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Best 1980s Lovecraftian Games on PC

ACHERON The Empire has fallen, what remains has become vile and corrupted, sacrificing to gods that should remain forgotten, they have awakened them and claimed unholy powers, however in their arrogance they have awakened something more, they have awakened you. Shoot them with a variety of powerful weapons to reduce them to chunks Cut and Bash them with your enchanted weapons to regain health and replenish their alt-fire ammo...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best 1990's Lovecraftian Games on PC

Call of Cthulhu: Prisoner of Ice What a mess! After playing Shadow of the Comet (I loved it! Read my review! , I was looking forward to playing this. After ten minutes, my hopes were diminished, and after an hour, my hopes were dashed and by the end, I was a very very confused gamer. Prisoner of Ice went backwards in terms of so many things. Trying to blend 3dish/claymation looking characters in 2-D settings just doesn’t work....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best 2.5D Lovecraftian Games on PC

Lost Remnant: The End Tides So far I’m very much enjoying the game. It’s a point and click, story heavy game. You have been left an inheritance by your grandfather, his cabin, now yours. Through found letters you find that your grandfather wants you to leave the town, though by what means you’ll have to play to find out. You start by collecting roaches to use as fishing bait and from there you can start to craft and sell items in order to make the money needed to do as your grandfather wished....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best 2D Fighter Lovecraftian Games on PC

Mineirinho Wildtides DC Mlehor jogo da historia kkkkkkkkk – Real player with 4.4 hrs in game Read More: Best 2D Fighter Roguelite Games. I lost my virginty to this game. I was a little scared at first, but i managed to carry on. – Real player with 1.4 hrs in game Mineirinho Wildtides DC on Steam Write ‘n’ Fight Join our discord!...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best 2D Platformer Lovecraftian Games on PC

Dire Vengeance steamソフト群の中に埋もれた良作アクションゲーム ・感想 当初よくあるメトロイドヴァニア風なゲームだと思ったが、違った。 初代悪魔城+ロックマン風ステージにグラディウス風パワーアップ要素を足したという感じ。 オールドスクールらしいゲーム性に快適な操作性、作者がそういった古いゲームが好きということが何となくわかる仕掛けも多数あり、中々おもしろい。 パワーアップの進捗に伴って鎧の色が変わる演出はとてもGOOD ただし一発死の場所が多く、操作キャラゼロでロックマンをやっている気分になる。 (主人公は剣による近接攻撃のみ、サブウェポンが飛び道具となる悪魔城方式) サブウェポンも全20種類のうち持っていけるものは1つ、入手のたびに切り替え&一度やられるとロストでとても厳しめ つまり、難易度はインディーらしくとても高い 特にボスはステージ4以降パターンを覚えて対処してもなお厳しいものがある 実質的にステージ内でのパワーアップを持ち越してボスを倒すのは厳しいと想定 グラディウス方式のため一回やられると初期状態での再開となりさらにきつくなる。 ※ボス時のみ最低限のパワーアップは可能な部屋へ戻される救済処置あり – Real player with 11.5 hrs in game Read More: Best 2D Platformer Action-Adventure Games. | Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam. | Is this game a masterpiece? No, but it is a fine time-waster for anyone who likes the genre....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best 360 Video Lovecraftian Games on PC

Desolatium Dive into the well-known Myths of Lovecraft in a whole new way with this immersive, first-person, Point & Click, Graphic Adventure, with a taste of Survival Horror. Investigate and solve mysterious events You will have to investigate mysterious events in order to find who is hiding behind all of the madness. But you may find something you were not looking for, since discovering what is happening will take you into a world of darkness, terror, and insanity, this is, a DESOLATED world....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best 4 Player Local Lovecraftian Games on PC

Sacrifice Your Friends Basically, this is the mechanics of overcooked mixed with the gameplay ideas of Gang Beasts. It super fun to dash around use and throw the weapons, some weapons are a little more useful than others, but they are all counterable. It controls well. A bunch of cool little stuff to unlock, like hats and characters, a bunch of different powerful gods to play, all with different gameplay styles....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Action Lovecraftian Games on PC

Lovecraft’s Untold Stories Honestly the fact that people constantly have to try and figure out what item’s hidden properties are well past the 1 year mark of the developers saying they would provide a guide to tell us just that is sad. The fact they are releasing a sequel and still can’t manage to do what they said they would is just pathetic. The fact that when asked again to do what they already said they would, while even explaining WHY you don’t want to go to user made guides due to the lack of information in them, and still having the developers point you to exactly what you said you didn’t want to use as it is NOT useful, is just astounding....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Action Roguelike Lovecraftian Games on PC

Eldritch Reanimated Eldritch is a randomly generated roguelike FPS populated by H. P. Lovecraft’s creations. You start off in a library hub (a safe zone which is not randomly generated), from where you can go to different worlds: Dagon. Nyarlathotep, and R’lyeh. Each progressively more challenging. In each world your main goal is to descend 3 levels until you retrieve an orb, and then return to the library. In the library, you can place each orb on a pedestal, and unlock the final world, “The Endless Library”....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Action RPG Lovecraftian Games on PC

Source of Madness I’ve finished all of the current content, so I think I’m in a good position to critique the game as it is currently. Overall, this game is a real gem. I’m a fan of Lovecraftian-styled games along with rogues and sidescrollers, so this game is perfect for me. The character movement and combat starts out sluggish, but once you unlock some more dashes the pace becomes faster. The developers have already addressed this in an update today that bumped up the character movement, among other improvements....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator