

Dwerve is a tower defense dungeon crawler RPG. It tells the story of a young dwarven tinkerer that adventures into dwarven ruins to unearth the lost technologies of the ancient warsmiths: turrets and traps, the only weapons that can protect the dwarves from Witch Queen Vandra the Wicked and her army of bloodthirsty trolls and monstrous creatures.

Key Features

  • Tactical turret-based combat involves making strategic decisions about which turrets and traps to build and where.

  • Upgrade your arsenal with over a dozen turrets and traps, each with it’s own unique upgrade tree.

  • Discover powerful artifacts: an arrow-blocking shield, dashing boots, a bouncing boomerang, a ground-shaking hammer, and more!

  • Story-based campaign. Unravel the history of the dwarves and the trolls in a story that features diverse characters and an unpredictable plot!

  • Explore ancient dungeons in multiple biomes, each with hidden secrets, mysterious puzzles, and interesting lore!

  • Fully dynamic lighting. Adventure through dimly lit dungeons that come to life with dynamic lights and shadows!

Backstory & Lore

In the massive hollow mountain of Mount Crowcrest, there once lived a great nation of dwarves. The dwarves discovered power stones while mining deep in the mountain. They used them to power machines and, eventually, entire cities. They lived in peace and prosperity for centuries.

Over time they became infatuated with power stones and dug deeper to find more. One day they dug too deep and unleashed the Gloomdark Hordes, an army of trolls and monstrous creatures. Once the dwarves realized that trolls turned to stone in the sunlight, they fled far from the mountain and found refuge on the sunny Hills of Brekka.

Centuries passed and, over time, the dwarves forgot their traditions and abandoned craftsmanship and innovation in favor of warring and raiding. History became myth, and myth became bedtime stories. But whispers of a long forgotten darkness echo throughout the valley of the great mountain. It can be heard in the Snoring Forest, by those who dare to enter…

Read More: Best Tower Defense Dungeon Crawler Games.

Dwerve on Steam

Dwerve: Prologue

Dwerve: Prologue

This review is further detailed in the video below.

Dwerve is an incredibly charming game that is simple to pick up but requires strategy and dedication to succeed in! As a huge fan of Tower Defense games and the NES style classics, this game is a match made in heaven that resolves the shortcomings of both genres. I am super excited for the full game and can’t wait to cover it again when it releases!





✔️Tower defense done right! Exploration, dodging enemy attacks, replacing towers and manually attacking keeps the game from getting stale like your typical tower defense games.


Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tower Defense Dungeon Crawler Games.

I Kickstarted this game based on the first 5 minutes or so of the demo. It seemed super fun and like an innovative mix on the Tower Defense genre. Now that I’m playing the prologue for a bit longer, that impression hasn’t changed. The game oozes style, and has a challenging but fun format.

So far I’m very pleased, but the two things I did notice were 1; the walking speed is SUPER slow. This seems to be on purpose for mechanics, but wow it feels like I’m taking forever to get from point A to B. I assume the levels are smaller based purely on that for the sake of getting around, but I hope there’s a way to increase that speed more than a very slow recharging dash. 2; destructible items aren’t very easy to tell apart from non-destructible things. I found myself just stopping quite a bit to see if anything was destructible nearby.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Dwerve: Prologue on Steam