Vital Signs: Emergency Department

Vital Signs: Emergency Department

First, great concept, and during current time frame or at least circumstance, this is a good way to keep up to date or at least keep other forms of injuries and illness near the forefront of one’s mind. Great for keeping the knowledge just within reach.

Unfortunately, even if you do everything set by your own facilities protocols and guidelines, it’s not enough to pass, specifically the young girls case, or the older gentleman’s case where not a whole lot is actually required to establish a TRUE ER Diagnosis or differential.

Real player with 43.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Time Management Education Games.

A LOT of work needs to be done on this game. There are duplicate medications in different categories, and although meds and concentrations/admin routes are identical, choosing the wrong category will give a critical fail. I am finding that often, there are treatments that I know for a fact are protocol for certain conditions/presentations are coming back as neglect or unnecessary. Almost every time this happens, it’s something that I know could cost me my license if I failed to administer in the given scenario. Patients do not respond as they should to certain treatments. Treatments often lag/bug out and do not show up as administered until “hours” later - which, for some, MIGHT make sense in an ED, but it doesn’t take any physician 1.5 hours to perform any type of vagal maneuver, for example, nor does it take an hour to do an emergent EKG, or to administer Ativan to an actively seizing patient. The only way to assist ventilation is via intubation or bi-pap on this game, which leaves out several other options and will also cause a failed scenario. The “grading” system for this game is absolute garbage, and without explanation of WHY any treatment would count against you (especially for those of us who work in emergency medicine and know damn good and well that said treatment is standard protocol and indicated) it seems there is no winning. To top it off, the biggest gripe is that NO DOCTOR IS GOING TO PESTER ANOTHER DOCTOR TO CHIT CHAT ABOUT ADMISSIONS WHILE THE SECOND DOC IS IN THE MIDDLE OF ASSESSING ANOTHER PATIENT!!! That just doesn’t happen, and it’s crap that it counts against you when you’re attending what would be considered a legitimate emergency because you are forced to drop everything and spend 5 minutes “discussing differentials” with Dr. Google there. And the consults? A specialty consult should be giving hints about what to do, not blowing the player off. What a joke.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Vital Signs: Emergency Department on Steam



**This is a very first prototype version! You may play it very soon and be invited to participate in development.

These are expected features.**

Attention: Prototype will be launched in june/2020. Your support will be welcome!

Choose who lives and who dies in a small peripheral hospital in a pandemic situation.

Live in the shoes of Keyla, a young doctor from the outskirts of São Paulo, in a pandemic situation.

2020. A small hospital on the outskirts of São Paulo lives the most bizarre story ever: a pandemic.

Many people cry out for service. Rich and poor. Women and men. Black and white. Children and old people. The hospital is getting full.

As a doctor, Keyla needs to examine. Examine and choose.

While choosing patients, Keyla also needs to have her personal choices.

Who will you save?


  • Play a 4-color pixel art game;

  • An adventure journey. Think carefully, act quickly;

  • Short gameplay rounds with replayability;

  • Choose through mini-games who lives and who dies;

  • Serve dozens of patients with based real-life stories;

  • Feel the sensation of being a doctor during the pandemic

The game design may get modifications.

Read More: Best Time Management Choices Matter Games.

Pandemia on Steam

Heart’s Medicine - Time to Heal

Heart’s Medicine - Time to Heal

I liked Delicious Emily: Message in a Bottle well enough to buy the gamehouse bundle. I was looking forward to more of the DE addictive gameplay and ludicrous storylines. This game disappointed me.

Instead of the insane sitcom plot of Delicious Emily, we get a semi-sane hospital-drama plot. A plus or a minus depending on how much you like helping your boyfriend / hospital director ditch his opioid habit via cutesy casual gameplay. Find all the pill bottles in time for a bonus!

More importantly - the gameplay is heavily loaded with minigames. Run the patient through the x-ray machine in under 5 seconds for a minor bonus! Set all the dislocated bones in 3 seconds, or the patient starts losing hearts!

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Time Management Indie Games.

At the end of the day, faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don’t really expect it. It’s like one day you realize the fairy tale may be slightly different than you dreamed of. The castle, well, it may not be a castle. And it’s not so important that it’s happy ever after just that it’s happy right now. See, once in a while, once in a blue moon people will surprise you. And once and a while people may even take your breath away. — Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy

Heart’s Medicine is a spin-off of Game House’s Delicious casual game series, and this one, Time to Heal is actually the second season of the series. The first game was released on 2010, and it covers the start of Allison’s internship. If you are interested, the game can still be reached via Game House’s website.

Real player with 21.7 hrs in game

Heart's Medicine - Time to Heal on Steam

Dr. Cares - Amy’s Pet Clinic

Dr. Cares - Amy’s Pet Clinic

What I love about this new season of Dr. Cares Series is the graphics and animation of the characters. The animation of each characters is more lively - and it is indeed a great improvement compare to the previous season. Another thing I love from this season is the story; where it allows me to appreciate Newton even more as I never expect it was Newton who saved Amy from the runaway - not once but twice. It really shows me Newton’s birth truly meaningful ever more especially towards Amy. And I really enjoy how the stories raise the awareness of bullying in school. Not to mention, I have to say it is very genius creative idea to have the choices system in this time season of Dr. Cares! It makes me feel as if I am reading a Visual Novel! Overall, I absolutely enjoy everything Nitreal and GameHouse Original Stories gave us in this season of Dr. Cares series.

Real player with 33.7 hrs in game

** For The Achievement Hunters: Score 0/5.

2 HUGE Gripes, Firstly you cannot complete the achievements. So in essence it’s an incomplete game :/

The ‘Purchase all rescue centre items’ is broken, not just for me, but for us all and the developer despite aware and having requests and pleading for years from PAYING consumers on several different online platforms and direct contact, have NOT added a patch fix for this.

The other achievement ‘Upgrade Rescue pets X3 to level 10’ will have you logging in for weeks, yes WEEKS after completing to finish it. Complete nonsense, totally boring and frustrating beyond belief. AVOID! **

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

Dr. Cares - Amy's Pet Clinic on Steam

Heart’s Medicine - Hospital Heat

Heart’s Medicine - Hospital Heat

I definitely recommend Hospital Heat, for those who are new to time-management games, and those who aren’t, it’s a fun way to pass the time, and the story and cut scenes are a new welcome to the form!

The story, this time, seems much more light-hearted than the previous installment, which is funny, since I was expecting to have my heart broken this time around, whereas in Time to Heal, I was completely blind-sided by the feelings the game made me feel. There’s plenty to do, with fun minigames, sixty levels, thirty bonus levels, two hidden minigames, and a chance to refurbish your apartment, and the story manages to be witty and engaging as well.

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

Straightforward time management gameplay with absolutely engaging storyline filled with drama.

Heart’s Medicine - Hospital Heat has the most dramatic beginning of any time management game. As the opening cutscene begins, the hospital is on fire. As in, literally burning to the ground. Rescue workers rush to the scene to quell the blaze, but so far to no avail. Only a few people have escaped the hospital alive. That’s when Doctor Allison Heart is dropped in via helicopter to save the day. As she attempts to enter the rooftop door, though, she slips and falls into the fiery abyss…

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Heart's Medicine - Hospital Heat on Steam

Heart’s Medicine - Season One

Heart’s Medicine - Season One

For those who have played Heart’s Medicine - Time To Heal and Heart’s Medicine - Hospital Heat , you may feel disappointed regarding how this season can be pretty bland; unlike the other two seasons of this series. But I would like to take note of the consideration that this is the SEASON ONE of the series. So there is a possibility that you do not feel the ‘wow-factor’ anymore as you have pretty much know what’s coming up based on the other two seasons which you have played.

Real player with 34.8 hrs in game

Heart’s Medicine: Season One Remastered (Dash-TM)

Options include separate sliders for Music and SFX, full-screen and Show Game Hints. There is no custom cursor, so I made a simple guide on how to increase your system’s cursor size HERE .

The original Heart’s Medicine: Season One released in 2010, and was a pioneer in the Dash-TM genre in several ways. It was the very first medical-themed dash game, it introduced the pop-up mini games/actions, and was the first game in the GameHouse Original Stories series to have the almighty golden hearts.

Real player with 24.5 hrs in game

Heart's Medicine - Season One on Steam

Dental Madness: Cavity Mania

Dental Madness: Cavity Mania

Fun little simulator game. Great soundtrack! Love the toothy chompy dude! Have fun clearing all those cavities!

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

A fun game that you can pick up and work on to either better yourself as a dentist or better your hand eye coordination with your mouse and keyboard! The controls are different but you get used to them pretty quickly and then you find yourself trying to beat your own scores! I haven’t gotten good enough to fully beat the game yet but today I got further than I had in the past! A good buy and a lot of fun! Will definitely continue playing and try to keep surpassing the leader board! The more you play, the more enjoyable it is!

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Dental Madness: Cavity Mania on Steam

My Universe - Pet Clinic Cats & Dogs

My Universe - Pet Clinic Cats & Dogs

This game feels very repetitive, like I’m doing the same treatments to the animals. Also, I feel the controls are a bit weird, I will try to move my character one way and she’ll go in a different direction. I’ll finish it very slowly to get the achievements because it is a bit boring

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

If there is a perfect game for kids, that has wholesome fun, adorable animals, simple game play, and a whole lot of heart, well this is pretty darn close. Taking care of animals is a big responsibility, and I’d go as far as to say that kids could benefit from playing through this before getting a pet. It’s important to know that in between the great times you have with your pet, there are repetitive chores that need done. Every day. For years.

I know when I look at my cats, I can see the pure and honest love in their eyes. Even though I know that love is for food, and not me, I like to pretend that they care. Even when I’m being smacked in the face at 3 AM because the bowls are empty, I smile to myself, treasuring my furry little friends.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

My Universe - Pet Clinic Cats & Dogs on Steam

Heart’s Medicine - Doctor’s Oath

Heart’s Medicine - Doctor’s Oath

First off, I love the games by Blue GIraffe/ Gamehouse and the Heart’s series is one of my favourite. But this game or “Mobile port” left me a disappointed.

I previously played the game on the tablet where it already felt grindy, But it could be excused as it being a free game and you where often limited in how much you could play on a day.

With the Steam version the grind remains. And while it seems you get a bit more resources (and are not limited to how much you can do in a day) it feels weird that so little has changed. It really comes across as a mobile game where you paid to just have the daily restriction lifted.

Real player with 195.5 hrs in game

Well, the PC release sure came out timely haha.

Heart’s Medicine - Doctor’s Oath is finally out for PC! Or should say that it was able to be ported over as those that played the series on PC were told that it wasn’t possible last year (I still held out hopes though).

In Doctor’s Oath, the Little Creek team is still getting used to being at Queensburrow. Not only does Queensburrow have a staff that isn’t too inviting, they have multiple systems in place that the Little Creek team finds weird. Though, the worst has to be that Allison is now interning under a different doctor, Dr. Ermey, during her last rotation. Dr. Ermey doesn’t like Allison and is looking for anything to fail her. He even has Aubrey as his star student (bleh). Of course, this isn’t the only thing Allison has to deal with. A new patient, named Grant, comes in with a mysterious disease and, due to a certain star student, infects a handful of doctors. Now Allison and the rest of the uninfected doctors must find a way to save their fellow colleagues before time runs out. I have to warn you guys, the story for this installment gets very sad.

Real player with 36.4 hrs in game

Heart's Medicine - Doctor's Oath on Steam

Ministry of Pandemic

Ministry of Pandemic

The game is pretty fun with little naive jokes. I especially loved the characters on the front page. I hope they all become available soon. It’s kind of addictive tho

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

good game

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Ministry of Pandemic on Steam