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Best Demons Politics Games on PC

Guardians of Lumen The land of Lumen is hostile. Monsters, both the Horrors and the Daemons, force the residences to live in 9 strongholds while they prowl the wastelands. Against the beasts of shadows, two forces strive to keep the people safe: The Deciphers study and worship the past in hopes of carving a path to the future. The Guardians fight and serve, ever ready to help even the smallest of citizens....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Destruction Politics Games on PC

Act of War: Direct Action A superb, well detailed RTS where a varied army composition is needed and diverse strategies are key to victory as combat can end quickly and brutally. Gameplay is a great mix of casual and hardcore RTS with the usual base building and unit deployment except resources aren’t found in deposits instead are earned either from POW’s or finite oil fields/banks/ammo bunkers. Buildings also utilize realistic gameplay so you’ll have to MedEvac injured troops to field hospitals or ferry a heavily damaged vehicle to a repair depot....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Diplomacy Politics Games on PC

Realpolitiks I have owned Realpolitks for a week now, so far I love it. It is a very good Grand Strategy Game, many people don’t like it and I see why, however here are the pros and cons in my opinion. PROS You can play as every country in the world, minus a few very small countries (e.g Figi). You can start in the years 2020, 2050 and 2222, which all have different countries and starting points....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Documentary Politics Games on PC

COVID: The Outbreak get it in 80% off one of the best game during Lockdown or Quarintie or stay at home order ! compared to another Honor/ shooting / War fighting games flooding in Ste-am Va-lve playing million per day this is great education game for upperclass and Private school or mutilanguastic or Frequency traveler to learn how the Commerical tycoon/Politican thinking however according to mogolia/KAKZ conlony PRC citizen think , the wuhan bio-Weapon dead rate is 5% but if they don’t Work in nightlife, the dead rate is 100%...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Dog Politics Games on PC

Cyber-doge 2077: Meme runner It’s finally here. And is it the game of the century masterpiece we were all expecting? Rest assured, despite a few issues, I am pleased to tell you it most certainly IS! Some have criticized this game for a slow start, but boy howdy does it pick up around the half-way point! The first half of the game is best enjoyed watching your favorite re-run of ‘The Matrix’ on FOX, as Keanu Reeves, the slated star of the show, was unfortunately mistakenly deleted from the game....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Dragons Politics Games on PC

Divinity: Dragon Commander This review contains of three parts: 1. What game is it actually/what does it contain? 2. How do I feel about certain parts of it? 3. Summary. 1. Divinity : Dragon Commander This game is an interesting mixture of turn-based strategy, RTS with a possibility of turning to TPP and continuing the fight, and to some degree a Empire builder. I will use few comparisions in order to describe it for newcommers....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Drama Politics Games on PC

The St Christopher’s School Lockdown It’s awesome! I love it! The ending I got went out with a BANG! It scared the shit outta me lol. – Real player with 37.1 hrs in game Read More: Best Drama Political Games. ****1/2 A classic-style point-and-click adventure with a unique and eye-catching graphic novel art style. The characters are well written, dialogue is believable and well acted, and the environment feels very well lived-in, with a great use of flavour text to maximize humour and character by describing the world through the character’s eyes and personality....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Driving Politics Games on PC

ENCODE I really enjoy this game, It truly nails the cyberpunk blade runner feel. No other game on steam can match this. People are giving negative reviews like its too dark, my goodness just adjust your gamma. This game has amazing detail for a small studio of only two people. They made another game blade net that was amazing as well, very unique, cyber punk feel game of hide and seek with a twist....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Dungeon Crawler Politics Games on PC

Guardians of Lumen The land of Lumen is hostile. Monsters, both the Horrors and the Daemons, force the residences to live in 9 strongholds while they prowl the wastelands. Against the beasts of shadows, two forces strive to keep the people safe: The Deciphers study and worship the past in hopes of carving a path to the future. The Guardians fight and serve, ever ready to help even the smallest of citizens....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Dynamic Narration Politics Games on PC

Shape of America: Episode One Leaving this review because it’s the least I can do after getting this as part of a $1 bundle which is literaly a steal even for just one episode of this game. There are very few games based on politics and most tend to the statistical simulations vs the push and pull of who-you-know and who-to-help/gain future favor from horse trading that is politics (as opposed to policy) and this is the first/only game I’ve seen that does that and one that offers a pretty decent story and characters to boot....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator