notification in email when it is your turn in a game with another. A chat room is available but most of the time it is dormant. There is an alternate mapboard to give the game a variant, non-location look but I doubt people to use such a boring map. The gameplay is abstract and there is no manual inside the game or here on the Steam. You have to download it from the boardgame publisher GMT, as long as you are aware of it. This is absolutely a minor for the newcomer as the game itself is abstract and you are quite probably knowing what you are doing in the first few games. Once you get a hang out of the system, the game is smooth and quick to finish in 10 to 15 minutes. Overall, Fort Sumter is a game of tile-placement competing for control of the areas on the map. Score: 6.5/10.

Real player with 79.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Turn-Based Strategy Board Game Games.

I’ve been on the road a ton in the past couple of weeks and played the hell out of this. In about 60 offline games and a half-dozen online games I haven’t noted any gameplay bugs or rules/cards implementation problems as noted in another review. The recent AI bugfix improved the AI, and it’s competent enough in a mechanistic sense, but it' still a bit weak against experienced players, especially as it relates to setting things up in terms of the long game and Final Crisis. To be fair, that’s something the many human players don’t grok until they’ve played a while (which I have as an owner of the board game).

Real player with 51.2 hrs in game

Fort Sumter: The Secession Crisis on Steam

Imperiums: Greek Wars

Imperiums: Greek Wars

So, I have been playing this game for about near 40 hours at the time of this review.

Imperiums, focus' on the Greek Wars time era. And the developers do a very good job in portraying accurate history, in my opinion. The game keeps trying to ‘curb’ you back toward history. However; you can fight against that, and go your own way. However it requires more effort or ‘elbow grease’ to get there. Basically, to ‘go against’ history; the game feels harder! Usually. Usually when trying to go against history. I really like this aspect of the game.

Real player with 323.7 hrs in game

As a strategy game Imperiums is one of a kind. Designed from scratched with pen and paper by a passionate developer and now released as the second entry in a hopefully long lasting series of strategy games.

Over the years the game is shaped and finetuned by the help of a small, but very dedicated playerbase who can discuss with the developer in forums on Steam and Discord.

Hundreds of players already mentioned their complains and wishes for the game and the developer keeps a list with urgent must have features and nice to have features for the future.

Real player with 158.9 hrs in game

Imperiums: Greek Wars on Steam

SGS Halls of Montezuma

SGS Halls of Montezuma

Great game! I like how the main focus is on the battles and yet the cards and other aspects of the game add the historical background and events of that time period. The game has been well supported and updated too.

Real player with 177.8 hrs in game

In 5 hours of playtime, I have found the game so far to be fun, easy to learn and play and at the same time seriously historical, detailed and challenging. Excellent, colorful graphics, an awesome soundtrack and manual, and a wonderful video tutorial are just icing on the cake. I’m a serious wargamer from way back and would recommend this title without hesitation.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

SGS Halls of Montezuma on Steam



Conquer the World! Let your strategy skills talks, weaken your opponents, and break a leg to get the best luck!

Occupy resources to build the strongest country much faster. Build Castles, Armies, Factories, and Embassies to greater your power and defense your country.

Arosia blends strategy with luck but does this with a well-balanced system. Take risks, use your tactics, and try to win.

Arosia inspired from a non-named basic paper game that creators played in High Scool. You’ll have square lands, you’ll

Arosia on Steam

Red Button

Red Button

fun short

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

usa are cracked

add more stuff

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Red Button on Steam

Sin Bearers Tactics

Sin Bearers Tactics

Played the beta - promising first tactical game from a really small studio. Quite a good lenght for the price

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Sin Bearers Tactics on Steam

The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia

The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia

First off: I can’t believe that this game is priced under $19.99. It’s $12.99 — that’s simply unreal. 

As a player who has never really played any grand strategy games before, The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia has been a very surprising and enjoyable experience considering it’s an early access game developed by a dedicated team of four. If you had been watching/following this game for some time, you’ll know that Eagarlnia has gone through some rocky periods throughout the years, as the development team had been very silent about the game’s progress and status despite hosting it on Steam’s platform around late 2019. There were some hints here and there that the game would be localized to English, but there wasn’t any concrete information to go on for several months. Fortunately, the team would resurface to announce that the localization for English was well under way, and that the demo and early access release would arrive soon. If it wasn’t for their decision to localize, I most likely would’ve never stumbled across this gem of a game simply because of the language barrier.

Real player with 636.5 hrs in game

If you’re a lover of oldschool strategy games of this kind then do not hesistate and acquire this title for yourself. The game features a truckload of detailed artwork (so many heroes…), beautiful music and enjoyable game mechanics. The weak part is definitely the translation but I think they are working on it. It’s functional but at times it can be difficult to understand the correct meaning of a skill (example: a skill says that it is good against fighters but there are no fighter units… the closest would be soldiers but it might also refer to warriors or spearmen).

Real player with 127.2 hrs in game

The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia on Steam

Combined Arms Operations Series

Combined Arms Operations Series

IMHO, I can recommend this game with two caveats. The first is that this product is not for players new to wargames. For those gamers, Panzer Corp 2 might be a better, albeit more expensive, choice.

For experienced players, the game comes closest to Matrix Games' The Operational Art of War III-IV, although CAOS is much simpler to pick up and play.

Here’s the short-list of positives for this product:

1. The OOBs are exhaustive, and the historical units will be familiar to wargamers. The NATO symbols are a delight.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Very fun game, 10 times better with friends. Worth every euro.

Also the developers are active and extremely nice. They’re a role model for other developers.

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

Combined Arms Operations Series on Steam