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Best Early Access Underwater Games on PC

Tidal Shock This game is addictive! I find myself wanting to play ā€œjust one more roundā€ again and again. I love the array of weapons and the variety of terrain in the arena makes it slightly easier to navigate as you play more. Controlling your character underwater in 360 degrees is a new take that makes this game all the more entertaining and challenging. Iā€™m not great at this game (or any multiplayer shooter for that matter), but I keep coming back for more....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Education Underwater Games on PC

Aquarist Hard task - hight reward Running an aquarium shop is a real challenge! Clients will entrust you with difficult tasks you have to cope with. In return, a reward awaits you. Intended for business development - buying new fish, exotic plants, a store or developing skills Recycling and ecology Every self-respecting entrepreneur cares about his business. Refurbishing and processing aquarium components will save you a lot of time and money and itā€™s good for environment....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Emotional Underwater Games on PC

fishy Already play this and try to get different ending. But i have no clue to unlocked 1 image from the gallery, choosing different answer, mostly donā€™t make any different on npc response and what happen next. The art is good, it could be scarier and more disturbing. how the story shows the mind of the girl is great, but somehow itā€™s just reading, thereā€™s no certain option in the game that can make player more understand the reason behind why her mind like that or at least understand how that way of thinking make sense....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best eSports Underwater Games on PC

Tidal Shock This game is addictive! I find myself wanting to play ā€œjust one more roundā€ again and again. I love the array of weapons and the variety of terrain in the arena makes it slightly easier to navigate as you play more. Controlling your character underwater in 360 degrees is a new take that makes this game all the more entertaining and challenging. Iā€™m not great at this game (or any multiplayer shooter for that matter), but I keep coming back for more....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Fast-Paced Underwater Games on PC

Sea Bubble Very wholesome game with nice aesthetics. The kind of game you play at a couch party with some friends, controller and keyboard needed, havenā€™t tried playing with 2 controllers tho(and dunno if you can). ā€“ Real player with 24.6 hrs in game Read More: Best Fast-Paced Indie Games. At first I was a little sceptic, watching the trailer only gave me questions about purchasing this game or not, does this kind of game really fit me?...

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Female Protagonist Underwater Games on PC

Song of the Deep Song of the Deep (Platformer-adventure) Options include Subtitles, Resolution, Brightness and Language, plus separate sliders for Music, Sound Effects and Speech. You can play with Gamepad or Keyboard & Mouse, but they are NOT remappable. There are also three Difficulties to choose from: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. Despite the fact that we are underwater, our sub (and later Merryn, herself) is highly maneuverable, though I might have felt differently if I had been playing with keyboard and mouse....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best FMV Underwater Games on PC

Wetlands When I saw this game appear on Steam, a long forgotten memory came back to me! This is actually my very fist video game! I remember when my parents bought me my first PC, this ā€œnew gameā€ was delivered with the PC. I didnā€™t like it because it was too difficult (for a 9 year old). The cutscenes are excellent, beautiful cartoony style, but the gameplay itself is a very bland railshooter ā€¦ which is fine, I guess ā€¦ but if you donā€™t care to play this game (which is a challenge if approached without nostalgia glasses), then just watch the cutscenes on YouTube....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Futuristic Underwater Games on PC

Plasticalypse - Submarine Adventures This early access game has a huge map and amazing sountrack. The combat is pretty simple, you have torpedos and a lazer gun, that shoots more rapidly, but deals less damage. In this underwater game, there are several enemies. You are going to mainly fight huge fishes and pirates. Some are harder to kill than others because of their small size and quick movement. This game also has ship improvement and diplomatic relationship mechanics....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Gambling Underwater Games on PC

Callparin 2 Dear Developers! If You read the reviews, PLEASE, make a control configuration option! Iā€™m playing on PC, and I have to twist my hand using the standart WASD keys. Oh, and the game is good. I enjoy it very much. ā€“ Real player with 90.3 hrs in game Read More: Best Gambling Relaxing Games. although fun little game not worth anything over 5$ theres just not much to do a couiple houres and you will done everthing butt still not a bad game...

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator

Best Hack and Slash Underwater Games on PC

Star Witch ā€˜Star Witchā€™ is an Oculus Rift Only action shooter that for some reason doesnā€™t work on the Oculus Rift. In fact, the frame rate is so low this game is pretty much unplayable and definitely so nauseating that you wouldnā€™t want to play it anyway. It seems to be a poorly made shooter with some of the worse voice acting you will ever hear. I know Ā£3.99 isnā€™t a very big asking price, but asking anything for this at the moment is asking too much, avoid this for now until it gets fixed....

December 21, 2021 Ā· The Curator