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Best 2D Local Co-Op Games on PC

PixelJunk™ Shooter PixelJunk Shooter is a twin-stick shooter, with a very big focus on physics (specifically fluids). While exploring the underground caves of a planet, you’ll have to interact with lava, water, liquid metal, ice and rock in order to save the scientists who are now trapped. The story is basically that. You’re in a ship, trying to save every scientist. And also collecting hidden gems. Whole it may seem a game about exploration, it didn’t quite get to that point, in my opinion....

December 21, 2021 Âˇ The Curator

Best 2D Platformer Local Co-Op Games on PC

Degrees of Separation Degrees of Separation A beautiful and challenging puzzle game with plenty of variety and clever mechanics to keep you interested and perplexed. Positives 👍 Clever, interesting and diverse puzzles 👍 Pretty graphics with detailed environments with a fantasy ambience 👍 Charming story nicely told by narrator – Real player with 25.8 hrs in game Read More: Best 2D Platformer Story Rich Games....

December 21, 2021 Âˇ The Curator

Best 3D Fighter Local Co-Op Games on PC

Trial of Two Play squash with your fists to destroy your foes! Trial of Two is a local co-op beat ‘em up game with powerful, physics-based martial-arts combat. Its setting is a procedurally generated dungeon also known as The Dojo. It’s a place that has been built to find the strongest, fastest and most disciplined fighters in the world. But most importantly, it has been built to forge the strongest bond of trust and power between any two friends who dare to enter The Dojo together....

December 21, 2021 Âˇ The Curator

Best 3D Local Co-Op Games on PC

DICHOTOMY Play with 4-10 players online to neutralize one or more traitors among the crew members. Exposing the traitors is vital, otherwise the crew will die! Objective: Complete all tasks or Discover the Traitor! The task of the team is to complete all the tasks or find all the traitors. We must act quickly, otherwise the enemy will arrange a diversion. Track and observe other team members to identify the traitor....

December 21, 2021 Âˇ The Curator

Best 4X Local Co-Op Games on PC

Conquest of Elysium 5 Conquest of Elysium 5 is the next iteration of the past CoE games with more content, and with nearly the same (pixel art) graphics that were used in Civilization 2. They have gotten a little better over the years, but not much. If you played CoE4, there are three new factions, new modding tools, and new “Planes” within each map to conquer. The biggest difference for me from the previous version was not just that there was more to conquer though, it is that the “more” that exists is also now much more accessible....

December 21, 2021 Âˇ The Curator

Best 6DOF Local Co-Op Games on PC

BlockBustersVR Amazing fun! Finally some hardcore retro game that takes full advantage of VR. Highly recommended – Real player with 0.3 hrs in game Read More: Best 6DOF Music Games. BlockBustersVR on Steam Disputed Space First of all, let me explain how ‘your money’s worth’ actually works, as it dawned on me not too long ago. Let’s say you work at a job where you make 10$/hr....

December 21, 2021 Âˇ The Curator

Best Abstract Local Co-Op Games on PC

Trigonarium This is EXCELLENT. I bought it on sale, and would happily pay full price. I loved Geometry Wars, Waves and countless other 2-stick shooters (also old enough to have loved Asteroids…), but this feels fresh. It’s perfectly polished, and the addition of constant mid-game changes to the arena shape gives you something new to run away from, learn, and sometimes use to your advantage. No unfair deaths, no easy/lazy ways to grind through levels, no smart bombs, and in challenge mode just one life....

December 21, 2021 Âˇ The Curator

Best Action Local Co-Op Games on PC

PixelJunk™ Shooter PixelJunk Shooter is a twin-stick shooter, with a very big focus on physics (specifically fluids). While exploring the underground caves of a planet, you’ll have to interact with lava, water, liquid metal, ice and rock in order to save the scientists who are now trapped. The story is basically that. You’re in a ship, trying to save every scientist. And also collecting hidden gems. Whole it may seem a game about exploration, it didn’t quite get to that point, in my opinion....

December 21, 2021 Âˇ The Curator

Best Action Roguelike Local Co-Op Games on PC

Nongunz: Doppelganger Edition Nongunz at first just looks like your everyday shooty-platformer-roguelike but… it does very interesting and unique things that change the usual dynamics for these games, e.g. it uses some kind of idle economy that lets you buy stuff before starting a run based on the amount of prisoners you have liberated on previous attempts or it lets you bail out in the middle of a run while keeping the items you’ve found so you can start over with them, encouraging farming…...

December 21, 2021 Âˇ The Curator

Best Action RTS Local Co-Op Games on PC

Worbital i used to own this game, but i refunded it for two vital reasons: 1. The weapons are annoying sometimes due to how cooldowns are just insanely long, especially since you have to wait a year and a half just to build the dang thing. 2.for such a high price, this game really doesn’t present alot of content that’s ready to use, especially how most of the weapons that even have a good gimmick to them you just need to unlock, plus the multiplayer is just a wee bit broken....

December 21, 2021 Âˇ The Curator