Refight:Burning Engine

Refight:Burning Engine

The most crap game i played lately. Just another wanna be that try to combine PUBG and WOT. The physics of the game are so bad that i have the impression i play a 2010 game. A game where real players are missing and each battle is filled with broken bots that shot you from anywhere, from everywhere, while at full speed and without aiming…sure that will make people playing this “game”. I wonder if the devs ever played the game and see how they ruin it..

PS: i am in top 3 rankscore/livescore so i know what im talking about.

Real player with 131.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tanks Battle Royale Games.

I know it’s in beta, so, right now i feel i am waiting way too long to start a match (2.5 to 3 minutes wait time).

playing a solo game means i have 49 bots lining up for a match, bots should be ready to go, making it quicker, also it’s the same map at the moment so that should also make it quicker..

Can’t really give anything negative at the moment as it’s beta and things go wrong from time to time, but, dipping down under the map can get annoying, however, i like the way it’s going.

Would like to see 1 or 2 more beta maps to see how it transitions when your a higher rank.

Real player with 102.5 hrs in game

Refight:Burning Engine on Steam

M4 Tank Brigade

M4 Tank Brigade

they are saying 2018 it came out BS I have 75 hours and that was some 2 years ago when said was in early development. was not touched at all for those 2 years except for few news /PR’s saying they were looking at DLC’s you buy or pay for online time to play also . after that and no further upgrades being done I got sucked into buying a game that never got finished or bugs worked out. It had great potential . but every scene battle is the same . boring boring boring .

lies lies lies so I say stay away from this game as reminds me of those traveling faith healers more you put in the hat the better you feel all the way up till they leave town.

Real player with 75.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tanks Simulation Games.

Just got it, so far looks a runs great. I have only played the tutorial though. But have to give this a good rating enjoying it a lot.

Real player with 26.2 hrs in game

M4 Tank Brigade on Steam

Modern Tanks

Modern Tanks

Simple game, that has a LOT of common visual features with more famous game of this type.

TL;DR - nothing special, really, although you can play it for an hour or so…

Although you can get used to the controls (keyboard only on PC) - it really should have turret aiming with mouse enabled on PC.

It looks a bit like P2W game: lot of addons that can be bought by real cash - that change the ballance of your gameplay. If you plan to play this game only as 10 minutes break from the life - it will not matter a lot. However, if you want to play much more with the Tanks FPS … change game.

Real player with 65.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tanks Simulation Games.

Well… Let´s start with the cons - and there are a lot of them:

  • Pay to Win and not even pretending to not be - literally has “buy a premium vehicle to dominate your enemies” in the tips.

  • Terrible balancing both within the same vehicle level and between the vehicle levels / tiers.

  • The game will keep pushing you into unfavorable matchups (higher level players using higher level vehicles, etc.) at times to get you to spend money on powerups to get your lower tier vehicle to match them in performance.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Modern Tanks on Steam

Tanki Online

Tanki Online

An unbalanced, Pay to win dying game.

This game has seen much better days. Back in the day there were no Tankoins, no containers of any sort and it was much better balanced. This has been the childhood game for a lot of people and seeing it now, comparing to what it used to be, is just sad. They introduced a lot of P2W features, such as previously mentioned Tankoins, skins, containers, etc. On the phone version of the game each time you open it you are blasted with “special offers” that cost a fuck ton of money for what they have in them, and you will get these notifications on your screen everytime you enter the main menu, whether it would be from your garage, or by leaving a battle. The new weapons suck, most of the new gamemodes are shit, and the overall quality of the game has gone down. The community mostly consists of toxic children that divide into 2 types, either P2W or trash mobile players.

Real player with 141.3 hrs in game

This game is pay to win and here are some examples why.

-Premium membership, which gives 1.5x exp and 2x in game currency

-You can get weapons of the next modification if you use micro upgrades ages before you can directly buy it in game, which are very costly for the according rank and you can be dominating in battle.

-Supplies are absolutely overpowered (double damage, double armour) and once again these are very costly to use on a regular basis (practically impossible for a normal user to use them constantly even for high rank players its very hard to do that)

Real player with 38.0 hrs in game

Tanki Online on Steam

Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy

Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy

Great turn based strategy game, many hours of fun to be had.


Great strategy value with several classes of tanks and customizable skill tree

Most tanks are buyable without premium currency

Free premium currency and items with daily missions


Skill tree is the same for all tanks and pretty much fixed for predefined play styles.

Some low level skills are pretty much wasted skill points when you’re focused on getting the higher level ones for your play style (i.e: you need base capture in order to get visibility skills; or defense skill in order to get double shot)

Real player with 202.0 hrs in game

In short

It’s a turn-based mini World of Tanks clone:

  • gameplay is somehow simplified (no LoS, just FoG), but very sound;

  • microtransactions' benefits do not upset me (YMMV);

  • decent play against bots (if you are a lone human in your team and no humans are in the opposite team);

  • a multiplayer game with almost no players online.

Full review

It’s a turn-based mini World of Tanks. It’s a very good casual game, that would be a lot of fun to play, if there were more people playing it. If it got for a while a decent number of players, then player population should multiply very fast.

Real player with 68.6 hrs in game

Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy on Steam

Tank Rampage

Tank Rampage

The game looks good in the screenshots, however there are no players online and there is no single player, I suggest making the game free-to-play because it is literally unplayable right now

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Tank Rampage on Steam

World of Tanks Blitz

World of Tanks Blitz

Update 3.8 breaks the game with stupid changes, takes away things people grinded for for hours or paid for with real money, while making it so that you have to pay AGAIN to get at least some stuff back or grind for for years - literally. You got a couple tier 10 tanks, some premiums, a bunch of keepers from every tier? Good luck reequipping them - it will only take you TEN TO FIFTY YEARS if you dont play the fking r*rded missions. If you do play the missions, it will take you 1 to 5 years. Great change. Simply wonderful.

Real player with 1541.0 hrs in game

So the game is fun to a point. The tier system ranks player rating so if your a good player you quickly find yourself not being able to find a match on tanks under tier V. At tier V the price and cost of research quickly kicks in and becomes super grindy. To keep moving along you find staying with the 1 nation you are the meta for certain tiers.

so annoying when your tier V tank is high in the ranking and your player rating goes up and then your fighting in games vs 1 or 2 tier higher tanks. which then creates super bad mis matches.

Real player with 850.3 hrs in game

World of Tanks Blitz on Steam

Battle Tanks: Legends of World War II

Battle Tanks: Legends of World War II

Steaming pile of crap.

Sorry, but this game is out to milk you for ever penny it can. At first it’s great fun, but as you go up the ranks, you will loose more and more silver forcing you to spend real money buying more. I can win 200,000 silver in a game and not get one bit of it because of how the game is weighed against the players. You upgrade your tanks to max and you’d have thought that would mean you win more silver as your skills also improve, but no. I was 6th on the country on the board and even then I wasn’t making enough silver to sustain the game without spending real money.

Real player with 4581.4 hrs in game

The game is simple and nice until players start using gold and premium stuff. The imbalance is so great that the game becomes stupid. There is no skill contest, but only who has more gold . Its horror ! And one more thing, the russian tanks can do outrageous things when compared with the germans in terms of mobility So, the game is really nice for the first 3-4 levels, when is really fun and dynamic. As you climb the tech tree and you reach tier 10 it’s horror if you don’t have gold.

It’s also very imbalanced in terms of normal and premium vehicles.

Real player with 567.5 hrs in game

Battle Tanks: Legends of World War II on Steam



Action packed, intensely addictive (you’ve been warned!) and immense fun! ExoTanks is the tank game i have been waiting for! As a fan of everything “sci-fi” and vehicular pvp combat (which is so rare!) i was growing tired of mundane world war era tank games over and over again. This game has been the refreshing answer to my wishes! It’s like the developers read my mind!


  • Variety of tanks and clear types, each with unique abilities! Futuristic + Sexy!

  • Great gameplay. Each team member gets to choose a unique tank from the available ones (like role based) Tanks also are well balanced with strengths and weaknesses!

Real player with 129.8 hrs in game

Great free to play game.


  • Great graphics

  • Great map, models design

  • Great post-processing effects

  • Awesome when you play with your squad. By cooperating with your team you can achieve Victory !

  • Its not a Pay to Win game. You can buy skins, unlock vehicles, emblems with purchases so it will not give you an edge over other players. Improve your skills and Victory shall be yours.

  • If there are not enough players bots will replace them.

  • You can choose between 3 various servers based on your location for a better ping : Europe, North America, Asia.

Real player with 117.5 hrs in game

ExoTanks on Steam

Tank Force

Tank Force

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worst, they did it again. Today (7-16-18), they doubled the upgrade time and increased the cost to upgrade (it looks like double, too). Examples: the autoloader on the T-64BV, over 2.4 million and more than 1 day’s (24 hours) time (and that’s not the final upgrade), the Leclerc (a paid tank to start with but you can “play” for the BlackEagle) - over 3 million for armor and more than 1 day’s time. Just numbers? Ok, compare that to me buying the Leopard 1A3 in 1 day (playing) for 620,000, and calculate 3 times the cost - around 1.86 million for a fully upgraded tank; however, the next tank I’m targeting is the Leopard 2 Revolution (the highest in NATO), and wouldn’t you know it - it’s on sale! (Today) So, for just 13,725,000 - it’s yours…but wait, what about the math? I don’t know because I have not started but start calculating 13.7 * 6, yes, 6 at least…6, for 82.2 million. I started with 43 million on the two mentioned above and have played to make 9 million during the upgrading period (more than a week’s time) and I still have not finished and that’s before the now mentioned “changes”. They (the developers) did not post any advanced notice of this “now in affect” changes. My personal note: this is just the latest of “changes” to take place in the short time that I’ve been with the game but if I find another “tank game” that gives me modern fast tanks (and I’m looking…like today); I’ll delete this game in a heartbeat. I hate what the game has become (pay to win) but it’s the action and the players that make me sign in again (for now).

Real player with 3503.5 hrs in game

DEFEATED! You’ll see that a lot if you waste your time with this vanity project. This game is a prime example of PAY to WIN. Free players only exist to give paying players something to shoot at. No combination of skill and perseverance can overcome the enormous advantages paid players have. Paid players do TWICE the damage, can heal their tanks and set enemy tanks on fire or immobilize them. The game itself also has multiple flaws the developers don’t worry about.

Game physics are like a cartoon - enemy tanks will literally do back flips rather than be pinned. Friendly tanks are a different matter. The idiot on your team who thinks the best place on the map to play from is up your butt will block you from retreating from enemy fire resulting in needless damage or death.

Real player with 1290.4 hrs in game

Tank Force on Steam