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Best Conspiracy RTS Games on PC

REPTRAILS Where else do you get the chance to control mankind via chemtrails? This is fun and you learn about conspiracy theories. – Real player with 2.5 hrs in game Read More: Best Conspiracy Hacking Games. A really fun little game about a very serious topic. Looking forward to future updates! – Real player with 0.7 hrs in game REPTRAILS on Steam MesetaMiner (CodeName) If you had a million dollars would the world be yours?...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Creature Collector RTS Games on PC

Full Pawer Lead, Create, Explore: Full Pawer is a top-down sandbox RTS where you play the role as a powerful spirit with the ability to shape the world. Use your powers to lead followers to glorious battles and valuable minerals. Create lush forests, savannas, grasslands filled with many unique creatures. Explore the lost lands of Plystia and discover the hidden treasures and evil that they hold. Explore dozens of lost islands...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Crime RTS Games on PC

Chicago 1930 : The Prohibition In the state it’s in, it should deserve a negative, but I’ve paid less than $1 for it so I’m gonna be more lenient. The premises are all good, there’s the good vibe of an old-school game and the levels should keep you occupied and entertained, with actually some planning skills required to clear them. That said, the game IS buggy and crashes randomly. The way you operate your characters is also quite clunky, and frankly, a bit frustrating....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Cute RTS Games on PC

Island Crusaders Probably my new favorite causal RTS game, and cant wait to see new troops/levels added!!! Beautiful art style, with very nice looking characters and levels (Including the main menu). The battles are fast-paced but timed really well to prevent an overwhelming number of troops. Unlike most RTS games I’ve played, you don’t have to dedicate a large amount of time to play this, but there’s a ton of content for such a low price!...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Dark Comedy RTS Games on PC

War for the Overworld This is my first Steam review, so i’ll try to make it a good one; it might be a bit longwinded (TL;DR is at the bottom), but i’d like to make it as thorough as possible becouse the game and it’s devs deserve as much. First off, my PC specs so you’ll know what i play it on: • Windows 7 64 bit • Intel Core i5 4570 @3....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Deckbuilding RTS Games on PC

Golem Gates An overall good game, with a few flaws Pros: -pretty good balance. A few units do feel mandatory to have, but almost all cards at least have an interesting way to be used, and even the “mandatory” ones are such just because of them being the best thing to find in the early game, without being overpowered in any way. -game is generous with glyphs (read: cards), and every mission you play feels rewarding...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Documentary RTS Games on PC

COVID: The Outbreak get it in 80% off one of the best game during Lockdown or Quarintie or stay at home order ! compared to another Honor/ shooting / War fighting games flooding in Ste-am Va-lve playing million per day this is great education game for upperclass and Private school or mutilanguastic or Frequency traveler to learn how the Commerical tycoon/Politican thinking however according to mogolia/KAKZ conlony PRC citizen think , the wuhan bio-Weapon dead rate is 5% but if they don’t Work in nightlife, the dead rate is 100%...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Dragons RTS Games on PC

Bahamut2-dragon’s bride 童年回憶 玩得非常過癮 感謝作者用心的製作 也從中感受到滿滿的父愛 有一點好奇想問 螟魂砲應該是魔法 但卻不是用雙重施法? 這一點想再麻煩作者確認一下 感恩~~ – Real player with 93.1 hrs in game Read More: Best Dragons Combat Games. Bahamut2-dragon's bride on Steam VIP Rebels " The horn sounds…, the gate opens,… YOUR RUN STARTS NOW! …" How to play You will start each game selecting three VIPs, each with their own unique special skill....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Driving RTS Games on PC

Bionite: Origins At its current state I can’t recommend. I’ve re-downloaded when new updates were made, but sadly the game does not feel like BZ. The controls are too sophisticated (couldn’t implement the original’s?), unit AI needs a huge improvement, and many bugs just build on top of it all. Seriously though, commanding your constructor to build a guntower shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes. Bad pathfinding and controls plague a game where basic game mechanics should be a priority....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Early Access RTS Games on PC

4th Generation Warfare This Is an update to the review 11/20/21 Single player Is not bad to play. There are quality of life things that needs to be Improved. Instead of checking the phone for each person or backing out the menu to re open to view messages from characters to have a simple list of all messages. When you tell your military to move somewhere they will move Into borders of countries and start a war If still there traveling In two or three days....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator