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Best Dystopian Werewolves Games on PC

Kukoro: Stream chat games Been enjoying the game so far. Players beware this is an early access game. So there’s still much room for improvement. I’d love to see it grow from here as there’s much fun to be had in stream chat games. So far, some games are much more enjoyable and intuitive than others. The sniper game seems way too hard for the streamer to win. The ways to scan players are not very clear to me....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Episodic Werewolves Games on PC

Millennium 3 - Cry Wolf Quality game all the way through. Not the top RPG (also less than top price!) but good. My second purchase of the Millennium series. This game has custom art , music , sounds and no re-used rpgmaker stuff. The story is there and so is character development. Good stuff not great. I would get Millennium 2 first - it’s a little better and a little longer....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Experimental Werewolves Games on PC

The Shadows Lengthen ‘The Shadows Lengthen is a procedural, open-world, horror game running on the Blender Game engine. What would it really be like to encounter a monster in the woods? The only objective is to survive the night, by any means necessary. Confront monsters & Cryptids from Myth and Legend, one on one in the woods! Intelligent enemy AI Monsters are rendered & programmed faithfully to their lore. This is a game made entirely in the UP Blender Game Engine....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Exploration Werewolves Games on PC

Lost in Terra Mora This game tried to access the internet, which is not necessary in any way. My anti-virus caught it, and I blocked it. I got to the shack with the “secret floorboard” and it wouldn’t budge. Went to all four areas, the game gave no indication of what to do. There was no solution present, so this is either malware, or it simply doesn’t work. -20/10. – Real player with 0....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best First-Person Werewolves Games on PC

Infinity Runner I’m really quite fond of this. There aren’t many games like this on the PC and it’s not ‘with good reason’ really, either. I could understand disdain for this if it were endless, or if there were exploitative microtransactions. This game has neither. It has a level structure, and it even has difficulty settings which affect the game in very interesting ways. Also: It’s a bloody werewolf on a spaceship, you miserable old sadsack....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best FMV Werewolves Games on PC

The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight¼ Mystery A game I revisited from my childhood. A FMV classic from the 90s. It’s an incredible piece of work. Completely engrossing and uncompromising. (It didn’t actually take 152 hours, I left it on the launch screen - but expect a good 25-30 hours if you don’t use a walkthrough) You play just over half the game as the title character, Gabriel Knight. Knight is a reluctant shadow hunter following the events of the first game, Sins of the Fathers....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Foreign Werewolves Games on PC

Shadowbane First of all, this game is absolutely worth playing if you are into oldschool PvP MMOs. No other game allows such in-depth character customization. Sandbox elements are present but are not annoying to the end of being “chop trees to gather lumber”. “Sandbox” here is actually building cities and demolishing your enemies' cities in sieges, hiring AI mercenaries to craft items which is another good part of this game, crafting isn’t about gathering 10 dragon scales and 1 mummy dust by repetitively killing monsters, it’s more about having mercenaries of right races placed in your forges and having resources from right zones in general, even city building (if you happen to own / manage one) is as simple as placing the building on the city grid and waiting several hours for it to go up in one click....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best FPS Werewolves Games on PC

The Last Saviour Very interesting idea and plot! I really liked the game, I recommend it! – Real player with 8.9 hrs in game Read More: Best FPS Hidden Object Games. !@#$%^Z&*()_ The demon comes out way to often and theres not nearly enough ammo to kill it when it does. – Real player with 4.4 hrs in game The Last Saviour on Steam The Werewolf Hills stay away - horrible performance / no optimisation !...

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Free to Play Werewolves Games on PC

Code/The Werewolf Party Functionally, as a game, Code/The Werewolf Party is a notch lower than “fine.” The game works, it doesn’t look like trash - except for the UI garbage discussed below - and there aren’t any major show-stopping bugs. The biggest issue with this game is that nothing stands out. As a result, I don’t think it’ll attract much of a playerbase other than a few teens farting around every once in a while....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Gore Werewolves Games on PC

Sinister Halloween I love Halloween and I loved Trick or Treating as a kid, getting that giant bag of candy. But if you think back, it was always a mixed bag of awesome stuff along with things that you’d always pass by as you went in for the good stuff; candy corn, small boxes of raisins, orange and black wrapped chunks of gravel that would break down into soggy cardboard....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator