Dieselpunk Wars

Dieselpunk Wars

I think I am the player who has been playing this game for the longest time ever (most of them spent on building stuff in creative), and I did enjoy it and had high hopes. But still…


Several serious bugs exist, including one that makes airships pretty much unplayable.

The Devs have been informed of those bugs for months but no action was ever taken.

They also stated on Discord that the May update is going to be the last update, so consider it officially abandoned.

Severe Lack of Content

Real player with 466.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tanks Building Games.

A very good game.

Important notes:


Movement on the ground for wheeled/tracked vehicles is generally pretty good, the only issue i tend to have is the velocity being canceled completely by trees/random geometry such as rocks. Movement also feels very slow/tanky however i think that fits the game just fine. Sea/Air movement works perfectly well, though i couldn’t get a walker to work.


I have a few nitpicks about it, namely with not enough keybinds/options for keybinds in the building menu, and not being able to press esc to exit out of some menu prompts. There are some bugs here, as you might guess from an early access game, but aside from the occasional incorrect mirroring, it works just fine.

Real player with 65.8 hrs in game

Dieselpunk Wars on Steam



No 1680x1050 support and the controls in the builder are kind of bad with little explanation, it took me a while to find out that you had to hide the cursor to do anything in the builder.

Perhaps things that could make it better now are better tutorials, mirror mode for the builder, maybe a snap-on mode, (perhaps it has these things but I haven’t found them) and a grid mode to make the builder easier to use. It needs some general quality of life enhancements for the builder, or maybe there’s all these but with no explanation to use them as the guide videos in the tutorial menus are private.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tanks Simulation Games.

game is pretty shallow. If it evens works for anyone.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

VehiCraft on Steam

Winter War 1939

Winter War 1939

I have played Thoriums games for a while now. Even tested some games including this one. For those who don’t know, this game was originally a mobile game. So the graphics might look a bit bad to you but the reason it looks bad is due to performance. I do think his games need actual texturing, so I hope that gets added soon. Winter War is my favorite game made by Thorium. It’s the least buggy one he has made. I think the game is really good, but it needs regular updates fixing bugs and adding features. The build system in this game is really cool, but I find myself almost never using it other than to spawn vehicles like planes or tanks. This system does need reworked a bit to make it more useful. One thing that also needs reworked is the AI. The AI is really stupid because they have no pathfinding. A lot of times the enemies just walk around allowing me to clear them easily. There are also a lot of bugs that need fixed, but other than that I think the game is really fun and you should try it out. You can join the Discord here: https://discord.gg/nnR3U7y

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tanks FPS Games.

I like my heritage, this is the only game you can play as a finnish soldier besides Ravenfield or the Talvisota but talvisota doesnt work me and ravenfield wasnt meant to like be about the winter war so this works for me i like the whole concept

Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

Winter War 1939 on Steam

Crash Drive 3

Crash Drive 3

Because I enjoy Crash Drive 2, I volunteered to help test this game (unpaid, but I got a free copy) and have played every day for over a year. Not because I’m dedicated (actually I’m rather lazy), but because it’s fun.

Like CD2, you can easily play for just a few minutes at a time, as each event or tank battle is only a few minutes, so ideal to fit in to the spare moments in a day. The vehicle physics is certainly not realistic, but rather sort of cartoony. You can drive up vertical walls, spin mid-air and many other impossible but entertaining things. It is particularly crazy on the moon.

Real player with 1127.7 hrs in game

I’ve had to change my review from positive to negative to positive. Here’s why.

AN IN DEPTH REVIEW So you can make an informed purchase! haha!

Firstly, straight up this game, from the moment you load it up, it’s just a good time. Always a good time!

The few(8) negative reviews on here suck, so I’ll try to address those first and the actual issues here. This is my first Crash Drive title.

1. You don’t need a roll button since the game does roll you over back, but a rest button could be handy.

Real player with 47.6 hrs in game

Crash Drive 3 on Steam

Total Tank Simulator

Total Tank Simulator

Man, to think i was once upon a time hyped for this game.

After all demo 5 was very promising, what could possibly go wrong?

Well, let’s make a list!

-At some point betwen demo 5 and launch, someone decided that the game should not focus on strategy and instead try to be more of a cheap TABS ripoff, except the point of tabs is that all the units are cartooney, wildly different and not accurate to real life whatsoever. Regardless, note that most issues here were not present in demo 5:

-Units lack uniqueness to an extreme degree: most factions play the exact same with very few units that really differ stats-wise from their equivalent in other factions.

Real player with 32.9 hrs in game

The Pros

Good Game For Its Price For $20 there is plenty of content with six campaigns all involving their native languages (rommel speaks german. Patton speaks english, etc…) A nice little detail

Sandbox Is A Blast you really get some cool looking shots when you take control of a infantry unit , you see other infantry rushing and other tanks by your side

Lots Of Units And Nations For an indie game I wasn’t expecting minor nation like Poland, I was expecting the standard four players in the European Theater which was UK, USA, Germany, and Soviet Union. The unit selection is impressive from going to early war tanks to early modern MBT’s made in ‘45-‘46. Then there’s the silly special units like the US having the Atomic bomb or the Soviets having a bear with a tank turret, etc.. Lots of care went into this.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Total Tank Simulator on Steam


At first I was skeptical of this game. I guess just something about it looked off- like an advertisement for a mobile game vs. the game itself. I bought it partly because of its low price (it may have gone up by the time you are reading this). While there is definitely some room for more content in general, I was shocked by how convenient it was to do exactly what I wanted: build ships. It’s super easy to stay updated on the dimensions, displacement, total hit points, etc. while in the process of building. What’s more, downloading ships from the Steam Workshop and pitting them against each other is a blast! If you’ve played World of Warships, combat in Navalart is essentially that but a bit simplified. The sheer fact that you can have WoWS-esque battles with ships that YOU and others like you created is amazing. I know there is a plethora of other games where that is possible, but I don’t think I’ve found another one that is, as I said earlier, as convenient as Navalart.

Real player with 651.4 hrs in game

This game is what Battleship Craft should have been.

It’s like my dream came true, what would it look like on PC. This is it.

This game has so much potential and I think the dev needs some more time, but it has the potential to be one of the best ship building games out there. You can build anything from small boats, like PT Boats up to Destroyers, Cruisers, Battleships, (Aircraft carriers) and everything beyond your imagination. The limit is your fantasy like really.

For exmaple I have built some realistic destroyers, but also my own creations of BB’s and cruisers, you can build what you want.

Real player with 159.3 hrs in game

NavalArt on Steam

Land Doctrine

Land Doctrine

At one point during play a gamebreaking bug happens in the design screen. It states that I need to add the engine gun and suspension and yet have all three, still the game won’t let new designs get built for this arbitrary stupidity, dear dev, I have no idea where exactly the code is wrong for this but please fix because it’s easily the best 5ish bucks I’ve spent

Real player with 33.6 hrs in game

A small 5 dollar (or regional equivilant) game that has the player conquer every city on the map using researched and developed tanks and varying levels of trained infantry.

Building up your armies with the right equipment and soldier/tank ratio is important; large numbers of tanks are good for deserts, planes, and quick movement across the map, but will be slaughtered in cities. Large numbers of infantry and a tank battalion or two is great for assaulting and holding cities, but are slower to move on the map. Reasonably equal ratios of tank and infantry battalions are well-rounded, able to take on just about every environment, but won’t be as good as more specialised army groups.

Real player with 33.3 hrs in game

Land Doctrine on Steam

Dieselpunk Wars Prologue

Dieselpunk Wars Prologue

















Real player with 19.9 hrs in game

I’ll save a full review for the full release, but so far I have really been enjoying this early version! I have 51 hours in the first kickstarter demo, that’s more than I put into some finished games, so I think it’s definitely worth your time to try it out if you like building vehicles.

So far it’s very much like an improved version of Terratech or Crossout, you build vehicles in a late-1800s/early-1900s military style and use them to complete missions and kill other vehicles. The editor is easy to use, combat feels nice with both small and big guns, pretty much every design you can think of will work in combat, and I can’t think of any other games that will let you build half-tracked amphibious battleships. The physics are very well optimized too, you won’t have to worry about building something so big it crashes the game.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Dieselpunk Wars Prologue on Steam

Frontline: Panzer Blitzkrieg!

Frontline: Panzer Blitzkrieg!

Simple little simulation. NOT going to test an Avalon Hill fan. Wait for it to be on sale, as it has no scenario designer so you only get what it comes with. Limited replayability. A few minor glitches where the game wont let you attack or even move into a grid that you should be able to. So sometimes, you cant eliminate an enemy unit.

Real player with 110.0 hrs in game

just got the 4 game bundle was looking for a break from high stress turn base games the bigger devs make .

wow was this a surprise a lot is packed into the game some is not , so will not be for everyone .

but looking for a good shot out game with minimal supply planning this can be it .

One thing I like is no max turns just objectives But you have to keep going since you will run out of supply but collecting objectives or Parachute drops gets you more . I played on normal and a few battles had to restart .

Real player with 56.7 hrs in game

Frontline: Panzer Blitzkrieg! on Steam

Gear Up

Gear Up

Gear Up

Gear Up is a wonderful little FPS game with ongoing development.

The P2W Claims

I think I should probably get this out of the way first.

Some people apparently get the impression that the game is P2W. It’s really not.

Unlike games true to P2W where you can recklessly spam in-game premium upgrades or keep throwing money until you win, all buying the basic and premium packages does is give you the ability to save 3 vehicles, unlimited storage, and access to all parts. It does NOT have direct in-game premium currency purchases that give players an unfair advantage. The game does not even have an option for microtransactions. I don’t even know where these accusations come from.

Real player with 690.6 hrs in game

I have been following Gear Up since I first saw it on Greenlight. It actually caught my eye because it looked like a fun, generic tank game. So I signed up for alpha, and months later the developers handed out keys for Premium to existing testers. That’s how I ended up with a paid copy of early access to a generic tank game, and have in the process found it to be substantially more.

To be honest, there’s really only so much you can expect from this type of game. It’s not going to have photo-realistic graphics, or perfect part-balancing; especially in its early stages. But for what it is, it really is quite fun. Even though it has a leveling/ranking system, I don’t really need incentive of any kind to keep playing it. You just sit down with your favorite build and blow things up.

Real player with 127.3 hrs in game

Gear Up on Steam