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Best Bowling Tennis Games on PC

All-In-One Sports VR This VR sports game has a nice assortment of 10 sports games for the price of 1. When I first started the game, it had a nice fun game assortment of options to chose from. I’ve played each sports game with various different opinions on each one. 1.Archery: This sport is nice and relaxing just requires you to aim towards the target. Like that’s they’re other factors that could cause you to be less accurate on shots....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Boxing Tennis Games on PC

All-In-One Sports VR This VR sports game has a nice assortment of 10 sports games for the price of 1. When I first started the game, it had a nice fun game assortment of options to chose from. I’ve played each sports game with various different opinions on each one. 1.Archery: This sport is nice and relaxing just requires you to aim towards the target. Like that’s they’re other factors that could cause you to be less accurate on shots....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Cartoon Tennis Games on PC

Little Tennis I like the concept, but definitely not as “addicting” as I thought it’d be. Honestly, it gets boring after a couple of games anyway. And there’s no achievements, so not like I could really brag about much by unlocking things. Anyways, the game is actually broken as hell. Like actually. The game literally never gives you points, and will often award them to your opponent instead. Well, I’ve had 3 or 4 instances where it does give you those points, but it’s REALLY rare (and one of those times was where I hit the ball OUT, keep in mind)....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Cartoony Tennis Games on PC

Little Tennis I like the concept, but definitely not as “addicting” as I thought it’d be. Honestly, it gets boring after a couple of games anyway. And there’s no achievements, so not like I could really brag about much by unlocking things. Anyways, the game is actually broken as hell. Like actually. The game literally never gives you points, and will often award them to your opponent instead. Well, I’ve had 3 or 4 instances where it does give you those points, but it’s REALLY rare (and one of those times was where I hit the ball OUT, keep in mind)....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Choose Your Own Adventure Tennis Games on PC

Bloody Service First of all i want to thank CASE for giving me a free key for their game. Bloody Service is a visual novel inspired by horror movies. But it’s a bit different, because not only different choices mean different endings, but also different inventory management can give unexpected reactions and dialogues, giving the sensation of living the experience deeply. The main character is a guy working for a catering service and now he’s been called for a job in the exclusive Hilltop Tennis Club, where nothing is like it seems, and where there’s the shadow of two twin conjoined brothers, Arthur and Cole....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Clicker Tennis Games on PC

Ero Tennis [0.5] Controls & Training & Help [0.1] Menu & Settings [0.2] Sound & Music [0.2] Graphics [0.3] Game Design [0.3] Game Story [0] Game Content [0] Completion time (level/game)? [0] is it Enjoyable & Fun? [0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again) [0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related [0] BONUS point: Review for VR Stars received: 1.6/10 ___ Note: v....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Collectathon Tennis Games on PC

Ero Tennis [0.5] Controls & Training & Help [0.1] Menu & Settings [0.2] Sound & Music [0.2] Graphics [0.3] Game Design [0.3] Game Story [0] Game Content [0] Completion time (level/game)? [0] is it Enjoyable & Fun? [0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again) [0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related [0] BONUS point: Review for VR Stars received: 1.6/10 ___ Note: v....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Combat Racing Tennis Games on PC

Ero Tennis [0.5] Controls & Training & Help [0.1] Menu & Settings [0.2] Sound & Music [0.2] Graphics [0.3] Game Design [0.3] Game Story [0] Game Content [0] Completion time (level/game)? [0] is it Enjoyable & Fun? [0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again) [0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related [0] BONUS point: Review for VR Stars received: 1.6/10 ___ Note: v....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Competitive Tennis Games on PC

Smackball Awesome game capable of providing an immense amount of fun for you and your friends! It is easily noticeable that the game was made with love and polished to perfection. This can be seen from the visuals, which are clean but very pleasant, to the mechanics and gameplay, which are perfectly balanced. What looks like a very simple game, quickly turns into an addictive, fun and competitive experience. The amount of game mode customization is huge....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Controller Tennis Games on PC

Tennis Fighters really fun game; love the hilariously stern umpire voice. heres where i struggle; what i do intuitively is to hit the ball when its at arms length in front of me; but to set the direction of the ball you need to hold down the hit button and move the blue dot located cross court with your Left Stick to choose where it’ll land; once you hold down the hit button ur character can no longer move; so i find myself having to predict ahead of where the opponent is gna hit, and run to there, and hold the hit button to set the little blue dot, then finally release the button to hit, given i had predicted correctly and the ball lands in front of me; but most time my position is slightly off and the ball fly past me a couple feet out of my reach....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator