

This game is… interesting, to say the least. I bought it because I saw that it had no reviews and I was intrigued by the gameplay trailer. lets get this out of the way, this is not an early access game, this could barely even be called an alpha. It barely works and half the time it feels like its about to fall apart at any second. the controls are stiff, the tutorial barely explains the mechanics, and its overall a very VERY underdeveloped game. However, I still find this game fascinating.

The animations are surprisingly good when it comes to swinging around your “sword”, and when dueling does work it honestly looks pretty damn cool. I can see what the dev is going for and I’m interested in the idea, but I honestly don’t think this game should be for sale in its current state. Despite this, as Ironic as it sounds, I still think you should buy it, not for the game itself but to support the developer. while I don’t think this game will ever be a masterpiece, I do think it has potential to at least become something playable and fun. the last thing I want to happen is for the dev to see low sales and terrible reviews and lose hope in developing this.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Third Person Singleplayer Games.

As a dude that’s known Pan Panda since about 2018 (and re-introduced myself to it and introduced a friend after a joke), it’s honestly impressive to see a game like Pan Panda evolve into this. I really wanted to like this game, but I just can’t because of the current state it’s in. Don’t get me wrong, this kind of stuff has a lot of potential. I can see this evolving into something people would enjoy!

What I like:

  • The combat system. The combat system is a huge improvement from Pan Panda. The only thing I don’t like about the Combat System has a lack of hints, so it’s very easy to forget combos.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Altarage on Steam

STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™

STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™

“Qui-Gon used to do this.

He used to roam around the galaxy picking up strays.”

~Karen Miller, Stealth (Clone Wars Gambit)

OK, this. This is exactly what many of us waited for so long. True, I am not the biggest Star Wars fan in the entire world (proud Trekkie here), and yet, I love it very much (aren’t we all?). And yet, EA, who used to have the rights for a very long time, just sat on them for years and did nothing aside from milking The Old Republic MMO (which feels more like a single player game with online features at this point) and occasionally dropping grinding-oriented online FPSs that felt nothing like what we had in proper Battlefront installments back in the days. Now finally, when EA’s Star Wars license almost ended, they’ve decided to do something real to prove that they actually can and… you know. Convince Disney to keep working with them. In other words, Jedi: Fallen Order was their way to show-off. And they really did try their best.

Real player with 67.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Third Person Action-Adventure Games.

Well, since we had not had a Jedi game since FU II, Fallen Order was most welcome.

However, I cannot call it a perfect game.

My main issues:

  1. Ballance & Realism/Canon compliance. I started it on max difficulty, and it was a pleasant challenge until the first boss (AT-ST), which was far more difficult that anything before it. I then lowered difficulty. However, some bosses were still difficult even on the padawan difficulty. The problem is not the challenge posed by the bosses per se but the lack of any content designed to prepare you for it.

Real player with 42.4 hrs in game

STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™ on Steam

Neon Cyber Desert

Neon Cyber Desert

Humans have become extinct, and only robots and monsters roam through what remains of past civilization. Fueled by a mysterious substance in the sand all creatures, mechanical or organic, fight for survival in the vast desert wasteland.

As you reboot in the middle of the desert, your race for survival begins. Your memory backup is inaccessible and your energy level is depleting rapidly. Every creature in the desert is hostile. Are the obelisks gonna give the answer to what happened to you and the world?


Killing enemies will release some of their energy and it will recover your energy level. All enemies have their own attack patterns and group behavior. Face monsters that surround you, others that jump attack and scatter, and loners that will tear you apart.


The desert is harsh! Research forgotten knowledge and build upgrades from scrap metal to improve your robot and its equipment. You choose yourself if you want to prioritize offense or defense, or research to craft other equipment.


Once unlocked you can speed up travel across the desert and jump over the ruins. Ram enemies for extra damage!


In the vast desert you can still find a variety of different regions. Venturing into these areas are bound to turn up interesting discoveries, and you might even uncover the secret of the obelisks!

Read More: Best Third Person Open World Games.

Neon Cyber Desert on Steam



The community is all over the place but quick summerise Vikings and Samurais are both tryhard teams while knights are trying but they are also just having actual fun so imma switch to them when I feel like it.

All the characters are fun and look good but it’s up to perspective i can’t play Nobushi for the life of me but Kyoshin i can kick ass on, try a few and decide yourself, i would wish for rep 5 and under people would be allowed to just try any character because of how many characters there are now but doesn’t really matter.

Real player with 627.8 hrs in game

Even though I have a lot of time in this game its only because it is the only one of its kind. The community is so toxic and horrible (but that goes with most games especially ubisoft ones) but that is only part of the problem. People join games with high pings and dominate because for some reason a guy sitting at 300 ping is still good to play? They recently changed the game from a reaction based game to a reading based (meaning instead of reacting to what your opponent does you have to predict and punish what you think they will do since most of the attacks are unreactable). Queue times are around 3-4 minutes for the most popular playlist (dominion) and even though you get in, your team is filled with people who don’t care to play the obj but just go for kills despite game modes (1v1, 2v2, deathmatch, etc) being designed specifically for that but people don’t platy those modes. Often times you will get teams full of the meta character or some 4man stack teams who no life the game to the point that they can take you 100-0 in a matter of seconds without giving you a chance to fight back or get revenge (which doesn’t work half the time) with the help of heavy stagger and pinning attacks. You get almost no reward for playtime (the in game currency ranges from 20-50 a game with the challenges offering 250 max per although most often they are 150 for things like “playing 12 games as a vanguard character”) with items costeing 7k for a finisher or emote and upt to 10k for other cosmetic items. It is a fun game sometimes but most of the times it is a sweat fest where you cannot chill on.

Real player with 475.5 hrs in game

FOR HONOR™ on Steam

STAR WARS™ Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy™

STAR WARS™ Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy™

Probably one of the best Star Wars games out there, in between Republic Commando and Battlefront II of course. This was from a long forgotten era of games where the developers cared about what they were doing, and greed wasn’t as prominent as it is today.

Made by Raven Softworks, Jedi Academy is the 4th installment of the Jedi series of games, and the last in the series. At the time this game was considered more or less an expansion to Jedi Outcasts rather than its own game. Because of this the initial sales for the game on release weren’t amazing, and critics were pretty harsh on it, but like a lot of old movies and games it has managed to build up a cult following surrounding it years later.

Real player with 53.4 hrs in game

you know, i have to say. i own this game and Jedi Outcast on cd, and have put 1000’s of hours into both of them. they are amongst my favorite starwars games, ever made. get them, and play them, and don’t forget to use dismemberment cheats in outcast, and a dismemberment mod for academy, (also rebind force pull to mouse wheel down, and force push to mouse wheel up.) What enabling dismemberment in these games does, is remove the hitbox during saber swings, and instead, have the samer constantly do near insta kill damage to anything it hits. therfore, you keep the animations from swings, but they become more diverse, allowing you to use the animations in unique ways to hit enemies all around you. it also affects enemy jedi the same way, making saber duels much like the movies, first one to get hit, loses something. add in a plethera of fun cheats, and the game never gets old. Never before have you felt like such a legitimate jedi. with all the powers available to you, there is so much that you can do, you’ll never want to stop playing. Imagine being able to ligning a room full of baddies into a corner, or backflip shop a guys head clean off, or force push a rocket back into someones face. well you can. but you can do more than that. Try force choking a tough enemy, jumping 3 stories into the air, and force pushing them upwards so high, that the fall kills them shortly after you land. Try slowing down time with force speed, and running around with a rocket launcher, firing one shot at everyone in a room, then speeding up time again to watch them all die at once. Try dueling an enemy jedi with dismemberment on. try turning off enemy targeting in the console, along with noclipping, and setting up unique encounters with enemies in levels you’ve allready played. you can even set up boss fights as you play through the game over, and over again. try spawining in a bunch of enemy sith in the next area, then going back where you were, and spawing in a ton of friendly jedi. then you adventure into the craziest battles you’ve ever seen, and i cant stress this enough, with dismemberment, these fights are thrilling and nuts. try accidently cutting off your allies head, or watching a sith do the same. try force choke, into backflip insta kill. try everything.

Real player with 46.0 hrs in game

STAR WARS™ Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy™ on Steam

The Bible - Exodus

The Bible - Exodus

A work of art unlike any other. Can’t recommend enough. Go buy this game now. I can guarantee you, that your eyes have never beheld such historical accuracy and theological truth.

Real player with 48.1 hrs in game

I’m Christian now.

Don’t play this game. It’s not good. It’s bad.

I actually beat it, take my word for it. I have lost 3 hours of my life. I will not get them back. Not now, not ever.


Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

The Bible - Exodus on Steam

Boreal Blade

Boreal Blade

easily the best melee “fighting”/slasher style pvp game in the vein of jedi knight 2/JA (inc. with mods like MB and OJP/JKE), in my opinion, of all time. whatever genre you want to call it, it’s a coming together of classics like the Jedi Knight series, Die By The Sword, Chivary, Mordhau and to games like Absolver as well to a degree.

To me this game is a beautiful marriage of the elements that made me love “melee slashers” and it’s plagued by none of the issues of other titles.The movement, animation, attacks, attack feedback, abilities and customization are all done beautifully and you can tell what’s going on regardless of how new you are to the game. The controls take a short amount of getting used to, after that it’s incredibly intuitive. It’s an incredible amount of fun to play, shockingly easy to learn and just the right level of hard to master. I haven’t enjoyed being owned by far better opponents or enjoyed owning less skilled players this much possibly ever. It all comes down to the aesthetic, combat feedback and combat design that is IMHO unparalleled by any other game on the market. Name a game with combat that’s more intense, well-thought out and encourages the least anger towards the game than this. You can’t. These developers deserve all the support anyone can give.

Real player with 57.4 hrs in game


Edit: I wrote that because I kept trying to post my review, but I thought maybe it was too long or something so if I would just type something short it would post then I could edit it later, but then it didn’t work, but I guess it did.

Oh my oh my oh my. The beta was already super promising. Sure I didn’t get to play much in the beta since they weren’t many games running, but it was a blast. And I was expecting to pay $20, and then it’s $4, but then on sale for 10% because why not, and, and less than one 5th of the price, and, and… Oh yeah I have to talk about the game.

Real player with 26.3 hrs in game

Boreal Blade on Steam



NOTE Sometimes depending on the amount of players you’ll be put into a game with wrong teams(everyone is blue for example). In this case PRESS THE SEMICOLON (;) key to change teams. Everything works normally after that.

This is an amazing game!! It’s a fantasy hack and slash pvp. It really is reminiscent of Tolkien. You can choose from three avatars, a huntress, a swordsman, or a smith, and all three have different capabilities. It’s first team to seven points, or the game ends after 15 minutes. Check it out, for 10 dollars it’s worth well above it’s price. For anyone who likes fantasy or knows someone who likes fantasy, buy this game!!!

Real player with 81.8 hrs in game

This game is amazing! It’s really fun, with only a few changes I would like to see. First of all, the matchmaking is a little bit inconsistent. Sometimes when I loaded in it was only me in on open world, while other times I was with players. Also, when you load in all players will be on the blue team (this is a bug and will be fixed). So, a temporary fix is to press the “;” key, which changes the team. Other than those few issues, the game look beautiful and is extremely engrossing!

Real player with 75.4 hrs in game

Midjungard on Steam

Museum of War

Museum of War

Сходил в музей

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Museum of War is a resounding achievement in world building, environment, and engaging gameplay with occasional problems throughout.

Its incredible recreation of ancient Greece is something I’ll want to go back to long after I’ve finished its main story, and its excellent systems mesh together in a way that’s hard to beat. While there are definite rough edges, Museum of War sets a new bar for slasher games and holds its own in the eternal debate over the best hack and slash games ever.

When I look back on all the fun I’ve had, all the complaints feel minor. Museum of War is beautiful, and it effortlessly ties action, stealth and hand to hand combat together into one cohesive game that, even after 0.2 hours, I want to keep playing.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Museum of War on Steam

Smerch Battle Arena

Smerch Battle Arena

Those going to death - greet you! Clash in furious PvP and PvE combat in the yellow circle of the arena! Here bloody battles await everyone until the last survivor. Fight for the leading positions, and the most worthy will receive valuable prizes for victory. As a gladiator, conquer fame and fortune in the arena.

The game features team-on-team modes, single-player and cooperative mode against artificial intelligence, as well as a duel mode (1 on 1, 2 on 2). You have to survive at any cost using a variety of weapons and skills. Use all available opportunities to achieve victory. Immerse yourself in the addicting arena battle gameplay with your friends.

Smerch Battle Arena on Steam