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Best Choose Your Own Adventure JRPG Games on PC

Kaori After Story It has been eluded to in other reviews, but let me preface my review by saying that it’s almost impossible for you to get the whole effect of this VN if you don’t read Ace Academy first. There’s a lot of references that you can’t just get from context clues or brief discussions. In fact, since I completed Kaori’s route months ago, even I had to really think back to all that happened in that arc to make sure I understood everything the MC was talking about....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best City Builder JRPG Games on PC

Somewhen SOMEWHEN is a retro RPG inspired by early J-RPGs. Enjoy dungeon diving, resource gathering, and town building mechanics. In Somewhen, you must help Idyll and company restore a fractured world with an uncertain future using a curious time-travelling train and a little something called the Conductor to rebuild entire towns. Your goal is to quite literally reshape the future by placing homes, trees, and other structures in the present. Rebuild towns using a unique top-down system while fighting for your future with a snappy, on-map battle system!...

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Collectathon JRPG Games on PC

LABYRINTH OF TOUHOU - GENSOKYO AND THE HEAVEN-PIERCING TREE where do i start on this game’s review? heck if i know but i’ll try to leave it readable the fun i have had in this game exceeds that of over 99% of rpg games i have ever played the combat is excellent its kinda like active time battle but each time you or the enemy gets their turn the atb bars stop increasing until everyone who has their atb bar around 10000 or so had their turn then atb bars resume increasing up to 10000 then those characters or enemies have thier turn rinse and repeat...

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Combat Racing JRPG Games on PC

Ero Snooker [0.2] Controls & Training & Help [0.1] Menu & Settings [0.1] Sound & Music [0.1] Graphics [0.1] Game Design [0] Game Story [0] Game Content [0] Completion time (level/game)? [0] is it Enjoyable & Fun? [0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again) [0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related [0] BONUS point: Review for VR Stars received: 0.6/10 ___ Note: v....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Competitive JRPG Games on PC

Bravery Network Online “Ok, I have the advantage here. My Digital Attack is strong against the fighter they have out right now…” “If they notice this, they will probably tag out into their other fighter with a high Digital Defense stat, meaning I won’t do much damage and they will have the advantage again…” “If I predict their switch, and switch to my other fighter in the back with the high Physical Attack stat, I’ll keep my advantage and then be able to set up the win”...

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Crafting JRPG Games on PC

Twilight Memoria I’ve always been a diehard fan of the RPG that carries the ATB system. Just mention it like Final Fantasy V, VI, VII, VIII, IX they are all my favorites! So when I saw a new RPG maker game that carried this system, I was very enthusiastic. This might be my serious review considering that I really support the indie game climate of the JRPG genre. 1. Opening...

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Crime JRPG Games on PC

Pixel Noir it has a interesting story and game play – Real player with 15.3 hrs in game Read More: Best Crime Noir Games. Been following this game since early development, tried the beta, and have watched the dev work streams. This game is amazing great story telling and the retro graphics sells the RPG element hard. The battle mechanics are very well done, absolutely loved what I have gotten to play....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Cyberpunk JRPG Games on PC

Jack Move Jack Move is a JRPG that features a unique blend of gritty cyberpunk story telling, turn based battles, and beautiful modern pixel art. Coming to Steam in 2022. Take on the role of Noa: A young vigilante hacker from Bright Town. As the overreaching mega-corporation, Monomind, kidnaps her estranged father, Noa has no choice but to get him back, before it’s too late. Help her find her dad, as she finds herself on the way....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Dark JRPG Games on PC

Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi From the prolonged life and death struggle to survive in the hostile environs of a blockaded mining complex, cut off from any form of outside assistance; to performing - under duress - morally dubious acts to sate the whims of otherworldly beings to whom life and the living have no intrinsic worth; to the expectation from your corporate superiors that, even under threat of - and after experiencing - pain of death, you will continue to operate your day to day routine mining spirit electricity so that your company’s board members can post record profits and justify their seven figure bonuses and six month vacations in unnamed tax havens; Undernauts reveals itself to be a fantastical metaphor for the everyday situation for many of its players, that of the constant and unspeakable pressure of attempting to carve a living from the ossified, crumbling husk that is the modern day Gig Economy....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator

Best Dating Sim JRPG Games on PC

~Be a maid in the Demon World~ The Secret Café of the Demon Angel Hero. While the English Translation could use a good deal of refinement, This is a Decent Business Sim. The Evening activities are quite well done. – Real player with 5.9 hrs in game Read More: Best Dating Sim Management Games. TL;DR: Recommended ONLY when on sale, maybe around 30% off or more....

December 21, 2021 Â· The Curator