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Best 2.5D Pixel Graphics Games on PC

Rog & Roll Rog & Roll is a fast-paced, fluid 2.5D platformer. Control a tiny enemy monster named Rog on a quest to save his fellow minions! Long ago, enemy monsters were controlled by tyrannical bosses who ordered them to do things like harass humans and kidnap princesses. But the monsters of Rog’s world rejected that system to build a new society - one where spiders, zombies, killer robots, and walking vegetables could all live in peace....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best 2D Fighter Pixel Graphics Games on PC

Neon Parasite Great PvP game. Fun one to couch play or with people online. Map design looks nice and looking forward to thrashing some friends. – Real player with 9.1 hrs in game Read More: Best 2D Fighter PvP Games. Woo eeh! That hydra mini game is hard but in the way that makes you wanna keep going until you’ve smashed your monitor....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best 2D Pixel Graphics Games on PC

UnMetal Worshipping its inspirations, yet being a unique game What to expect? If you are at the age of about 30+, »UnMetal« might have gotten your attention due to its graphical similarities with the top-down »Metal Gear« games (MSX2, NES, GameBoy), and »UnMetal« plays very much like those: While escaping from your prison cell, which you were thrown into for »a crime you didn’t commit«, you explore your surroundings and stumble upon files about an imminent terrorist action you then try to prevent....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best 360 Video Pixel Graphics Games on PC

PT+ After too long in front of the computer screen, it’s time to switch on the VR and refurb the neck with PT+. I can really tell how much this helps. Are you people with “cell phone posture” listening? – Real player with 12.4 hrs in game Read More: Best 360 Video Simulation Games. This is an incredibly simple, yet effective application to help you stretch your neck....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best 3D Fighter Pixel Graphics Games on PC

The Sperminator: Rescuing Tzar Vlad Given the fact that the project is developing, this is a great game in its genre of indie RPG! 11 levels are sweet for everyone) Pleasantly surprised by the variety of weapons, items and locations, this I clearly did not expect. Also, preparing for the battle with the boss, collecting totems, you will definitely have time to enjoy the gameplay. In general, I recommend! – Real player with 8....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best 3D Pixel Graphics Games on PC

Woodcutter Warrior A 10 - chapter story, with a dark secret to unfold! ~170 swords, to vanquish those who stand between you and destiny While travelling between locations, random events may help or hinder you! Tile - based gameplay; Pick and choose what unlocked tiles you want in your run, and how frequently! But beware, you only get the boons of a tile if you accept its curses!...

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best 4 Player Local Pixel Graphics Games on PC

Cloud Miners Cloud Miners is a 2D couch co-op space mining and exploration game! You and your shipmates have been attacked and your ship destroyed! A Cloud Corp ship was nearby and able to save the crew at the last minute, but now you are indebted to Cloud Corp. In order to buy a new ship, and your freedom back, you must toil away mining asteroids and planets of their valuable resources, running on suspicious missions for Cloud Corp and entertaining spectators in the C....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best 4X Pixel Graphics Games on PC

Sakura Stars The game is very hard but have boobs. – Real player with 1.2 hrs in game Read More: Best 4X Retro Games. It is a good game, however this game should come with a manual but for future reference, z to play x to shoot. you can’t use mouse to move but rather the up down left and right keys. It is not a must buy but if you are a pro mover then it’s a must buy game....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best 6DOF Pixel Graphics Games on PC

Hikikomori life Hikikomori simulator. Experience the hard life of a hikan suffering from gambling addiction. You have to satisfy physiological needs, eliminate distractions. And how can you play, play, play without it. Hikikomori (Japanese: ăČきこもり or ćŒ•ăă“ă‚‚ă‚Š, lit. “pulling inward, being confined”. Key features: The atmosphere of a midnight apartment and solitude, complemented by lighting and soundtrack. Random events that prevent you from playing. Manage to eliminate everything....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Abstract Pixel Graphics Games on PC

Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk (How do you feel?) I definitely feel. Sometimes that’s more than enough. (Still, you’re anxious, aren’t you?) Of course. Moreover, I’m completely terrified. Was it that obvious? (You’re looking in every direction, but not up.) Ah, this
 I’ve already told you, haven’t I? (About what?) Ah, you know, small stuff....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator