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Best Romance Tennis Games on PC

Hypergalactic Psychic Table Tennis 3000 Yeah, it’s just Pong for the new millennium. I’ve played half an hour, and so far, apart from the fireball pickup, and ability to move your paddle in all directions, it’s still just Pong. The tables can be unique though - obstacles that the ball ricochets off, or stops the fireball from going through, and your opponents' paddles vary in size and stability giving some sort of variation there....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best RPG Tennis Games on PC

Hypergalactic Psychic Table Tennis 3000 Yeah, it’s just Pong for the new millennium. I’ve played half an hour, and so far, apart from the fireball pickup, and ability to move your paddle in all directions, it’s still just Pong. The tables can be unique though - obstacles that the ball ricochets off, or stops the fireball from going through, and your opponents' paddles vary in size and stability giving some sort of variation there....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Simulation Tennis Games on PC

Tennis Elbow Manager 2 If you like sports management games, you will definitely love this game. As a long-time player of the OOTP series, MotorSports Manager, Bowl Bound and Wolverine Studios games, I was interested in finding another immersive title to whet my sports management appetite. I was a bit concerned about buying a tennis game, as I am not a die-hard tennis fan, but after spending a few minutes with this game I was hooked....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Strategy Tennis Games on PC

Tennis Manager 2021 To begin with, i was actually quite happy with my purchase as i got to grips with the mechanics of the game. rode the highs and lows of a season and achieved the required objectives to go into season 2. First minor gripe is that you are not aware of what attributes would be beneficial in your new role as coach on your first play through, so i hedged my bets and unfortunately didnt get my attributes right....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Survival Horror Tennis Games on PC

Bloody Service First of all i want to thank CASE for giving me a free key for their game. Bloody Service is a visual novel inspired by horror movies. But it’s a bit different, because not only different choices mean different endings, but also different inventory management can give unexpected reactions and dialogues, giving the sensation of living the experience deeply. The main character is a guy working for a catering service and now he’s been called for a job in the exclusive Hilltop Tennis Club, where nothing is like it seems, and where there’s the shadow of two twin conjoined brothers, Arthur and Cole....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Tabletop Tennis Games on PC

Ping Pong Space - Retro Tennis “You get what you pay for”, yeah, that’s pretty much the way to sum up the experience with this game. That said, don’t expect a masterpiece, it’s a basic game that you can use to kill some time whenever you feel like it. This title doesn’t really have a “story mode” available or something, but there’s a campaign of 60 levels that you can get to beat, in order to complete it....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Tennis 1980s Games on PC

Online Retro Tennis Cutting edge simulation of sports… in the 1970s, while flying in the sky. This is computer tennis from the 1970s - with online multiplayer. Use the mouse to control your paddle and score 3 points to win. Play online against someone you know. Or offline, versus the computer. Features Play Online against a stranger or friend Play Offline versus the computer Interactive backgrounds...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Tennis 2.5D Games on PC

International Tennis Open This game was originally released on CDi, Mac, and PC formats in the mid-1990s. You can choose one of 9 nations to represent in this game. You also get to play singles against a wide variety of opponents by choosing practice mode, quick match, or tournament. Practice your tennis skills first, then move onto a quick match which allows you to select your opponent (pick one of 4 fictional players) and the type of court surface (concrete, grass, clay)....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Tennis 2D Fighter Games on PC

Chibi Volleyball Full review at: While perhaps not what a fan of the chibi art style would want or a good adaptation of volleyball, Chibi Volleyball is instead a bit of a polished up and more brightly colored version of the kinds of extremely retro sports games where it was more about the physics of the objects on screen than being a true simulation. The gameplay is simple, reliable, and accessible, making it easy to play for a bit, and with AI opponents who put up a good fight despite being slightly robotic at times, it’s quite possible to get a decently challenging volley going in either 1 on 1 or 2 on 2....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Tennis 2D Games on PC

Curving Over It with Evgeny Podoynikov Very impressive for a first product! KEEP GOING!! – Real player with 0.4 hrs in game Read More: Best Tennis Physics Games. Curving Over It with Evgeny Podoynikov on Steam Tennis Elbow Manager This is a great game, I’ve been playing it since 2009, The developer has made updates yearly since then for players, tournaments....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator