Bleeding Edge

Bleeding Edge

UPDATE: Ninja Theory put their playerbase in silence and was even told by a dev that they were still working on the game. They have officially said that they will no longer support the game.

This is a multiplayer brawler by Ninja Theory, the people who made DMC: Devil May Cry, Hell Blade, and Enslaved. So you can expect good combat. Melee characters will usually have a basic combo that they can cancel abilities into, along with air attacks. Long range characters have their pew with dashes, turrets, claw attacks, etc. Different types of colorful tanks, healers, and attackers with a familiar Ninja Theory UK punk rock esthetic here and there. 2 main objectives, point capture and collect stuff and put it in a thing, with modifiers which are bad. Each character gets 2 abilities to choose from. You can also grind for skins, emotes, boards, exhausts, and ability mods. Some of the best skins will take you like 200 games with 1 character to get……………………………………………

Real player with 133.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Third Person Fighting Games.

This game is great. It’s not for everyone, but it is great. The gameplay is heavily team-oriented; you’re not going to get anywhere trying to pull off a solo playstyle because there is no snowballing. At the beginning of the game you’re as powerful as you’ll be at the end. This can be seen two ways: one could say that it’s bad because it doesn’t reward someone for being skilled(or lucky) or one(such as myself) could say that it’s good because you’ll never be put into a situation in which a comeback is entirely impossible short of your entire team disconnecting, which leads to the next topic: Disconnects. Players often disconnect when they’re losing and as far as I can tell there is no penalty for this, which is obviously a problem.Next up, the characters: They are all wonderful. They all look as if they could be the main character of their own game. In addition, there’s some physical disability representation; Buttercup lost her legs in a vehicle accident, Cass lost her legs to paraplegia and Kulev is dead. In addition, all of the characters have very unique movesets, such as Mekko(a dolphin in a mech) has a kit which revolves around blocking damage with a bubble shield in order to power up his abilities or Azrael, who has the ability to apply “Soul Eater” stacks with his basic attacks, which cause damage over time and power up his abilities(also, he can glide with his wings at the cost of Stamina). Stamina is the resource tied to dodging, which can be used to escape combos; Stamina is also used for a few abilities in the game, such as the aforementioned wings.If you don’t like how your character looks, there are many skins to be had if you’re willing to grind for them. There is no way to acquire skins with real-world currency; once you’ve bought the game, you need only to work for the skins. The skins themselves range from recolors to complete costume changes, but the characters are still generally quite recognizable regardless of the skin they’re using. In addition, there are skins available for the hoverboards(which most characters use to traverse the map more quickly) which are also bought with in-game currency. Also available for in-game currency are emotes and mods. Emotes are self-explanatory, though mods are less so.You can have a loadout of up to three mods, most of which signficantly alter your character’s feel. Some of the effects of certain mods are as follows:-Increasing your character’s HP-Decreasing one of your abilities' cooldowns-Increasing the range of your basic attacks-Giving you HP regen while using your Super-And more!Currently, there are two gamemodes available: Objective Control and Power Collection. In the first, you fight the other team over 1-3 objectives(some of which may move throughout the match), with your team gaining points towards victory based on how many objectives you currently control. The second has two phases: Collection and Deposit. In the collection phase you run around the map, destroying barrels with power cells in them which you need to collect. You drop all of your cells on death, so killing enemies to take their cells is always a good thing. The deposit phase consists of going to a dropoff point and standing still until your cells have been deposited. The first team to fifty cells wins.Their are a few maps, all with their own hazards such as two large trains which occasionally run through the middle of the map or gates of electricity which fry anyone who tries to go through. Each match will have a randomly determined map modifier applied, such as randomly appointing one player the “VIP”, giving them buffs until someone kills them and a new VIP is chosen.Ultimately, I highly recommend this game and hope that the community can grow larger, that the game might be better-funded and receive more updates. Though I received this game as a gift, I fully consider it worth the forty dollars it costs.

Real player with 94.4 hrs in game

Bleeding Edge on Steam

Hunt N Cloak

Hunt N Cloak

Great game to chill out with friends and have fun fill the lobby and will have some great fun with friends online chilled cheap fun

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Third Person Online Co-Op Games.

Hunt N Cloak on Steam

Knockout City™

Knockout City™

I haven’t been this excited about a game in a long time. The game developers did so many things right.

The game play is a ton of fun no matter how you play it - with friends in private matches or going solo in multiplayer. It’s been years since I wanted to go solo in a competitive game. Queuing up by myself has never been something I cared to do until this game. Now I find myself playing for hours with other randos.

The game mechanics simple to learn and there’s so many advanced tactics to discover and master. There are awesome moments in the game when you make good plays and even when you get styled on you can’t help but respect the other players for what they pulled off. Matchmaking feels typical 50/50, but I always feel like I can make an impact which is the biggest difference between other games.

Real player with 117.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Third Person Sports Games.

If you’re chilling at Hideout waiting for your ban to lift, do not, and I mean DO NOT think of riding those floating cars above you.

I’ve experienced the same fantasies you did;;::

""" Perhaps if we ride those cars, they would take us to some mystery hidden spot that will unlock some achievement, or better yet, we would have a phenomenal ride around the city! I meann… There is no way the developers would have these periodically spawning cars above us that take us nowhere.. right??? WRONG!!!

Real player with 69.8 hrs in game

Knockout City™ on Steam




Join 10 on 10 team fights against other players using wide tactical capabilities. Use special abilities to manipulate a pace of battle, gain advantages and initiative.


Create and upgrade your unique mage using wide choice of spells and abilities in a character development tree - Spellarium. Spellarium allows planning your build for your own playstyle. Freeze your enemies with snow storm, bring powerful lightning bolts down on them, make their life worse with a help of various curses or incinerate them in magical fire.


Team up with your friends in a party to join a fight on one side and crush the battlefield with thought-out tactics.

Gain rewards, upgrade spells, craft powerful staffs and wands, become the most dominant battlemage in history!

Discord link

Apocrypha on Steam



A very good and fun game to play with friends ! It remind me of old ps games that you could play co-op on the same room with friends

Real player with 19.0 hrs in game

WaveTiles on Steam

Drifters Loot the Galaxy

Drifters Loot the Galaxy

TLDR: Pure fun. I had over 200 hours into the beta and I was able to be a part of the evolution of the game up to this point. Having dogfights in a shooter are some of the greatest video gaming moments I’ve personally experienced. This game really has no comparison. It borrows from the team based elements of Team Fortress and the movement of Global Agenda adding grappling to the mix to make it even more intense. There is a MOBA-esque leveling style and in-game upgrades you can choose. The end result is a clean, structured chaos that allows for big plays even while solo. There are also ZERO pay to win mechanics. I highly recommend trying it out.

Real player with 264.2 hrs in game

This game is the best, the gameplay is amazing, the air animations are so fluent, and it really feels like your’e there with you’re character. Teamwork is a key essence of this game, and it is very satisfying when you pull of a brilliant play with you’re teamates. Voice chat has not been added yet, but as long as you join their official discord its not really a problem. The community in this game is the most pure and wholesome community you’ve ever seen. I promise you if you join the discord, you’ll be welcomed with open arms. At this state in the game, the devs hear you’re voice, and listen to you’re feedback, you’re opinion matters in this game, and criticism is welcomed. Just give it a try, you won’t regret it.

Real player with 90.8 hrs in game

Drifters Loot the Galaxy on Steam

Live Long Z

Live Long Z

A zombie/monster survival horror game. Survive waves of creatures solo or with your friends. Craft traps and forts, and complete minor objectives. See how long you can live against the Z’s. Live Long Z!

Features online multiplayer and offline single player. As well as LAN connections.

Pick from a multitude of characters.

Fight a wide range of different creatures while trying to survive.

Live Long Z on Steam



Predecessor is a third person MOBA currently in Development.

You and four allies join arms in battle as you fight for glory on the battlefield against enemy heroes on a traditional 3 lane map featuring an interactive jungle, epic monsters and more!

In a match 10 players are divided into two teams with each player controlling their chosen hero. No two heroes are the same. Each hero has their own unique abilities and design, meaning there’s a hero to match everyone’s style of play. Heroes complete objectives to collect gold like killing minions, towers or enemy heroes. As a hero collects more gold they can buy items from the shop that influence their heroes in interesting ways - allowing them to teleport to new locations, go invisible, freeze time and more. Items also allow a hero to get more powerful by giving their hero better attributes such as power, attack speed, health and various other stats.

Unlike most MOBAs, Predecessor puts you into the heart of the action. The Third-Person perspective fully immerses you into the game as enemies appear from shadow walls, over ledges or from behind you.

Predecessor on Steam



### Lore ★★☆☆☆

| Tales of the Gods |


| Each god has their own lore, which explores into their background on how they became gods and their roles they played throughout history |

| ♡ | There is no story mode for the gods |

### Variety of Roles ★★★★☆

| Guardian |

| Acting as pillar of team, job is to initate engages and retreats, peel (take blows) for teammates and assist in securing kills |

Real player with 5130.4 hrs in game

I absolutely LOVE this game and have for a very long time obviously since I’ve played it a lot as is evident from my hours (there is also even more hours besides whats shown on just Steam alone). I put a lot of my time, money, effort and care into this game for many years and I don’t regret it even with the crazy amount of time and money I put into it.

If we are going to judge the game solely on game-play alone then it’s awesome and a really fun and great game but it does have some issues with bugs (not too many but still they exist especially old bugs that should’ve been fixed a long time ago), servers suck too, unbalances within the game-play like gods (usually the newly released gods tho) and matchmaking oh god the MATCHMAKING like don’t even start me.. However no game is perfect and so regardless of those I’d almost recommend it just for the fact alone that it is a good game and for how much I love it, however I cannot look past the MYRIAD of other problems it has beyond just game-play and namely things like the greedy+useless Devs and the toxic community.

Real player with 4756.1 hrs in game

SMITE® on Steam

Bankers & Bonkers

Bankers & Bonkers

Bankers & Bonkers is a team-based multiplayer game where two teams will fight using power-ups to get the money case found in the map and fill it as much as possible with the money spread around the map. The team that brings more money to their base wins the game. Play with your friends as a team and collaborate to get as much money as you can. You only have to get your hands on the briefcase and fill it as fast as possible. Don’t forget your enemies, they will do everything to steal the briefcase and bring it to their base.

Bankers & Bonkers on Steam