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Best Hack and Slash Medical Sim Games on PC

Pre-Shave ֍ My score ֍ → 2/10 ❤ Audience ❤ ☑ Beginner ☐ Casual Gamer ☐ Normal Gamer ☐ Expert ☼ Graphics ☼ ☑ Bad ☐ Alright ☐ Good ☐ Beautiful ☐ Fantastic ♬ Music ♬ ☐ Bad ☑ Alright ☐ Good ☐ Beautiful ☐ Fantastic ☠ Difficulty ☠ ☑ Easy ☐ Average ☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master ☐ Hard ☐ Unfair § Bugs § ☐ Bugs destroy the game...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Horror Medical Sim Games on PC

Pestis This is a really good game, the best game I ever bought on steam for less than 50 cents. The concept is awesome and executed very well with the atmosphere and the theme it all just sort of gets you into the mood of the game and collecting herbs to make and mix potions is just really fun and interesting and there is so many ways to go about how you play the game from saving everyone, killing everyone, killing rats and making bombs to destroy their nest healing your self with potions and eating shrooms to stave off the plague and death....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Immersive Sim Medical Sim Games on PC

Valley General Hospital: NiVR When it comes to learning a life-saving skill or refreshing existing knowledge in a medical environment, no product exists like Valley General Hospital. Valley General simulations are accurately representative of hospital environments. We present the truest to life training scenario from the audio environment to equipment interaction and lighting to accessories. Interactions are closely modelled on the real life-saving equipment for the most accurate and available learning....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Intentionally Awkward Controls Medical Sim Games on PC

Surgeon Simulator Oh Surgeon Simulator. It is one of those games that you will either love or hate with a passion. This game is famous for many reasons but the main one is its controls. It makes the game incredibly challenging and it is why a lot of people are finding this game frustrating and not enjoyable. The physics on everything is overly exaggerated. Combining this with the hilariously awkward arm controls means every movement you make is a recipe for disaster and some great laughs....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Interactive Fiction Medical Sim Games on PC

Mask of the Plague Doctor This game is fantastic. I’ve streamed and played this for days chapter by chapter and loved the hell out of each one. I love how each choice effects the dialogue, the outcome, and your stats. It’s so in depth and hits you hard for the consequences of your actions. Not gonna lie I almost cried at one point. I’m glad to have gotten the opportunity to solve the mystery of Thornback Hollow and found a cure along with a very wholesome ending....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best JRPG Medical Sim Games on PC

青之镇物语 Very hard game in the beginning but very fun. Need an update cuz I cant play the second part of the game. This is a game a would pay 10-15$ for and I bought it for 0.79$ – Real player with 4.3 hrs in game Read More: Best JRPG Simulation Games. 青之镇物语 on Steam

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Level Editor Medical Sim Games on PC

Gym Tycoon Crashin in each 5 minutes after update. The game is si light, enjoyful and easy. And i like this sphere - gym is my second home, but: Autosave and save by F5; Bags with selecting of objects; I can’t just start the game in one profile and make a few saves by it. I should rename each of this and try to find save what i need. Your game is pretty nice, but u need to fix it immediately...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Life Sim Medical Sim Games on PC

Supermarket Maker Supermarket Maker is a game in which you can construct and manage your very own Supermarkets from scratch: beginning with the smallest grocery you can build the biggest supermarket chain. Design your Supermarket with the shopping area, bakery, butcher, warehouse, parking, offices, etc, etc. Hire and manage the staff to make happy the customers, more customers happy more money, more money more things to create. Make it bigger!...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Magic Medical Sim Games on PC

Drinks Company Tycoon Begin your own company story and show’em how to cook and sell. Combine ingredients and categories to create your product. Vary the price and the taste. Build your image. Advance the technology. Adjust to market and customer needs, but dont forget about your rivals. This is the time to open up to the world. Show it your heart or your wallet. Orange soda or cherry juice. Everyone will find something different here....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Management Medical Sim Games on PC

Big Pharma I was worried that Big Pharma could turn out to be either too “casual” (like many cheap “tycoon” clickers), or too messy (like games that pretend to be serious, but just throw a bunch of random events at you at increasing pace - Theme Hospital, I’m looking at you). Luckily, that’s not the case. There’s far enough depth to raise the game well over the “casual” category. At the same time, its elements are completely transparent, so it doesn’t overwhelm you with complexity....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator