Loot Grind Simulator

Loot Grind Simulator

Another “simulator”…let’s look at it!

Loot Grind Simulator is another idle/casual game with clicker aspects. Your goal is to complete quests you sign up for and get loot out of them and your ultimate goal is to get all achievements…and to reach the top stat of Unique quality items while completing all of your collections.

The scope of this project is very small and you don’t even see what your quests are. You click the quest contracts and they activate timers until they are marked completed, thus giving you randomized loot based on the level of the quest, the speed of the quest, and the expected quality of the item reward…which isn’t guaranteed. Personally, I just opted to choose random quests and autoclick various areas. You can randomize quest rewards, but you’re probably better off just taking what you get the first time as that’ll probably be much faster with less effort.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Time Management Collectathon Games.

Overall a good experiment in game making for the developer. I hope to see more from them as they improve.


Not a micro transaction in sight.

Clean UI interaction.


Assets are common fodder.

Progression is boring and linear.

Personally I have no issue with the use of store assets, as when creating games alone, it’s better to be able to focus on the mechanics sides of things. That being said, the mechanics are too simple to generate extended interest. As I said in the beginning, I hope to see more from the developer in their future endeavors.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Loot Grind Simulator on Steam

Mirror Movement

Mirror Movement

Mirror Movement is a puzzle game set in a medieval environment. In it you will need to place the mirrors in the correct order to bring the laser to the target location before time runs out. If time runs out, you’ll have the right to repeat the level as many times as you like, until you can finish the game.

Read More: Best Time Management Indie Games.

Mirror Movement on Steam

The Sorrowvirus

The Sorrowvirus

The Sorrowvirus: A Faceless Short Story is a casual indie story-rich first-person adventure created by Watchmaker. You are Wyatt Heyll, a young man with a terminal illness. Wyatt’s parents give him the Sorrowvirus, “a substance that suspends the human soul in Purgatory after death; allowing them to heal due to Purgatory’s mysterious properties.” As his health and sanity deteriorate, Wyatt’s only desire is to be free, forever.

Without giving too much in the way of spoilers: Wyatt, voiced by YouTube’s 8-BitRyan, is dying over and over again and must navigate Purgatory while his parents try to find a cure. There is a mature content warning that the game’s subject content deals with “difficult psychological matters relating to, but not limited to, death, suicide, and euthanasia.”

Real player with 26.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Time Management Indie Games.

Former developer from the defunct Source version of Faceless.

! so I may be biased, but not really :P

I’ve seen this from the early days, alpha/beta tested the original release, and seen it grow into what it is now.

This is the definition of a “passion project” and it’s reflected in the extensive ever-growing lore, the overall quality, the production values, and the care and attention to detail that went into every minute this game was developed.

This is a horror game that isn’t about just scaring the player, but giving a challenge and story.

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

The Sorrowvirus on Steam

Summoner’s Mess

Summoner’s Mess

Worth every cent (and much more) of its price, it’s very entertaining to discover the map and each unsuccessful run makes you go for another one to see how far can you go this time.

It has a really nice art direction, and the sound ambiance goes perfectly with the game. Just buy it, with that price it’s like a gift.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

This is a very nice and interesting game, the graphics, the music, the mood… everything fits perfectly.

I really enjoyed playing it and doing all the possible endings. It is cool to be able to easily remember the rooms and little by little knowing all the place like it was my own house.

If you enjoy games where the progression is based on your own knowledge instead of unlockable skills, then give it a try!

The game gives you a proper amount of hours of game time given the fact that is super cheap!

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Summoner's Mess on Steam

Mad Restaurant People

Mad Restaurant People

This game is fun and challenging at the same time.

The beginning starts “easy” but after the first levels you will see how stressfull the game can get.

Edit: I played through all of the levels, exept for the last two, which are in my opinion too hard to complete them.

Real player with 30.1 hrs in game

Hell mode may become pleasantly challenging and skill-demanding.

Real player with 29.3 hrs in game

Mad Restaurant People on Steam

The Help Desk

The Help Desk

My play through here: https://youtu.be/tySLoKGfQPI


I’m only recommending this game, because I think there is a group of people that will enjoy this game. I did not enjoy this game there’s ZERO percent chance you can outplay everything you’re forced to take mandatory hits and depending on the AI’s erratic behavior if you do try to actually out maneuver your co workers because they’re camping a spot you’re going to run out of time. I’m such a nice guy though I’ll explain some things that aren’t explained in the control scheme it gives you so you don’t have to get gaped trying to figure it out there’s some neat intricacies. For CONFIG you need absolutely nothing swaps you need one computer you can only carry one. 5 discs= 1 life so this is where the game is playable and gives you a chance to win this is a life management/calculated hit type game. This is not a stealth game it’s not a skill game, it’s a strategy game and requires a pretty good amount of RNG. The enemies CAN HIT YOU MULTIPLE TIMES there’s no I frames if there’s 5 enemies sitting in a cramped hallway BETTER believe you’re taking 5 damage. There’s not enough space to outplay shit a lot of the time. I like games where If i play it well enough I can win and not take damage this game you can understand what to do do it and get gaped by the AI the AI I’m not sure if it’s smart or the fact it easily gets trapped in small areas, but they camp it and with your hit box in a 2 square room you’re not dodging. So it’s a NO for me, but if you want a really hard strategy risk management game this is for you. I also love the concept of being an IT worker being frustrated by dum dums.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

The Help Desk on Steam

Finley’s - The Colour of Radiation

Finley’s - The Colour of Radiation

A puzzle solving game of laser light beams, refraction, reflection and mixing.

Game Features:

  • Casual gameplay

  • A plethora of levels to discover

  • Steam achievements (over 40 awards)

  • Speed Runner mode

  • Leader boards for total score and speed (friends and globally)

  • Ever increasing difficulty

  • Multiple ways to solve a puzzle

  • Simple user interface using “drag and drop”

  • Share your achievements with others

  • No time limit (although faster means better!)

  • Beautifully rendered secret laboratory

  • Retro 1960’s comic style

“Is this thing on? Testing, testing.”

“My sensors really need a clean!”

“Oh wait, there you are.”

“Welcome test subject to our human radiation colour …or is that color? Hmm I’m not sure, my programming has more than a hint of the transatlantic in it…Where was I… Oh yes.,, Welcome test subject to our human radiation colour perception challenge. My name is Finley 808 and I’m your AI companion for your short foreseeable future.”

Pit your wits against the maniacal artificial intelligence Finley in this reimagining of the unknown and very secret 1960’s human perception tests carried out in top secret hidden bunker laboratories.

“Did you know there’s a Prize to be found deep in the Laboratory at the end of this test?”

As the test subject, the deeper you go into the facility, the harder the puzzles become to most.

“Thanks to a lucky find near Roswell, New Mexico we have built this facility to experiment on some new forms matter”

The objective of each test is simple. Drag and drop the available laser manipulation devices to split, redirect and absorb the laser death ray and eliminate the alien blob like waste product artefacts.

“The death ray… I mean focused radiation beam… is quite powerful. Should it touch the sides I will have no choice but to activate sterilisation protocols!”

It is possible for the light beam to touch the sides of the test laboratory. If you do, it will activate a countdown (limiting the time you have to pass the test). Should the countdown reach zero (all containment suppression fuses in the lab are blown), you will fail the test.

“Oh I do hope you aren’t one of the mediocre ones. You know your colours right? Oh I do hope so, whilst this alien waste product is messy, recycling substandard humans is really messy!”

The alien artefacts have a distinct hue. Black, Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and White. The white light of the laser will neutralise any of these. However you can split the white light (and combine of course) into these colours to remove corresponding Alien waste products.

“I’m always amazed just how many supposedly bright humans don’t understand how primary colours are mixed to make other colours. As a species you boast about the likes of Newton and Einstein, but really. The number of test subjects I see that didn’t know Red and Green makes Yellow, Red and Blue makes Magenta and, get this, Blue and Green makes Cyan. I mean please, over 80 billion neurons and not one helping… I will understand this species one day”.

A report card is produced for each test level completed. The grading is typical of the 1960’s where a “F” is an out and out fail through to an A (a top pass). Finley will award three star ticks for the best “A” class students! You are welcome to retake a level test again and again to improve your rating and score.

“It’s good to reward good effort don’t you think?”

You can increase your score (and report card attainment of course) by completing levels quickly, matching laser beam colour to Alien blob and minimising the number of device moves.

“Oh dear, that was a failure. Where will I get the next test subject from?”

You can easily (with permission granted) share your report with friends. Perhaps they will be better or worse than you when they face Finley’s Colour of Radiation challenge? Either way, it’s a game that will improve your cognitive and problem solving skills - Those secret 1960’s experiments have to have proved something right?

“We like humans, they will do whatever you ask of them, if you ask in the right way. Only last week I said to a test subject that managed to get to the Prize… I got into a fight with 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9. – The odds were against me. Soon after, 19 and 20 had a fight. Twenty one. ….They laughed!”

Still not sure if you want to give this game a go? Well, we can offer you hearsay and hyperbole regarding the experience of this game. Here are some of the totally fictitious characters that helped develop it…

“Man. This game is far out. The colours dude, they like blend you know.” (Comic reader guy, Long Beach, CA)

“My uncle did a lot of deep water filming in the 1960’s, but this game takes you deeper.” (Jake Coostoe, Monaco )

“One doesn’t simply play the game, one becomes the game, doesn’t one?” (MP, London)

“You know… When I was stuck in the game, I did manage to get by with a little help from my friends.” (Musician, Liverpool)

“Floot-rig-noota-garf-garf-yipa-enata-solinty-bim.” (A caretaker, Altair V)

We hope you enjoy this game!

Duckocide Games

Finley's - The Colour of Radiation on Steam

Guild Commander

Guild Commander

I haven’t played all hours, i left the game on while i made some constrution work at home, and later had dinner and watched a movie. I was in no hurry to get back to the game.

I’m at week 37 day 1. And all heroes maxxed out, so mutch gold i don’t know what to do with it, so i haven’t finished the game yet, and i don’t know if i will. It seems it’s just a waiting game at this point. Waiting for the last wave so the game can finaly end.

I would not recomend this game if you want more then a couple hours of fun from it.

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

After beating the game, I feel I can chip in my two cents about it.

Story, setting and general content has been covered by the product description and other reviewers, so I’ll refrain from going through all that again and instead focus on the good and the bad.


  • Quite a unique setting - only other game that comes anywhere near it seems to be Kairosoft’s Dungeon Village

  • Decent graphics for such a small game - no great animations, but the texture quality is really okay

  • Light-hearted humor - I love me some smiles and chuckles while playing

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Guild Commander on Steam

12 Labours of Hercules IX: A Hero’s Moonwalk

12 Labours of Hercules IX: A Hero’s Moonwalk

Not very relaxing in comparision to the older parts. Devs try to confuse the player as far as they can.

Real player with 177.8 hrs in game

Only if you liked 1-8… A little longer and a little more difficult. Enjoy.

Real player with 39.4 hrs in game

12 Labours of Hercules IX: A Hero's Moonwalk on Steam