Tank Mechanic Simulator

Tank Mechanic Simulator

So let’s start off by saying that yes. I do play this game a lot. I’ve played it quite a bit in fact. But can I recommend it? Ehhhhh…. no.

See, the developers have made a great system for this sort of game. I wish more games would use it. It’s a bit unrealistic, but that’s honestly okay, it plays well with it. I have to give them props for that.


What I can’t give them props for is quality assurance, general professionalism(There was a major content delay because they forgot to fork their build. FORGOT. And overwrote their work), and what appears to be a roadmap designed for maximizing profit, rather than fixing the countless issues that still persist with the game.

Real player with 106.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tanks Simulation Games.

I really, really, really like the game. BUT, I just wanna take a little walk through and talk about what’s going on in the game.

They’re doing good work, making updates regularly and keeping people up to date with what’s happening in the development cycle. The thing that really sets me off with the current game is that they’re already trying to push DLC. I understand that they want to make money, but at the same time the base game needs to be in a more acceptable state before they should try to push for DLC’s. There are a lot of issues within the base game that need to be addressed such as, Performance within the garage itself can get pretty rough, especially if you have multiple project vehicles in at the same time(Keep in mind my computer isn’t a slouch by any means, AMD 5800x processor, 16gigs of Crucial Ballistix’s 3600Mhz ram, and an rtx2060, granted not the highest end pc in the world.), the menus are pretty clunky and need to be reworked into a more user friendly state. Tank extractions can be frustrating between not being able to find the vehicle through the basic means the game starts you off with and occasionally you aren’t able to extract the vehicle at all. The maintenance system has gotten better, but it needs a lot of work, the system needs to be streamlined and ease of access while putting tanks together needs to be more comfortable to work with instead of awkwardly clicking around on the screen trying to access certain parts. Some tank models being reworked have been worked on for what feels like months without any update to them in the live version of the game, but they’re working on new models instead.

Real player with 48.5 hrs in game

Tank Mechanic Simulator on Steam

Iron Front: Digital War Edition

Iron Front: Digital War Edition

Better then Arma but since the game spy shut down multiplayer is kinda hard to play now. Which was one of the best things on this game. Anyone that has a massive server and group still add me! The games singalplayer can be fun if you know how to make maps. Making a simple map is not that hard at all really. I do like it more then Arma. Deaths arnt so crapy looking. Just look up senarios online or use your imagenation to make a small simple map or a huge lag fest battle and have fun. This gmae should get more credit, but I will say it can be a time consumer when making a nice map. However its pays off most of the time.

Real player with 140.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tanks War Games.

Iron Front : Liberation 1944 tactical war simulator based on arma 2 engine so If you like

Arma iron front might be an interesting game for you

so now i’m gonna say a couple words bout story mode firstly as i think single really sucks moreover be sure that you’ll get bored

playing that piece of shit there’re so many buggs you can stuck in textures for instanse or just fall down through the damn earth right into the hell e.t.c yet some old animations from arma ruin the picture even multiplayer doesn’t work anymore

Real player with 107.1 hrs in game

Iron Front: Digital War Edition on Steam

Tank Universal 2

Tank Universal 2

Excellent, engaging game with a truly disappointing ending. I thought maybe it was still in early access? But it’s supposedly finished. There is no boss fight. You meet the boss, then…no fight. A cutscene with a deus ex machina where the boss, the big bad who was built up as unstoppable over the course of two games, is defeated instantly and effortlessly with no action from the player.

This also makes the blue army’s capture of the Revelation pointless, as it’s never used. It disintegrates on the way to the final level. That is awful story telling. It would’ve been narratively correct to have a boss fight, where you and your blue allies fight to a point of stalemate and seem like you’re going to lose, before the Revelation comes to your aid in your darkest hour, delivering the finishing blow.

Real player with 99.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Tanks Simulation Games.

When i came across Tank universal 1 when i was only 12 years old or so back when it was a demo on Wild Tanget. my young mind was blown away as to how cool the game was, i never got to finish it back when i was little as i said it was a demo game. and since i had always had trouble convincing my parents about what games i wanted and the fact that they cost money always made them stingy at droping a few bucks for them.

Now i am in my young adult hood in my early 20’s and now that i have a little more financial freedom i bought both this game and its predicessor, and my eyes once again teamed with excitment when i saw these same old games i never got to finish on steam. and after buying both and finishing both i can summerize why i recommend this game.

Real player with 67.8 hrs in game

Tank Universal 2 on Steam

Battlezone 98 Redux

Battlezone 98 Redux

Important disclosure here: Prior to the release of BZ98R (and still to this day), I have been a player of the original game up until it’s final unofficial patch version U1. This game is entirely based on this community patch.

People who have played 1.5 are going to feel differently about the game than people who last played it 20 years ago (1.3, 1.31, 1.4…). The same goes for people who had never played BZ98 in any form prior to purchasing this game.

This review involves numerous statements of objective fact but it was still written by someone who was playing 1.5 for years prior to the release of this game.

Real player with 8710.2 hrs in game

This is the best game you’ve never played. It’s the hidden gem of hidden gems.

Set in an alternate 1960s where the space race is just a cover for a cold war turned hot, the United States and Soviet Union secretly deploy massive armies into space in pursuit of an extra-terrestrial substance, bio-metal, that can be used to craft amazing and powerful weapons of war. The National Space Defense Force (NSDF) and Cosmos Colonist Army (CCA) do battle over control of the bio-metal throughout the solar system using hover tanks crafted from the precious material. Battlezone has some of the best sci-fi lore of any game- don’t skip over the briefings and debriefings!

Real player with 321.0 hrs in game

Battlezone 98 Redux on Steam

Tank Universal

Tank Universal

Crystal Universal

Full Review at GameDragons.Net


Tank Universal is one of the most weird, yet ambitious indies you’ll ever play, as it tries to introduce you to a story that’s not even defined by the end of the title. Developed by a single person, New Zealand’s graphic designer Phil Jones, the game kicks off by introducing you to a terminally ill patient who was prescribed a virtual reality headset in order to help him relax. Inside this virtual reality is where you will take control of Unit8, a soldier finding himself at the beginning of a revolution against the society that rules the virtual world, deciding to join the resistance and help them defeat Gorgon, the ruler and oppressor of their world.

Real player with 26.5 hrs in game

A great game about tank skirmishing in 80’s-version-of-the-future-worlds. The player goes up against a giant eyeball overlord along with men from a resistance movement. Together they fight past vast amounts of enemy vehicles such as tanks, artillery, and even goddamn bombers.

The story is more or less just there so people won’t complain about lack of a story, and the read-only dialogue is laughably bad at times, but the game contains a lot of fun to be had and some really unexpected twists.

Once you beat the campaign, you can test your strength in the “skirmish” mode, where you have 20 minutes to kill as many enemies, of all types, as possible, and try not to die in the process.

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

Tank Universal on Steam

Steel Armor: Blaze of War

Steel Armor: Blaze of War

First off.. I am biased. But I am going to give a bit O brutal review. Not really that brutal.

1st off. This is a “remastered” SABOW that was released back in 2011. It had a borked release with publishers that where borderline stupid. The game was released in a state with game braking bugs. This had nothing to do with the dev. In fact they released a series of unofficial patches to fix the issues. They however, where not allowed to officially fix the game. However, the rights just returned to the dev’s. Where all that unofficial content was made official and many fixes and improvements where added in.

Real player with 253.6 hrs in game

An unmatched level of detail in simulation, with sometimes odd AI behavior being near its single downfall. Gameplay is generally excellent and the interiors/systems modeling of the T-62 which I use near exclusively is actually superior to Steel Beasts as it stands right now. Small details like dust kicked up by the cannon (major factor in desert environments, where the game is mostly set) and the animation of the 115mm’s ejection sequence are what bring this game the extra mile.

I can only really field 4 complaints about this game, total- especially considering its age and price point

Real player with 65.2 hrs in game

Steel Armor: Blaze of War on Steam

Heroic Armored Company

Heroic Armored Company

Very good game but short…(more coming soon)

Need to be optimized but It’s hard and fun to play.

I hope they will continu to work on.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

Having played Hero Armored Company for about 10 hours now, already some things can be said about this tank sim. Let me begin with the most important thing: I like it! This game has the potential to become a great tank simulator.

Does it have problems? Yes. Does it need improvement? Absolutely! But that doesn’t wipe out the fact that this is the most fun tank sim I’ve played since World Of Tanks (and I’ve played a LOT of WoT!!!) - and for me at some points it even superseeds it!


For now only part of the single player content is available with a Story Mode (with at this moment 8 missions) - an aspect I definately miss in WoT! Single Player Mission Mode and Multiplayer Mode will become available at a later stage. So far I have been grinding myself though the Story Mode.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

Heroic Armored Company on Steam

Battle Command

Battle Command

Before 1990, if you wanted to control an assault tank you either had to sign up to Her Majesty’s Armed Forces, or settle for the basic side-on or top-down computer graphics of the day.

Then there was Battle Command.

The game sees you take command of a futuristic assault tank, dropped by Helicarrier right into the middle of the action on the battlefield. While many other 3D efforts of the time resulted in confusing wireframes or framerates measured in spf instead of fps, Battle Command’s fully-filled polygons were a breath of fresh air… until that air was filled with the acrid smoke from the burning wrecks of enemy buildings and vehicles!

With multiple camera views allowing the player to sit in the belly of the beast or to see the action from a third-person perspective – a real innovation at the time – this much-loved ‘command’ game focused more on outright fighting that the strategic elements of similar titles. Yet it was not all simply ready-aim-fire; the player still has to equip the most suitable ammunition to satisfactorily complete each one of the exciting and varied missions.

According to the original box art:

_Set in the near future of an alternative reality, Battle Command is an arcade/strategy game in which the player controls a single ‘Mauler’ Assault Tank in one of sixteen scenarios in the ultra-war, fought between two dominant races in the New World. The latest phase of this north/south war has been going on for over ten years with a stalemate eventually developing – a stand-off between armies massed over a long dug-in battle front.

Such are the defensive capabilities of each side, full scale assaults are suicidal, so any offensive moves are, by necessity, small behind-the-lines actions performed by elite troops in specially designed vehicles. The Mauler is the latest such machine – capable of being lifted in and out of hostile territory by fast stealth choppers and armed with the most advanced weaponry the northern sides can devise.

First into Battle…

…Last to Leave!_

Battle Command on Steam

Battle Engine Aquila

Battle Engine Aquila

It’s a genuinely fun and, dare I say, original game with lots of love and attention put into it. You play as a transforming, arguably overpowered super-mech that can lay waste to the battlefield on land and from the air. The battles are nicely simulated and have a good sense of scale (for a game that’s almost 2 decades old), and the over-the-top explosions and general mayhem is surprisingly good for stress relief.

The story campaign will be your main focus in the game. Here, individual missions are graded based on your performance, so there’s some form of replayability. The campaign is highlighted by several exhilarating and creative boss fights, and, though it’s nothing to write home about, there’s also something of a branching storyline.

Real player with 42.8 hrs in game

This is a great game and I loved it when I was a kid. now that I’m an adult I was dying to replay this game as it held such good memories. The nostalgia was amazing and I love the game even more. the flying controls are some of the best I’ve seen in any game and the ground to air transition makes things so easy to keep up with the games fast pace later in the more difficult levels. I would love a remake with how big games get now, I can imagine how awesome the game would be with more levels, detail, more choices for weapons and online multiplayer. it would be so much fun. Alas, that’s unlikely to happen but I have hope.

Real player with 15.2 hrs in game

Battle Engine Aquila on Steam

Empires Mod

Empires Mod

Best FPS game I have played. Dynamic gameplay, huge player limit and skilled community make up for a constant hail of bullets and neverending fun as a simple soldier, who needs to teamwork if he wants to live another minute. The strategic aspect is not my favourite (I’m really bad at strategy games) but gives you a lot of fun too when your forces listen to you and you guide them to victory.

Devs are close to the people, the community is loving albeit harsh at times, the more professional part of the community is like a big family (there is hate but they still love each other).

Real player with 3453.5 hrs in game

If you wanna get yelled at for not understanding the game from the first minute you play this.

If you wanna get abused by old farts for not reviving them.

If you have a fetish for verbal abuse.

If you like getting your ass kicked the first 72 hours you play this game.

If you dont mind getting overwhelmed by the complexity of this game.

If you have nothing better to do on saturday evenings.

This is your game.

A blend of RTS/FPS/Shittalking/flaming/abuse.

The most noob unfriendly community you will ever meet.

Real player with 2083.3 hrs in game

Empires Mod on Steam