Control Craft 3

Control Craft 3

Great little RTS in the same mode as Mushroom Wars, Galcon etc. And a superb follow-up to Control Craft 2.

There’s been quite a few negative reviews - so I’m writing this one on the basis of the latest patch. A new dev has taken ownership, and has been very active:

  • 24 new maps (from CC2 - but they play very different in this game, so even if you breeze through CC2, you’ll find this a much harder task to complete)

  • new equipment (when I can upgrade, I suspect it will make the 24 new maps a bit easier going)

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tower Defense Action RTS Games.

Control Craft 3 is a mobile app that’s been dumped on Steam as a lazy cash grab. It’s the third in a series of ultra simple “numbers” game where you drag your soldiers into towers and eventually get more numbers than the enemy and swarm their towers. The interface is ultra minimalistic. The game is a ripoff of many much older games like Galcom, and the gameplay is unchanged.

This is a PC port of an Apple app store game with banner ads and everything. In game advertising is a complete insult to gamers everywhere. There’s no fullscreen and you can play the game for free on the web, but without the ads. How can I recommend paying for this when it’s free on the web?

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Control Craft 3 on Steam

The Legend Of The Black Wizard

The Legend Of The Black Wizard

Best game 2021

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tower Defense Action-Adventure Games.

The Legend Of The Black Wizard on Steam

Sierra Ops - Space Strategy Visual Novel

Sierra Ops - Space Strategy Visual Novel

Update after episode 2

This first episode is good but also very very very short. Might be one of the shortest I ever tried. It has an interesting sci-fi setting and introduces the characters but doesnt let you get to know them since you barely get a few lines. It also makes use of flash backs as the main characters clearly has mental wound attached to past incidents. Battle system is ok and unusual for a VN but not too hard to figure it out. The design of characters seems to fit a game like this quite well. Overall it got me interested to see next episode and decide if its good enough to get the season pass.

Real player with 42.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tower Defense Mechs Games.

I won’t lie, this barely tips the needle into recommend rather than neutral. Sierra Ops is basically a visual novel with a light fleet command and time management mechanic attached to it. I think the issue I have with it is that none of the component parts of terribly good. They aren’t BAD, but in trying to cram all of that in here they’ve cut a few corners on each section. Battles are a mixed bag of good, bad, and frustrating. I like a lot of things there but you have to go through so much story to get to them… and when it turns out they’re one the token five minutes and done type battles that can be frustrating. Not to mention the difficulties of introducing various new mechanics and ideas with that pacing. There’s a similar problem with upgrading your ship, by the end of chapter 2 there’s still not that much to choose yet. On the visual novel side the story is… it has potential but I don’t want to give it too much praise or condemnation yet. It’s not completely sold me so far, in either plot or execution, but I have to admit there are some good foundations here and it could make me eat those words in future chapters.

Real player with 36.2 hrs in game

Sierra Ops - Space Strategy Visual Novel on Steam

Spider-Robots War

Spider-Robots War

Not a bad game, you can create many robots, 5 levels, decent graphics

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Unfortunately even for the price of £2 its still pretty terrible, i went into the game thinking wish it had more than 5 missions, was quickly replaced by not been able to wait til i finished it, literally, left during the 4th mission, i could be so much better but was blatantly abandonded early on during alpha

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Spider-Robots War on Steam

Defence to death

Defence to death

Definitely only worth picking up when it is a 1.00 or less…and ONLY if you are wanting the achievements and cards.

Although I think the ability to click (fast) on enemies to kill them, and click (fast) on the mine to get more currency to spend to build towers, are really great ideas, there are only 3 actual levels that are reused over and over, only 4 towers to build, and only 2 towers you will actually use. You earn money at the end of each level, that you can spend on 3 upgrades per tower.

It’s a pretty easy, but very boring grind.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Defence to Death is another lazy asset flip from Laush Studio. They’ve taken a basic Unity template for a TD game, changed around a few things, didn’t bother with polishing it or testing it much, and dumped it on Steam for a comical $6.

I’d go on about how asset flips are bad but this is just garbage. Everything is clunky, no support for higher resolution monitors, balancing the game was something developers had heard about and will probably think about doing one day maybe on their next game. It’s just trash.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Defence to death on Steam

Alpha Lyrae Discovery

Alpha Lyrae Discovery

bought the game at a discount of 90%, not a bad game, there is not enough multiplayer, but one is not bad either. it is clear that the developer has not abandoned this brainchild and continues to release updates.

Real player with 1541.1 hrs in game

My 5yo absolutely loves this game. It’s just simple enough to where he’s learned the WASD and mouse movements enough to play it by himself. Really appreciate developers who put stuff out that little ones can play.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Alpha Lyrae Discovery on Steam



Fun TD game, very basic and short but fun. If you are bored one day and you are craving some TD action, this gmae shouId do the trick. I wish there were more missions or some sort of game+ for replayability but still a thumbsup. Cheers!

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

A fun game, a beautiful hand-drawn graphics, good gameplay.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Dezinsector on Steam