ShellShock Live

ShellShock Live

Very good, very fun.

Works really well on Linux as well.

Real player with 534.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tanks 2D Games.

Proceeds to hold a piece of paper and win


Real player with 136.6 hrs in game

ShellShock Live on Steam



I bought this game right as I saw it. It has two of my favorite things mashed together. TANKS AND ANIME!

I quickly downloaded it and began playing it. At first I was kinda confused about the controls and it took me some time to get used to it. A tutorial would be great for first time players. It is very fast paced and the gamplay mechanics are for the most part playable. KEEP IN MIND THIS IS EARLY IN DEVELOPMENT! IF YOU WANT A POLISHED GAME RIGHT OF THE BAT GO SOMEWHERE ELSE INSTEAD OF TROLLING THE DEVELOPERS.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tanks Funny Games.

It’s not often I write a review, but this game is well worth it.

For starter, I just want to say that this game has finally sated that burning desire to drive a tank that Girls Und Panzer instilled in me.

That aside, this game has a lot of unique and enjoyable aspects:

+Destroyable terrain

Crush cars, blow up support pillars, knock over vending machines, even destory a poor, innocent Chibi statue. in other words, you get to be just a destructive as a tank should be

+Different camera angles

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game




Treadnauts is the kind of game that hits all the bases. Everything I want from couch-gaming can be satisfied after playing just one match.


-It’s flawless movement mechanics make the game feel buttery smooth with a controller in hand.

-The art style is unforgettable, it’s suave and leaves a smile on your face.

-Jazz never felt so smooth, as in, the music is dope as heck and sticks in your head like a child’s favorite cartoon theme song.

-Caring developers who update the game regularly with relevant and meaningful changes.

Real player with 701.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tanks Physics Games.

Note: Review was updated after Early Access ended.

Fantastic game for playing with other people! The game mechanics are solid and the controls feel great. Development on the game has stopped so we won’t be seeing more content, but what we have right now is more than enough for playing with friends. The community surrounding the game has died down from the activity that it boasted during the Early Access period, but the small community that remains on Discord is very friendly.


Real player with 30.7 hrs in game

Treadnauts on Steam

World of Tanks Blitz

World of Tanks Blitz

Update 3.8 breaks the game with stupid changes, takes away things people grinded for for hours or paid for with real money, while making it so that you have to pay AGAIN to get at least some stuff back or grind for for years - literally. You got a couple tier 10 tanks, some premiums, a bunch of keepers from every tier? Good luck reequipping them - it will only take you TEN TO FIFTY YEARS if you dont play the fking r*rded missions. If you do play the missions, it will take you 1 to 5 years. Great change. Simply wonderful.

Real player with 1541.0 hrs in game

So the game is fun to a point. The tier system ranks player rating so if your a good player you quickly find yourself not being able to find a match on tanks under tier V. At tier V the price and cost of research quickly kicks in and becomes super grindy. To keep moving along you find staying with the 1 nation you are the meta for certain tiers.

so annoying when your tier V tank is high in the ranking and your player rating goes up and then your fighting in games vs 1 or 2 tier higher tanks. which then creates super bad mis matches.

Real player with 850.3 hrs in game

World of Tanks Blitz on Steam

World of Tanks

World of Tanks

Okay, lets start with: Lot’s of good AND bad. The good? A well and long developed game with plenty of content and tons of tanks to play. A good selection of maps and plenty of nations to try out. Lots of freebies (PR’s ((personal reserves)) and even event tanks, camo and decals, etc.).

The BAD, oh the BAD… Okay, let me start off with this: I have been playing this game since release, 2011. I wasn’t part of beta, I waited till full release. I hate betas, too much changes in a full release from the testing phase. This game, as it is now, isn’t the game I started playing back then, Period. They have changed every aspect of the game many times over since then. You see, Gold tanks, now called Premium Tanks, were sub-par to the Tech Tree tanks. Which means they were WORSE than the regular tank of the same tier and same nation. Gold tanks were to train crews and make you a few extra credits (Silver) doing it, period, that’s it. They gave you NO advantage other than that. Now…now the Premium Tanks rule, extra armor, better this, better that, you name it. So now if you don’t buy the newest OP (Over Powered) Premium Tank, you are going to suffer vs them. Sound fair? Okay, that’s just the tanks. Ammo… when I started Gold Ammo (now Premium Ammo) cost real money, like real $$$. So it wasn’t thrown around often, very very rare was the person that used the Gold Ammo constantly. So in ten matches you might run into two of them that someone was slinging Gold. Then came the change, you can now buy Gold Ammo with Silver! (the normal in-game money). Now of course the Premium Ammo (Gold Ammo) cost more than normal ammo, but hey, everyone can use it now… So suddenly armor meant nothing. You could have the best armored tank on the game (back then a KV-5) but now EVERYONE is slinging Premium Ammo like no tomorrow so armor suddenly means zip (BTW, the KV-5 had some GREAT armor, but the gun was the worst of the tier 8’s in the game of any nation and would only pen the weakest of spots on any enemy tank). Now my biggest gripe, MM. (Match Making) Has changed many times over the years, and not once, ever… for the better. The whole concept of a three tier match (your tier plus 1-2 tiers above or below you) is so out of date with the newer OP tanks it isn’t funny. Just as a one off example (and there are PLENTY more) you are in your new shiny Tiger I, a tier 7 tank, near as you can get to what the Germans had as a best tank for WWII (not to mention the lesser used King Tiger, etc.) and you hit that big red “Battle” button. In your mind you are thinking “I finally got some real armor!” and the battle starts. Guess what… on that other team you are seeing tanks that were pure fantasy or didn’t even come out till the 1960’s to 1980’s (Tier 9’s). Really? A 1940’s tank is supposed to fight a 1980' tank? Guess what, it goes very poorly for the much much older tank. Sound fair? So MM has been broken from almost the start, it just has gotten more so over the years. The problem with MM isn’t just that, it also is with how often it seems to place you at the bottom as well, in 10 games you are for sure going to see at least 6-8 of them at the bottom tier. Over time that wears on you. Hard. Next is the Cars (Armored Cars). In real life the armored cars ran away from the tanks in a battle as fast as they could because a single shot would end their life. A single shot, period. Not here, you can hit a Car with a 12.8 cm gun (128 mm) full on and get that fateful message “We didn’t even scratch him!” or worse, “Critical Hit!” yet he takes no damage and just keeps driving like nothing ever touched him. And just for fun the auto-aim on the cars hits you no matter what the car is doing, turning, flying (jumping), etc. Sound fair?

Real player with 176.6 hrs in game

I’ve been playing since Closed Beta back in 2011, and still play daily outside of Steam, so don’t let these steam hours fool you.

As you can clearly see from all the other negative reviews, each of them basically say the same thing because it’s just flat out fact, instead of opinion. There’s a very big fundamental problem with this game but it will not change because we are nobody to them. The only way to have a drastic change, in a game as big and successful as this, would be to not spend any more money ever until they make the necessary changes. Unfortunately, this will never happen because not everyone has the same opinions/thoughts/preferences/etc. There’s only one thing you can do. Play the game, or find another.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

World of Tanks on Steam



1. The pictures and the videos do not show the actual gameplay

2. Only one map available = boring after a while

3. Never working - more off than online - can*t get a match

4. Ususally at least 5 out of 7 days broken - if not more

So lets put this together - WYSIWYG does not apply here - you get lured into something completely different. There is no support at all from devs, they just ignore the issues it seems. Apparently the chinese version is far more advanced but not accessible from outside China. They cannot solve the issue which keeps knocking the game or map server out so you cannot play.

Real player with 183.7 hrs in game

Don’t expect much and it’s ok. It is FTP and even if you spend money, it’s not a huge advantage from what I have seen so far. I have seen some gold ammo that has the same effect as silver ammo, why buy it. It run’s laggy and seems buggy. Some parts are hard to figure out due to bad english, no english or just chopped off thoughts. The helos are a cool touch and can be game changers. Arty are way under powered. Seems they were trying to steal a hybrid from AW and WoT. To be fair this game can be really good, if managed right.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

iStorm on Steam

Tanki Online

Tanki Online

An unbalanced, Pay to win dying game.

This game has seen much better days. Back in the day there were no Tankoins, no containers of any sort and it was much better balanced. This has been the childhood game for a lot of people and seeing it now, comparing to what it used to be, is just sad. They introduced a lot of P2W features, such as previously mentioned Tankoins, skins, containers, etc. On the phone version of the game each time you open it you are blasted with “special offers” that cost a fuck ton of money for what they have in them, and you will get these notifications on your screen everytime you enter the main menu, whether it would be from your garage, or by leaving a battle. The new weapons suck, most of the new gamemodes are shit, and the overall quality of the game has gone down. The community mostly consists of toxic children that divide into 2 types, either P2W or trash mobile players.

Real player with 141.3 hrs in game

This game is pay to win and here are some examples why.

-Premium membership, which gives 1.5x exp and 2x in game currency

-You can get weapons of the next modification if you use micro upgrades ages before you can directly buy it in game, which are very costly for the according rank and you can be dominating in battle.

-Supplies are absolutely overpowered (double damage, double armour) and once again these are very costly to use on a regular basis (practically impossible for a normal user to use them constantly even for high rank players its very hard to do that)

Real player with 38.0 hrs in game

Tanki Online on Steam

Battlezone Gold Edition

Battlezone Gold Edition

This is where i learned what happens if you send 4 goons in tanks to fight skynet.

I dig tanks.

I started digging VR.

I deff dig this.

The trailer looks really uninteresting, while the game itself however just pulls you the fuck in.

Usually it’s the opposite when it comes to games that Trailers looks more impressive.

I bought the game with low expectations, but i can really dig this, it’s a actual VR game i come back to, other VR games last like a few hours, 2nd day in however and i hit 11 hours.

Real player with 42.0 hrs in game

Battlezone is a solid, fun game. It looks great, runs smooth, doesn’t have significant bugs. It’s seated VR, you control your tank with gamepad. Gamepad controls work great and feel responsive and accurate enough.

The unlock progression doesn’t feel like a grind. The unlockable tanks offer mostly specialization, so they’re not required. Weapon unlocks aren’t random, they unlock based on secondary mission objectives or achievements listed in the arsenal. Weapons require varying amounts of skill to use, but not overly much so. None of the weapons feel useless, while each having a specific use case where they’re the most effective. Likewise for the special abilities, it only takes a short while to learn knowing how it works and when to use it, but then they’re all useful.

Real player with 40.8 hrs in game

Battlezone Gold Edition on Steam

Gear Up

Gear Up

Gear Up

Gear Up is a wonderful little FPS game with ongoing development.

The P2W Claims

I think I should probably get this out of the way first.

Some people apparently get the impression that the game is P2W. It’s really not.

Unlike games true to P2W where you can recklessly spam in-game premium upgrades or keep throwing money until you win, all buying the basic and premium packages does is give you the ability to save 3 vehicles, unlimited storage, and access to all parts. It does NOT have direct in-game premium currency purchases that give players an unfair advantage. The game does not even have an option for microtransactions. I don’t even know where these accusations come from.

Real player with 690.6 hrs in game

I have been following Gear Up since I first saw it on Greenlight. It actually caught my eye because it looked like a fun, generic tank game. So I signed up for alpha, and months later the developers handed out keys for Premium to existing testers. That’s how I ended up with a paid copy of early access to a generic tank game, and have in the process found it to be substantially more.

To be honest, there’s really only so much you can expect from this type of game. It’s not going to have photo-realistic graphics, or perfect part-balancing; especially in its early stages. But for what it is, it really is quite fun. Even though it has a leveling/ranking system, I don’t really need incentive of any kind to keep playing it. You just sit down with your favorite build and blow things up.

Real player with 127.3 hrs in game

Gear Up on Steam

Iron Conflict

Iron Conflict

Iron Conflict is a Real Time Strategy game which is solely focused on multiplayer. Fighting in 10 vs 10 battles, you and your teammates each take 3 types of units with you and battle it out. Either wipe the enemy out, or win Victory Points by holding points.

With Wargame / Steel Division vibes, with a hint of Men of War, wrapped up in an XP / Gold grind of War Thunder, you start with a limited selection of units to choose from, but eventually upgrade and unlock new units for your pleasure. You can spend in game currency earned from battles to equip your units to make them stronger, faster or more lethal.

Real player with 47.2 hrs in game

Ok let it be said, at the time of writeing this review this game is in a early access Beta test you buy into for 15 bucks in exchange for a founders pack of goodies. However dont let that put you off. This game combinds elements from several games, World of Tanks, War Thunder, Total War Arena, iv seen people make comparisons to men of conflict.

Iron Conflict is a Real Time Tactics game where you control 3 units on a team of 30 untis with 9 other people on your team. At the time of writeing the game currently has 2 maps and 2 game modes and will most likely have more in the future. The 2 game modes are capture the enemy base, and for those that play world of warships or war thunder, capture flag points on the map, first 1000 points wins. Matches are Quick and getting back into the actions quickly is as simple as spending a small fee on repairing you vehicles after the match (yes this game has repair times like war thunder, but they are cheep and quick if you dont want to pay.)

Real player with 38.8 hrs in game

Iron Conflict on Steam