





Read More: Best Tanks Voxel Games.

BombGears on Steam

Circle Tank

Circle Tank

Circle Tank


difficult controls. (you can only turn in one direction and the same button shoots the tank at the same time.)

game becomes unintresting after a few minutes.


Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tanks Intentionally Awkward Controls Games.


Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Circle Tank on Steam

Flank That Tank!

Flank That Tank!

A nice and fun little game that doesn’t seem to get any attention at all and it certainly deserves at least some.


  • Surprisingly good keyboard controls for 360 degree back/forward movement.

  • Agressive AI with bullets flying fast enough you actually have to think before you’ve been shot at.

  • Destructible environment is fun in any game, and when it involves tanks even more so.

  • Five difficulty levels that actually significantly impact difficulty, so more replayability.

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tanks 2D Games.

Cool little game that is fun.

Just wish there was an option to disable screen shake… @!!

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Flank That Tank! on Steam

Armoured Commander II

Armoured Commander II

I strongly recommend Armoured Commander II to anyone who likes turn-based strategy games, games set in WW2 and/or roguelikes.

These are the things I love about the game:

1. Realism: Cannon shells can bounce off armour depending on the range, calibre and armour thickness. Weather conditions influence movement, hit and spotting chances. Units in cover are much harder to hit. Different weapon and ammo types are useful to different degrees depending on the situation. Your crewmen can not only be killed if your tank is destroyed. If you leave their hatches open, even a machine gun volley or sniper shot can wound or kill them. The performance of your crewmen can be affected by injury or shock. Each crewman who dies is gone for good.

Real player with 824.8 hrs in game

A fairly unique and well-presented tank roguelike that does an amazing job of immersion in spite of being relatively simple in terms of scale and unit count. In most other tank games, you’re happy to have the biggest gun. In Armoured Commander II, you get to feel the pinch of having the biggest gun, because that means your tank barely has any ammo, especially HE. Oh and it probably doesn’t have very many machine guns.

And you want those machine guns and HE. By God, do you want them.

Armoured Commander and Armoured Commander II are the only tank games that I’ve played where the player is forced to care about MGs and HE because it isn’t laser-focused on tank duels. Quite frequently, you’ll find your tank under serious threat from infantry, ATGs, soft vehicles, etc. MGs and HE are useful both in the tactical hex battles and on the campaign map for purposes of recon-by-fire.

Real player with 666.2 hrs in game

Armoured Commander II on Steam

Tank Golfing

Tank Golfing

Interesting Idea, clunky/terrible execution.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Tank Golfing on Steam

Dead Hand

Dead Hand

pretty good game. really easy to get into the loop of trying, failing, learning and persevering. that being said, so far, after 12~ hours, i’ve found it to be pretty hard, and I consistently get flattened right at the beginning of the second area (easy difficulty), so be warned.

also, i really dig its dark industrial soundtrack. goes really well with the spooky and mysterious tunnels you explore. In general, the atmosphere draws me in, even considering how simple it is.

Real player with 22.2 hrs in game


Basic gameplay overview: You are an AI weapons platform. Shit went south. You must complete your purpose and trigger the dead hand to launch the nukes. Enemy AI weapon platforms block you.

Aiming is location or pointer based. So each weapon has a spread (represented by the crosshairs) and the bullets will land somewhere in it. The bullets are all physical and follow a path from the barrel. Where they land is where they impact. Terrain is destructible so that is VERY important.

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

Dead Hand on Steam



Edit: More bigger maps!

My first!

Just played the first handful of missions and a random battle and I am enjoying it immensely. The type of game I wish I could make if I had the time and the patience. The quick pickup and play gameplay is awesome, I am never one who enjoys the tedious aspect of resource management (I prefer Sudden Strike to Starcraft). At 7 bucks, give it a try to help encourage more of this in the future.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

A very cool neon rts game. I could only reccomend to brighten up the levels a bit, because it’s a bit hard to see what you’re doing.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Abstractanks on Steam



A horribly LAZY port…

$30, for a terrible, terrible port of a game that isn’t even worth $15? How do they have the audacity to charge $30 for this, on PC, when it’s such a dreadful experience to play it on PC? I mean sure, charge $15 for it on consoles or Switch where you can actually play the thing with the intended controls, but to charge TWICE what the game is worth on PC, AND then make such a terrible port, is just taking the piss


Cons: #1. No mouse support whatsoever. This is BY FAR the biggest problem.

Real player with 34.8 hrs in game

Very fun and easy-to-play game for 2-players – we are six missions into the game and playing at Normal difficulty. I am not sure how it will scale with more players though.

We also tend to load the ammo as quickly as possible with little regard for the enemy-fired ammo, so as to overwhelm the enemy through sheer ammo numbers. Through this approach, each mission takes us about 10 minutes to complete and thus is manageable time-wise.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

ConnecTank on Steam