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Best 1980s Music Games on PC

Retro Vision Had quite a bit fun playing this game, really like the take on theme and the relative ease you pick it up and put it down. Music and visuals compliment each other well and all round is enjoyable. Very glad that there are so many different takes on levels that make each experience customisable and unique. Would like a community leader board. – Real player with 1.2 hrs in game...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best 2D Fighter Music Games on PC

TERRORHYTHM (TRRT) - Rhythm driven action beat ‘em up! It pains me to write a negative review for this game, but in its current state, TERRORHYTHM is just not that enjoyable Don’t get me wrong, being a fan of rhythm games, I like this game and see great potential for it, but there are a couple major issues that prevent me from truly enjoying the game Messy calibration system Other reviewers have covered how this feature breaks when you use controllers, but since I’ve never used a controller for this game, I’ll let you read those reviews for more accurate information....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best 2D Platformer Music Games on PC

BeatBeat I received the full game for free through the “beat BeatBeat” Promo where if you beat the level “do my thing” on suffer you where given a free copy of the game (though you can not get it for free anymore but I bileave there will be future promotions, join the discord for more info), and I have, and will continue to, thoroughly enjoy it. This game is difficult and doesn’t scale to well between the Resolve to Suffer difficulties (hard and super-hard), so be prepared....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best 360 Video Music Games on PC

TimeTravelers A VR concert with kawaii girls? Take my money! I absolutely love VR concerts and I probably spend as much time in Hop, Step, Sing! songs and MocuMocuDance as I do playing VR games so I am a bit biased but this is fairly decent, IMO. The music is a little bit lower quality compared to HSS! but I do like the Vocaloid-like effect they’re using on the lyrics and I do like that there’s a karaoke mode, something I wish HSS!...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best 3D Fighter Music Games on PC

Dance Magic 他の方もレビューされてますが、バトルモードはcpuが弱すぎるのでマルチプレイ専用かもしれません。 (ちなみに私はシングルプレイしかできませんでした) 私が楽しかったのは、ダンスモードのほうで、音楽が良く、音ゲーが苦手な私でもイージーモードが 存在するため非常に楽しめました。 私はxbox360コントローラーで主にplayしたのですが、キーボードでも可能でした。 で、音ゲー初心者(私含む)の方にアドバイスなのですが、 ゲームパッドの場合、十字キーのみ(左手のみ)で操作するのは不可能?だったので、 4つの右側ボタン(右手)でも操作すると快適でした。 あと、音ゲーにありがち?なのかもですが、画面を見ていたらかなり目が疲れたので 私はほぼ、ステージ1のbeachでplayしていました。個人の感想ですが、beachが 比較的目に優しかったです。 Other people are also reviewing, but battle mode may be only for multiplayer because cpu is too weak.(By the way, I was only able to play singles) – Real player with 60.7 hrs in game Read More: Best 3D Fighter Colorful Games. After a few years of its release on the console platform, the game finally reaches Steam....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best 3D Platformer Music Games on PC

Rolling Cube This is a real good game with simple rules. Supports both English and Chinese. The developers try really hard exploring the field which is really awesome. Hope they could keep their work and continue making awesome games! – Real player with 0.4 hrs in game Read More: Best 3D Platformer Clicker Games. Rolling Cube on Steam Synthrun The tutorial levels had me intrigued, but the subsequent levels made it clear to me that this game is clearly lacking a lot of development and should still be in beta....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best 6DOF Music Games on PC

BlockBustersVR Amazing fun! Finally some hardcore retro game that takes full advantage of VR. Highly recommended – Real player with 0.3 hrs in game Read More: Best 6DOF Local Co-Op Games. BlockBustersVR on Steam Holodance I’ve tried a few of the popular VR rhythm games: Beat Saber, McOsu, Airtone, and Holodance Music selection Holodance and McOsu support osu! beatmaps, and Beat Saber has its own unofficial library of songs (requires a mod)....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best 8-bit Music Music Games on PC

Rhythium No Judgements Here Sick of playing a rhythm game and missing out on a perfect score because of that one inaccurate note? Well look no further! Rhythium is a combo based rhythm game, so even if accuracy isn’t your strong suit, as long as you keep hitting those notes, you’re doing great! Rhythium offers a more relaxed experience while still offering a interesting challenge! Bonus Points Mode Fancy trying to earn even more points?...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Action Music Games on PC

Music Killer After Audiosurf made revolution in rhythm genre by letting us turn our personal MP3 files into custom racing levels, we’ve got all sorts of things with similar concept. It’s kinda fun, but, even though Audiosurf had a lot of space to improve, nobody ever tried to seriously compete with it. I mean, we’ve got quite a lot of rhythm racing games. We’ve got Music Racer, we’ve got Rhythmic Retro Racer, we’ve got Rhythm Race and so on....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Action RPG Music Games on PC

Tales of the Elements I have beaten chapter 1. I have chapter 2 on my system however after the finale of chapter 1 I spawn out of bounds and am unable to do anything. how can i start chapter 2??? – Real player with 162.5 hrs in game Read More: Best Action RPG 4 Player Local Games. How much of this game I’ve played: 12 Hours, 35 minutes...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator