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Best Clicker Mouse only Games on PC

Super Welder So bad it’s good – Real player with 0.1 hrs in game Read More: Best Clicker Indie Games. Super Welder on Steam Mini Moves: Among Stars A short but entertaining casual game in which astronaut figures have to be moved to the correctly coloured flags in a limited number of moves. The 40 levels increased in difficulty (including certain paths only usable by a particular astronaut) so that it was very satisfying to work out the solutions to the later levels....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Co-op Mouse only Games on PC

Dead Exit Received a steam key for Dead Exit from DadsGamingAddiction after his gameplay video and I gotta say, Well done devs! Well done indeed!. TLDR; Worth it. –——————– A thoughtful, strategic card game that I’ve enjoyed and am sure others will as well. This game has provided plenty of hours of fun and will most definitely provide even more, especially if you’re a completionist and you’re the type to strive for achievements....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Collectathon Mouse only Games on PC

Lil Big Invasion Awesome indie game with way enough content to fit the bill. Its kinda like Pikmin except they are trapped in dungeons and you must find and rescue them. Really loved the sound and the art-style. Dungeons are getting way harder and better later on and the boss fights are fun. It took me some time to get used to the controls tho. Exploration is great IF you figure out how the moths and the worms do work
 which is not part of the tutorial :/...

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Colony Sim Mouse only Games on PC

Ratropolis Call me a dues-paying member of ‘The Cult of the New’ when it comes to genre mash-ups like this. I can’t get enough of them. When Slay the Spire came out and combined roguelites and deck-builders I was hooked for 100+ hours and even back in my pre-COVID table-top gathering days, deckbuilders (Dominion/Thunderstone) were my favorite. The combination of control and RNG is so delicious and it’s exciting to see all of the ways developers are using this in either quality design or just experimenting with a gimmick....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Colorful Mouse only Games on PC

Meow Lab This is a really relaxing game. I been playing on and off. Tooka break when I couldn’t figure it out. Love it, highly recommend for anyone who need to de-stress and figure this puzzle out. The music is not bad, sometimes I listen to it but I think it could use a variety, but regardless over all, I love it :D Plus the kitty is what drawn me to the game, so thats a cute bonus factor xD...

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Combat Mouse only Games on PC

Survival: Zombies aHead It’s a fun little game to pass the time, definitely worth the price. – Real player with 1.6 hrs in game Read More: Best Combat Gore Games. Cool game inspired by Fruit ninja. Cool to spend the time. – Real player with 1.1 hrs in game Survival: Zombies aHead on Steam Feylin I like the art and I think that it has potential to be pretty good....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Competitive Mouse only Games on PC

Pull Ball Nice and simple game to play once in a while while maybe doing something else or listening to music etc. Won’t use much resources, can nicely keep it running on the background. I like the windowed-mode which doesn’t take the whole screen, which in my opinion is not required for a game like this. A fresh way to play a kind-of-a-golf-like-game. You can implement strategies on how to create the best score since the score is accumulated through gaining distance and wall bounces....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Conspiracy Mouse only Games on PC

Gordian Rooms 1: A curious heritage I enjoy the ‘Escape the Room’ genre because (typically) they run shorter, can be played in bursts, and involve pure puzzle solving. They are more relaxing than having a complex story to keep track of and success is rewarded. For me, a good Escape game has a variety of puzzles, different environments, and uses conceptual (rather than outright) clues which make me think. Gordian Rooms met all of my criteria and my only complaint is that it is over....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Conversation Mouse only Games on PC

Signs of the Sojourner This game is fantastic. There’s hardly a negative comment I could make upon it. Story-wise, your mother passes, and you’re responsible for keeping your hometown alive through her story/trade caravan. You meet a variety of people and learn about/influence their stories, learning hidden stories about your mother’s past on the caravan route and ultimately finding an appropriate ending to the caravan problem (the town relies on the caravan for business, and your store needs to be successful for the caravan to justify coming around....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Creature Collector Mouse only Games on PC

The Corpsmen Unless you have a passion for making an ultimate abomination, the content of this game, at the moment, only amounts to 2 hours tops. Game got great concept and a very solid core, but very messy in many ways. Bugs, crashes, lags. Afaik the devs are aware of the bugs and UI issues, so it should be fixed eventually, but for now, if you can’t stand “true” early access games, I’d say you wishlish this and wait....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator