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Best eSports TrackIR Games on PC

GP Bikes GP Bikes is a realistic motorcycle simulator, based on a scratch built physics engine that accurately simulates motorcycle dynamics and setup options. GP Bikes also allows to host and join online races. During events data is collected, to provide statistics for riders' comparison. Please note that there are neither AI nor a career mode. More features: automotive industry-standard tyre model chassis flex simulation dynamic track surface groove buildup...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Exploration TrackIR Games on PC

Evochron Legacy SE I am a newcomer to 3D space and flight games, so I will start by explaining what I liked about a different space game, which inspired me to seek out Evochron Legacy. In Endless Space, I shoot across a 2D galaxy in custom-built ships, turn by turn, exploring solar systems. Each one is like a Christmas present as I approach, and the red, yellow, blue and white stars are the bows on top....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Family Friendly TrackIR Games on PC

The Count of Monster Disco Bought this game on the recommendation, nay the insistence, of a friend who has become a huge Train Simulator enthusiast. It was half-off during the Halloween sale, and even at full-price it is much less than the original game. It is a great introduction to the unique gameplay. As my friend said, explaining the gameplay makes it sound boring, so suffice to say, it is a fairly relaxed experience, with the simple controls, simple objectives, and observation of the camera angles and maps....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Fast-Paced TrackIR Games on PC

DiRT Rally There’s nothing like flying down a dirt road sliding around corners and missing edges by inches. Its seat of the pants driving in the extreme. Rally-sport is one of the last untamed racing types in existence. To me its baffling why the sport is not more popular. Im looking forward to attending my first local one next spring. A number of years ago after dirt showdown came out I was so disappointed by the offering I did a google search for rumors about the next dirt game when I came across a extensive survey(8 pages long) for what I wanted in the next dirt game....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best First-Person TrackIR Games on PC

Evochron Legacy SE I am a newcomer to 3D space and flight games, so I will start by explaining what I liked about a different space game, which inspired me to seek out Evochron Legacy. In Endless Space, I shoot across a 2D galaxy in custom-built ships, turn by turn, exploring solar systems. Each one is like a Christmas present as I approach, and the red, yellow, blue and white stars are the bows on top....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Fishing TrackIR Games on PC

Euro Fishing Ok, as a mature gamer and a UK course fisherman, i was intrigued the moment i saw this title. Mainly because it wasnt based on lure fishing for bass, which it seems 99% of fishing games are. The first thing that struck me on playing it was the beautifull training lake, it was a while before i even cast a rod out as i was strolling round the lake in awe of the lush scenery....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Flight TrackIR Games on PC

Take On Helicopters I had bought the DVD version initially, and “right out of the box”, slow FPS rates were the first thing to attend. Being a virtual pilot for many years on the MSFS series, it was quite natural to give TOH a shot. Right from the beginning , FPS rates had to be “treated” using the intuitive menu settings (video). Knowing all too well the finicky nature of FSX, and it’s frequent CTD’s caused by sliders too much to the right, and to the many checked boxes, this was all too familiar for me....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Free to Play TrackIR Games on PC

DCS World Steam Edition I wish steam had a third recommendation option: “Kinda, but…” This game, and it’s very much a game, is awesome. I’ve had over a thousand (and likely to grow) hours of fun, with some frustrations in-between. Thing is, at its core, DCS is a giant steaming piece of garbage. Nearly everything with the exception of the aircraft themselves is some flavour of “unfinished,” “half-baked,” and “broken.”...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Great Soundtrack TrackIR Games on PC

Vector 36 The first fifty hours, they were the worst. The second fifty hours, they were the worst too. The third fifty hours I didn’t enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline. So why play for so many hours if the game’s that appalling? Ah hah. Ah hah. Taste the soup… Yes, Vector 36 is actually very good - the first few hours or so are a bit dry figuring out how to build and fly the basic low-powered skimmer and getting enough credits from racing to buy the next one (the Phi 90 - a lot more fun; a bit like an underpowered sports car)....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Historical TrackIR Games on PC

Wings of Prey Wings of Prey is a lot more accessable than the IL-2 series and allows you to get into the game and action alot more quickly. WoP features a ton of highly detailed aircraft that include cockpits, plus missions / gameplay spanning many combat theatres to match. There is plenty to do here in single-player, plus standard online multiplayer modes are included as well. I’ve gotten 100+ gameplay hours out of WoP so far....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator