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Best 1980s Mythology Games on PC

King of Dragon Pass I am of extremely conflicted opinions on this game. TL;DR, this game is unique enough that if you have any interest in its concept at all, you should probably get it at least on sale, in spite of its flaws. I also will not weigh in on the GOG versus Steam versions debate, as I don’t own the GOG version. The GOG/classic PC version is less expensive, and has your clan tula (lands) improvements shown on a map, while the Steam/iOS version has higher resolution support....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best 2.5D Mythology Games on PC

Achilles: Legends Untold Take part in the journey of Achilles, who stands in the middle of the centuries-long conflict between Hades and Ares. The young hero is being sent to battle the War God’s child – Phobos. His journey will take him to many different corners of mythological lands where he will obtain powerful artifacts that will aid him in his quest. Achilles is not alone as Hephaistos – the god of blacksmiths - is always ready to craft new weapons in exchange for materials....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best 2D Fighter Mythology Games on PC

Freyr’s Love Although the game is not finished, it makes me think that it may be a great experience with a story. – Real player with 1.6 hrs in game Read More: Best 2D Fighter Pixel Graphics Games. DISS TO MARİO. When i was kid. I played mario but now i am getting old that’s why its not for my generation. I was looking for new style 2d game but game soul must be like a mario for my son....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best 2D Platformer Mythology Games on PC

Guardian of Lore there are voices in the world today which preach for us to forget our history… to be ignorant of the past and the stories with which our ancestors passed down to us… This is a game that works to keep the cultures of the old american civilizations alive. Its wonderfully animated and there is this having to learn the story element in order to get things to work out correctly every time… its inspiring in both how it was executed as well as the message of keeping the memories of the past alive and acting especially when those histories are threatened....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best 3D Mythology Games on PC

IMUGI Awesome game and some really tough puzzles. I enjoyed the endless runner and got some cool skins from it. I’m an achievement hunter so it was fun to replay the story to unlock them! The endless runners one were more difficult to get but I got there! – Real player with 2.4 hrs in game Read More: Best 3D Point & Click Games. While none of the puzzles were all too difficult the big problem with the game is that the controls are terrible....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best 3D Platformer Mythology Games on PC

Escape from Naraka I think Escape from Naraka is similar to SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell. But In Escape from Naraka, your overall score will be tallied up from crystals and artifact collected, damage taken throughout the level, and the time it took to complete the level (No level select option) Gameplay is great, good graphics. My biggest gripe in this game is the Enemy AI . AI is attacking/moving too fast, it FEELS like you’re surrounded and there’s nowhere to run, the only option is to fight, but you cant…....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best 4 Player Local Mythology Games on PC

Hoards of Glory I really enjoy the attack/defense dynamics. It adds a level of strategy beyond luck of random die rolls. Being brand new, the game has a few quirks, but i’m confident the devs will deal with them in time. – Real player with 52.4 hrs in game Read More: Best 4 Player Local 3D Games. Edit: I have found a few bugs....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Abstract Mythology Games on PC

Chess Knights: Viking Lands It’s been a while since I played chess and when I tried this game I could remember that beginner feeling. I Recommend this game for those who like chess and also likes a good mind challenge. I liked some scenario items left behind … buckets, wooden decks and wagons that block areas in board, these kind of things got rid of predicables movements and make things more challenging....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Action Mythology Games on PC

Apotheon Apotheon is a 2D game about Greek mythology. Apotheon means “exalted to the state of godhood.” The Ancient Greek gods that we know from Greek mythology and their powers are on display in this game. The storytelling feels quite accurate and would make anyone with knowledge of Greek mythology feel welcome to play this game from the beginning. The protagonist is Nikandreos. Nikandreos means “victory of a man.” Combine Apotheon with Nikandreos and you can imagine what direction the story of this game will be taking....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Action Roguelike Mythology Games on PC

Okhlos: Omega This is indeed a pretty fun game when it comes down to its core gameplay. I’m not sure about the price tag associated with this but will gladly gives this an enthusiastic thumbs up if can pick this game up for 10 bucks or less. The best thing about this game is that it’s very east to pick up and play. There really isn’t much to it other than running around and picking up citizens along the way to add to your mob and wreck every thing and every one that stands in your way....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator