World of Tanks

World of Tanks

Okay, lets start with: Lot’s of good AND bad. The good? A well and long developed game with plenty of content and tons of tanks to play. A good selection of maps and plenty of nations to try out. Lots of freebies (PR’s ((personal reserves)) and even event tanks, camo and decals, etc.).

The BAD, oh the BAD… Okay, let me start off with this: I have been playing this game since release, 2011. I wasn’t part of beta, I waited till full release. I hate betas, too much changes in a full release from the testing phase. This game, as it is now, isn’t the game I started playing back then, Period. They have changed every aspect of the game many times over since then. You see, Gold tanks, now called Premium Tanks, were sub-par to the Tech Tree tanks. Which means they were WORSE than the regular tank of the same tier and same nation. Gold tanks were to train crews and make you a few extra credits (Silver) doing it, period, that’s it. They gave you NO advantage other than that. Now…now the Premium Tanks rule, extra armor, better this, better that, you name it. So now if you don’t buy the newest OP (Over Powered) Premium Tank, you are going to suffer vs them. Sound fair? Okay, that’s just the tanks. Ammo… when I started Gold Ammo (now Premium Ammo) cost real money, like real $$$. So it wasn’t thrown around often, very very rare was the person that used the Gold Ammo constantly. So in ten matches you might run into two of them that someone was slinging Gold. Then came the change, you can now buy Gold Ammo with Silver! (the normal in-game money). Now of course the Premium Ammo (Gold Ammo) cost more than normal ammo, but hey, everyone can use it now… So suddenly armor meant nothing. You could have the best armored tank on the game (back then a KV-5) but now EVERYONE is slinging Premium Ammo like no tomorrow so armor suddenly means zip (BTW, the KV-5 had some GREAT armor, but the gun was the worst of the tier 8’s in the game of any nation and would only pen the weakest of spots on any enemy tank). Now my biggest gripe, MM. (Match Making) Has changed many times over the years, and not once, ever… for the better. The whole concept of a three tier match (your tier plus 1-2 tiers above or below you) is so out of date with the newer OP tanks it isn’t funny. Just as a one off example (and there are PLENTY more) you are in your new shiny Tiger I, a tier 7 tank, near as you can get to what the Germans had as a best tank for WWII (not to mention the lesser used King Tiger, etc.) and you hit that big red “Battle” button. In your mind you are thinking “I finally got some real armor!” and the battle starts. Guess what… on that other team you are seeing tanks that were pure fantasy or didn’t even come out till the 1960’s to 1980’s (Tier 9’s). Really? A 1940’s tank is supposed to fight a 1980' tank? Guess what, it goes very poorly for the much much older tank. Sound fair? So MM has been broken from almost the start, it just has gotten more so over the years. The problem with MM isn’t just that, it also is with how often it seems to place you at the bottom as well, in 10 games you are for sure going to see at least 6-8 of them at the bottom tier. Over time that wears on you. Hard. Next is the Cars (Armored Cars). In real life the armored cars ran away from the tanks in a battle as fast as they could because a single shot would end their life. A single shot, period. Not here, you can hit a Car with a 12.8 cm gun (128 mm) full on and get that fateful message “We didn’t even scratch him!” or worse, “Critical Hit!” yet he takes no damage and just keeps driving like nothing ever touched him. And just for fun the auto-aim on the cars hits you no matter what the car is doing, turning, flying (jumping), etc. Sound fair?

Real player with 176.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tanks Multiplayer Games.

I’ve been playing since Closed Beta back in 2011, and still play daily outside of Steam, so don’t let these steam hours fool you.

As you can clearly see from all the other negative reviews, each of them basically say the same thing because it’s just flat out fact, instead of opinion. There’s a very big fundamental problem with this game but it will not change because we are nobody to them. The only way to have a drastic change, in a game as big and successful as this, would be to not spend any more money ever until they make the necessary changes. Unfortunately, this will never happen because not everyone has the same opinions/thoughts/preferences/etc. There’s only one thing you can do. Play the game, or find another.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

World of Tanks on Steam

Steel Crew

Steel Crew

I had fun with this game and i really wanted to like it, but spending more time on trying to gather people to play with, than actually getting to play the game just frustrated the shit out of me.

One probably has heard that all games are more fun with friends? And putting a crew together with 2 friends in this game is indeed be fun! Sadly even when you do that you will probably encounter the issue of not getting anyone to fight against. If you are lucky you maybe get an enemy tank that is badly undercrewed as opponent. Luckily the developer had the idea to add AI tanks to fight against, too bad they shoot like storm troopers and wouldnt hit the wide side of a barn. So before you spend your money, please keep in mind that this is a multiplayer game with a chronic lack of players. According to there were 5 players online at average in the month after release - with it declining further currently.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tanks Multiplayer Games.

Steel Crew is a very fun VR game for anyone who wants a REALISTIC game where you play as a tank crew in world war 2.

When I say realistic I mean in mechanics of how the tanks function. Your driver has two sticks that control each sides treads and must manually shift gears while driving. The gunner rotates small valve style gears to adjust the gun and turret and has a magnified gun scope to aim with. Your commander can pop out of the cupola on the top of the tank to get a better view of the tanks surroundings but be careful enemy gunners and fire a coaxial machine gun.

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Steel Crew on Steam

Tank Rampage

Tank Rampage

The game looks good in the screenshots, however there are no players online and there is no single player, I suggest making the game free-to-play because it is literally unplayable right now

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tanks Retro Games.

Tank Rampage on Steam

Armored Warfare

Armored Warfare

I really had high hopes for this game, not because I thought it was better than World of Tanks or War Thunder, but because it had a mode that those other two games does not, that is, PvE. When you grow tired of the 15 vs. 15 idiot-fest that the other games become, you can play Armored Warfare and fight computer controlled opponents. Sure, you still have to deal with 4 other humans, but usually one or two of them go link-dead during the battle or stay along the edge of the map and out of your way.

Real player with 1026.6 hrs in game

A good idea run into the ground by greed, incompetence, and toxicity.

This game was originally made by Obsidian and despite meddling by to make it more like World of Gold Shells, a lot of the old Obsidian magic still does shine through in the PVE content.

Unfortunately, this game is currently in the hands of which is an incredibly cynical, lazy, and just generally unethical company.

Pay-to-Win Matchmaking

In addition to the usual pay-to-win upgrades and OP premium weapons which exist in many such “live-service” games, the devs now even sell pay-to-win matchmaking to “allow for more comfortable gameplay” for people who use premium currency to purchase “Battle Hardened status” for their vehicles.

Real player with 1024.8 hrs in game

Armored Warfare on Steam

Modern Assault Tanks

Modern Assault Tanks

Clear pay4win, greedy like hell. Microtransactions everywhere, cannot progress without paying. No balance at all. Do not bother.

Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

A new take on an old theme but much much better than just the plain “Modern Tanks” game title! Better physics and much more realistic!

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Modern Assault Tanks on Steam

Tanki Online

Tanki Online

An unbalanced, Pay to win dying game.

This game has seen much better days. Back in the day there were no Tankoins, no containers of any sort and it was much better balanced. This has been the childhood game for a lot of people and seeing it now, comparing to what it used to be, is just sad. They introduced a lot of P2W features, such as previously mentioned Tankoins, skins, containers, etc. On the phone version of the game each time you open it you are blasted with “special offers” that cost a fuck ton of money for what they have in them, and you will get these notifications on your screen everytime you enter the main menu, whether it would be from your garage, or by leaving a battle. The new weapons suck, most of the new gamemodes are shit, and the overall quality of the game has gone down. The community mostly consists of toxic children that divide into 2 types, either P2W or trash mobile players.

Real player with 141.3 hrs in game

This game is pay to win and here are some examples why.

-Premium membership, which gives 1.5x exp and 2x in game currency

-You can get weapons of the next modification if you use micro upgrades ages before you can directly buy it in game, which are very costly for the according rank and you can be dominating in battle.

-Supplies are absolutely overpowered (double damage, double armour) and once again these are very costly to use on a regular basis (practically impossible for a normal user to use them constantly even for high rank players its very hard to do that)

Real player with 38.0 hrs in game

Tanki Online on Steam

TankZone Battle

TankZone Battle

The PC version of this game is quite frustrating. It’s a straight-forward, fun game - undeniably. But, it’s ported from an app and it suffers as such. It requires far higher computing resources than such a lightweight program should ever demand. Framerates should be through the roof on even the most modest equipment but that’s not the case. And, there are precious few settings options to help improve performance or control. Video options are limited to only resolution and low/medium/high graphics quality.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

Now that it’s a standard 4$, it’s the best money you’ll spend in a while.

The game plays exactly like in the video. It’s fast, fluid, and is a hell of a lot of fun to play. I guess the simplicity is where it lies, and that everyone is on the same playing field at the start of a game. Being almost 30, and having friends between 20’s and late 30’s who all loved this game, I don’t know who wouldn’t like it.

The only problem is it’s a very unknown game at the moment, and it needs players to spread the word. I’d give it an 8/10 for what it offers. The gameplay is very solid, it just needs more content and it would be exponentially better.

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

TankZone Battle on Steam



Action packed, intensely addictive (you’ve been warned!) and immense fun! ExoTanks is the tank game i have been waiting for! As a fan of everything “sci-fi” and vehicular pvp combat (which is so rare!) i was growing tired of mundane world war era tank games over and over again. This game has been the refreshing answer to my wishes! It’s like the developers read my mind!


  • Variety of tanks and clear types, each with unique abilities! Futuristic + Sexy!

  • Great gameplay. Each team member gets to choose a unique tank from the available ones (like role based) Tanks also are well balanced with strengths and weaknesses!

Real player with 129.8 hrs in game

Great free to play game.


  • Great graphics

  • Great map, models design

  • Great post-processing effects

  • Awesome when you play with your squad. By cooperating with your team you can achieve Victory !

  • Its not a Pay to Win game. You can buy skins, unlock vehicles, emblems with purchases so it will not give you an edge over other players. Improve your skills and Victory shall be yours.

  • If there are not enough players bots will replace them.

  • You can choose between 3 various servers based on your location for a better ping : Europe, North America, Asia.

Real player with 117.5 hrs in game

ExoTanks on Steam

Empires Mod

Empires Mod

Best FPS game I have played. Dynamic gameplay, huge player limit and skilled community make up for a constant hail of bullets and neverending fun as a simple soldier, who needs to teamwork if he wants to live another minute. The strategic aspect is not my favourite (I’m really bad at strategy games) but gives you a lot of fun too when your forces listen to you and you guide them to victory.

Devs are close to the people, the community is loving albeit harsh at times, the more professional part of the community is like a big family (there is hate but they still love each other).

Real player with 3453.5 hrs in game

If you wanna get yelled at for not understanding the game from the first minute you play this.

If you wanna get abused by old farts for not reviving them.

If you have a fetish for verbal abuse.

If you like getting your ass kicked the first 72 hours you play this game.

If you dont mind getting overwhelmed by the complexity of this game.

If you have nothing better to do on saturday evenings.

This is your game.

A blend of RTS/FPS/Shittalking/flaming/abuse.

The most noob unfriendly community you will ever meet.

Real player with 2083.3 hrs in game

Empires Mod on Steam

Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy

Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy

Great turn based strategy game, many hours of fun to be had.


Great strategy value with several classes of tanks and customizable skill tree

Most tanks are buyable without premium currency

Free premium currency and items with daily missions


Skill tree is the same for all tanks and pretty much fixed for predefined play styles.

Some low level skills are pretty much wasted skill points when you’re focused on getting the higher level ones for your play style (i.e: you need base capture in order to get visibility skills; or defense skill in order to get double shot)

Real player with 202.0 hrs in game

In short

It’s a turn-based mini World of Tanks clone:

  • gameplay is somehow simplified (no LoS, just FoG), but very sound;

  • microtransactions' benefits do not upset me (YMMV);

  • decent play against bots (if you are a lone human in your team and no humans are in the opposite team);

  • a multiplayer game with almost no players online.

Full review

It’s a turn-based mini World of Tanks. It’s a very good casual game, that would be a lot of fun to play, if there were more people playing it. If it got for a while a decent number of players, then player population should multiply very fast.

Real player with 68.6 hrs in game

Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy on Steam