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Best Atmospheric Philosophical Games on PC

Imaginaria Very story driven adventure with some simplified pixelart Interactive objects (on top part) give you more details about the environment/storyline Lots of areas to check & explore! Funny little details & objects, story as well has it’s funny moments Can’t really compare it to nowadays or big adventures games for sure it has a really old classic vibe, which is nice if you are into that kind of games!...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Auto Battler Philosophical Games on PC

Idle Monkeylogy This game is based on the Infinite Monkey Theorem, which states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type any given text. This explains the main function of the game in which you get gold for trying to type words, the more letters you get correct the more gold you receive. All the words you’ve correctly typed give you a +1% bonus to gold, these words and the bonus can be checked in Vocabulary....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Based On A Novel Philosophical Games on PC

Painting Werther The Sorrows of Young Werther, was written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in 1774. Loved by artists and emperors, it shows the inner struggle of a deeply romantic man. Or at least that’s what I used to think… Come with us on this interactive visual novel to see another version of this legendary story. Was young Werther really a romantic? Or was he just a man with a death wish?...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Beat 'em up Philosophical Games on PC

Slip ‘n Dip Literally the best game to happen im waiting for an Esports to come out for this game and i will be competing – Real player with 4.3 hrs in game Read More: Best Beat 'em up Casual Games. 🝆 – Real player with 0.9 hrs in game Slip 'n Dip on Steam The Un-BEATable Game Dear (hopeful) Future Player,...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Board Game Philosophical Games on PC

Chezzle I enjoyed playing this game. The levels are not too difficult and while they do get a bit harder as you progress it is nothing exceedingly difficult. While some knowledge of chess may help you, the game does let you know where your piece can move. Being able to jump over pieces is a nice twist on classic chess while adding just a bit more to the difficulties of some puzzles....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Building Philosophical Games on PC

Noda I love 3D data visualization. It really works when the interface is intuitive and you can focus on your data. It’s also amazing to feel the benefit of externalizing your thoughts in a 3D space - the model that you have in your head gets visualized, so that your mind’s eye is in a feedback loop with your real eyes. From imagination to creation, your idea can take form....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Bullet Hell Philosophical Games on PC

Nothing to God ★★☆☆☆ So, this is despair. Nothing to god is a bullet hell where you do not shoot. A novel concept and one that could have allowed for some interesting situations and development but ultimately did not. Few reasons for that, the music does not match the gameplay as it is very somber and captures the emotion it is attempting to invoke rather than the flow of the game at that time and furthermore the game suffers because there are no gimmicks....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Card Battler Philosophical Games on PC

Falling As Lightning [url] FOR MORE REVIEWS ABOUT CARD GAMES, CHECK OUT OUR CURATOR PAGE: [b]CARD GAME KING [/b][/url] or [url][b]TWITTER[/b][/url] Space, deckbuilding and conquering systems sounds like a winner combination. Unfortunately, the current design hides a rather lackluster deckbuilding experience behind a minimal effort to actually teach the game. Even before diving into the subpar gameplay, learning how to play it is a chore in itself. The tutorial is one-pager trying to explain key concepts which is difficult to grasp without context (it’s not helping that it uses different terminology for draw, discard etc)....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Card Game Philosophical Games on PC

Falling As Lightning [url] FOR MORE REVIEWS ABOUT CARD GAMES, CHECK OUT OUR CURATOR PAGE: [b]CARD GAME KING [/b][/url] or [url][b]TWITTER[/b][/url] Space, deckbuilding and conquering systems sounds like a winner combination. Unfortunately, the current design hides a rather lackluster deckbuilding experience behind a minimal effort to actually teach the game. Even before diving into the subpar gameplay, learning how to play it is a chore in itself. The tutorial is one-pager trying to explain key concepts which is difficult to grasp without context (it’s not helping that it uses different terminology for draw, discard etc)....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Cartoon Philosophical Games on PC

Chuusotsu! 1st Graduation: Time After Time Review with accompanying gameplay videos on Sinical Network I recently received this game for free as a curator connect offer for my group Visual novel, JRPG, Anime. This kinetic visual novel from Studio Beast and Fruitbat Factory features a trio of unemployed teenage girls Arue Marisugawa, Koiro Hachisuka and Arara Fujisaki with Arue as the protagonist in this episode. Arue, Koiro and Arara were ineligible to wear any authorization seal which renders them unable to hold any permanent stable employment and hence became Chuusotsu....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator