Tank Universal

Tank Universal

Crystal Universal

Full Review at GameDragons.Net


Tank Universal is one of the most weird, yet ambitious indies you’ll ever play, as it tries to introduce you to a story that’s not even defined by the end of the title. Developed by a single person, New Zealand’s graphic designer Phil Jones, the game kicks off by introducing you to a terminally ill patient who was prescribed a virtual reality headset in order to help him relax. Inside this virtual reality is where you will take control of Unit8, a soldier finding himself at the beginning of a revolution against the society that rules the virtual world, deciding to join the resistance and help them defeat Gorgon, the ruler and oppressor of their world.

Real player with 26.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tanks Wargame Games.

A great game about tank skirmishing in 80’s-version-of-the-future-worlds. The player goes up against a giant eyeball overlord along with men from a resistance movement. Together they fight past vast amounts of enemy vehicles such as tanks, artillery, and even goddamn bombers.

The story is more or less just there so people won’t complain about lack of a story, and the read-only dialogue is laughably bad at times, but the game contains a lot of fun to be had and some really unexpected twists.

Once you beat the campaign, you can test your strength in the “skirmish” mode, where you have 20 minutes to kill as many enemies, of all types, as possible, and try not to die in the process.

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

Tank Universal on Steam

Battle Command

Battle Command

Before 1990, if you wanted to control an assault tank you either had to sign up to Her Majesty’s Armed Forces, or settle for the basic side-on or top-down computer graphics of the day.

Then there was Battle Command.

The game sees you take command of a futuristic assault tank, dropped by Helicarrier right into the middle of the action on the battlefield. While many other 3D efforts of the time resulted in confusing wireframes or framerates measured in spf instead of fps, Battle Command’s fully-filled polygons were a breath of fresh air… until that air was filled with the acrid smoke from the burning wrecks of enemy buildings and vehicles!

With multiple camera views allowing the player to sit in the belly of the beast or to see the action from a third-person perspective – a real innovation at the time – this much-loved ‘command’ game focused more on outright fighting that the strategic elements of similar titles. Yet it was not all simply ready-aim-fire; the player still has to equip the most suitable ammunition to satisfactorily complete each one of the exciting and varied missions.

According to the original box art:

_Set in the near future of an alternative reality, Battle Command is an arcade/strategy game in which the player controls a single ‘Mauler’ Assault Tank in one of sixteen scenarios in the ultra-war, fought between two dominant races in the New World. The latest phase of this north/south war has been going on for over ten years with a stalemate eventually developing – a stand-off between armies massed over a long dug-in battle front.

Such are the defensive capabilities of each side, full scale assaults are suicidal, so any offensive moves are, by necessity, small behind-the-lines actions performed by elite troops in specially designed vehicles. The Mauler is the latest such machine – capable of being lifted in and out of hostile territory by fast stealth choppers and armed with the most advanced weaponry the northern sides can devise.

First into Battle…

…Last to Leave!_

Read More: Best Tanks War Games.

Battle Command on Steam

Winter Fury: The Longest Road

Winter Fury: The Longest Road

Just tried out the sniper rifle on 2nd level. Very cool mechanic. I would like a mission like the movie “Enemy At The Gates” where you would need to take out an elite German sniper using only your sniper rifle. Wide variety of historical weapons to try out. I found myself doing a lot of the dirty work with my Thompson? machine gun. If you are one of those people with a strong dislike of Nazis this game should be a good fit. Recommend.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tanks Simulation Games.

I normally dont like arcade shooters, but this game is awesome!

Except the sniper rifle. Why the hell does the sniper scope work like in Fallout 4, when you have a working scope system on the 3D model itself? I tried to hold the rifle away enough to be able to snipe with the rifles 3D model scope and I just couldnt shoot anything because the scope was way too far from my face. Please, PLEASE make it at least a setting to allow people to disable the horrible Fallout 4 scope!

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Winter Fury: The Longest Road on Steam

Winter War 1939

Winter War 1939

I have played Thoriums games for a while now. Even tested some games including this one. For those who don’t know, this game was originally a mobile game. So the graphics might look a bit bad to you but the reason it looks bad is due to performance. I do think his games need actual texturing, so I hope that gets added soon. Winter War is my favorite game made by Thorium. It’s the least buggy one he has made. I think the game is really good, but it needs regular updates fixing bugs and adding features. The build system in this game is really cool, but I find myself almost never using it other than to spawn vehicles like planes or tanks. This system does need reworked a bit to make it more useful. One thing that also needs reworked is the AI. The AI is really stupid because they have no pathfinding. A lot of times the enemies just walk around allowing me to clear them easily. There are also a lot of bugs that need fixed, but other than that I think the game is really fun and you should try it out. You can join the Discord here: https://discord.gg/nnR3U7y

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

I like my heritage, this is the only game you can play as a finnish soldier besides Ravenfield or the Talvisota but talvisota doesnt work me and ravenfield wasnt meant to like be about the winter war so this works for me i like the whole concept

Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

Winter War 1939 on Steam

Heroic Armored Company

Heroic Armored Company

Very good game but short…(more coming soon)

Need to be optimized but It’s hard and fun to play.

I hope they will continu to work on.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

Having played Hero Armored Company for about 10 hours now, already some things can be said about this tank sim. Let me begin with the most important thing: I like it! This game has the potential to become a great tank simulator.

Does it have problems? Yes. Does it need improvement? Absolutely! But that doesn’t wipe out the fact that this is the most fun tank sim I’ve played since World Of Tanks (and I’ve played a LOT of WoT!!!) - and for me at some points it even superseeds it!


For now only part of the single player content is available with a Story Mode (with at this moment 8 missions) - an aspect I definately miss in WoT! Single Player Mission Mode and Multiplayer Mode will become available at a later stage. So far I have been grinding myself though the Story Mode.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

Heroic Armored Company on Steam

Empires Mod

Empires Mod

Best FPS game I have played. Dynamic gameplay, huge player limit and skilled community make up for a constant hail of bullets and neverending fun as a simple soldier, who needs to teamwork if he wants to live another minute. The strategic aspect is not my favourite (I’m really bad at strategy games) but gives you a lot of fun too when your forces listen to you and you guide them to victory.

Devs are close to the people, the community is loving albeit harsh at times, the more professional part of the community is like a big family (there is hate but they still love each other).

Real player with 3453.5 hrs in game

If you wanna get yelled at for not understanding the game from the first minute you play this.

If you wanna get abused by old farts for not reviving them.

If you have a fetish for verbal abuse.

If you like getting your ass kicked the first 72 hours you play this game.

If you dont mind getting overwhelmed by the complexity of this game.

If you have nothing better to do on saturday evenings.

This is your game.

A blend of RTS/FPS/Shittalking/flaming/abuse.

The most noob unfriendly community you will ever meet.

Real player with 2083.3 hrs in game

Empires Mod on Steam

War Trigger Classic

War Trigger Classic

RGS makes no effort to enhance the gaming experience of a loyal community. A lot of us played RC2, 5 years ago, and purchased RCF for a ridiculous $20 pre-release price, only to find no updates. The “Suicide when standing against a wall bug” has been present for months now. Devs dont do anything to fix this. RGS made a discord for feedback and ignores the community. The game is currently dying according to steam charts: https://steamcharts.com/app/916930#All (SEPT: 262.3 AVG players - DEC: 79.5 AVG players) What is RGS focusing their time on you ask?? RCF updates, their in game purchase “pay to win” game. Dont waste your time or money on this game, they only created it to take money from old, loyal players and dipped.

Real player with 434.3 hrs in game

developers let this game die, with refusing to ban cheaters ips.. refusing to update their anti cheat patches.. refusing to update the actual game with guns or maps. The overall management of this game has been a disaster since its inception. They have no idea on what the community wanted or needed, they “hired” players to become mods for in game issues between players. Using children to monitor players to follow rules? The actual game play of this game was never very good, but that was never why players played this game it was very heavily community based. Update after update the community diminished, based on devs not giving players what they needed. Finally after promising players to give them what they wanted which was basically a slightly updated version of the original game, the game has died because after coming to steam and supposedly giving the community what they wanted.. They hindered the clan system (which was a major part of the community) and then abandoned the game, with no updates, and allowing players who run cheat engines to over run the game. Every single loyal player who was with this game and followed it to steam feels as if they just wanted to squeeze a little more money from us before abandoning the game. Even now with the “new name change” nothing has updated in this game aside from the name, which is probably another gimmick by the Devs to hopefully try to lure other players here to spend money on the game when no one plays it anymore for all the reasons listed above.

Real player with 430.8 hrs in game

War Trigger Classic on Steam

Frag Grounds

Frag Grounds

I saw no reviews and I got curious.

First impression, Servers are completely dead. They’re so dead in fact, Steam Charts can’t process the level of JFK dead this game is. SteamDB can though, and there were 2 players on Jun 9th. Peak playerbase was 5 players, on July 23rd, 2020. I hope everyone had fun when they played the game.

My central issue with this game is simple: The singleplayer mode has one map, and the multiplayer, the meat of this game is, as stated, quite dead. In fact, to run a server, I had to rent one from a shady Euro site, whom kept shutting down my server due to the game lobby having a max of 12 players, and the server only being paid for 8 players. That’s on 4NetPlayers however, not the developers.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Frag Grounds is an abandoned Early Access FPS arena shooter with a militaristic “tacti-cool” theme. There’s a multiplayer mode (no players) and a wave survival shooter mode where you start in a building and dozens of completely identical AI come running at you for you to shoot.

The developers abandoned the game less than a year after it launched to the sound of crickets. The last update for the game was in April 2021.

The quality here is deplorably bad despite the venerable Unreal Engine backing the game. It looks like many of the game assets are just asset flips from the Unreal Asset Store.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Frag Grounds on Steam

Iron Front: Digital War Edition

Iron Front: Digital War Edition

Better then Arma but since the game spy shut down multiplayer is kinda hard to play now. Which was one of the best things on this game. Anyone that has a massive server and group still add me! The games singalplayer can be fun if you know how to make maps. Making a simple map is not that hard at all really. I do like it more then Arma. Deaths arnt so crapy looking. Just look up senarios online or use your imagenation to make a small simple map or a huge lag fest battle and have fun. This gmae should get more credit, but I will say it can be a time consumer when making a nice map. However its pays off most of the time.

Real player with 140.3 hrs in game

Iron Front : Liberation 1944 tactical war simulator based on arma 2 engine so If you like

Arma iron front might be an interesting game for you

so now i’m gonna say a couple words bout story mode firstly as i think single really sucks moreover be sure that you’ll get bored

playing that piece of shit there’re so many buggs you can stuck in textures for instanse or just fall down through the damn earth right into the hell e.t.c yet some old animations from arma ruin the picture even multiplayer doesn’t work anymore

Real player with 107.1 hrs in game

Iron Front: Digital War Edition on Steam

Modern War Simulator: Advance under air raid

Modern War Simulator: Advance under air raid

This is a war shooting game. Wear a helmet and drive a tank to avoid the heavy artillery fire of the enemy air force. At the same time, you can pass through the lines of defense of the enemy turret and finally reach the goal of victory. In the process, it is not only necessary to avoid enemy airstrikes on an open battlefield with no obstructions, but also to pay attention to the turret attacks on the ground. In order to reach the destination smoothly, please use your full horsepower and use your precise artillery to make a bloody road and successfully cross the undulating sand dunes to reach the destination.

Modern War Simulator: Advance under air raid on Steam