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Best Base Building JRPG Games on PC

Wolf’s Gang Wolf’s Gang is the RPG Maker MZ Game that I first played. And also first completed. Wolfgang’s story has an amazing story tell. Instead of playing and learning the usual heroes in the game I get to learn the monsters and the villains of the story too. But turns out the monsters are misunderstood villains. The combat in this game is pretty good actually but I almost feel little confused on who is the enemies turn....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Battle Royale JRPG Games on PC

Little Savior / リトルセイバー The game is interesting but has some problems. Gameplay is similar to Avaris 2 where you control a single unit while there are hundreds of other units on the battlefield fighting among each other. You can choose one of the 4 units to control and you can switch between them in battle. Each unit has a team of up to 4 different summons that it calls to battle (size of your team can be setup in settings, normal size is leader + 8 summons (edit: number seems to be wrong as amount actually depends on Charisma stat, I discovered this after reading online manual))....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Building JRPG Games on PC

Stouthollow Tales Stouthollow Tales is an old-school JRPG inspired game about managing an item shop. Upgrade and customize your shop with your own style. Scour the land harvesting resources in an effort to expand your inventory. Ally with powerful guilds to unlock access to hundreds of craftable items. You will balance stocking the shelves with the products you harvest and craft with discovering the mystery of the world that surrounds you....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Bullet Hell JRPG Games on PC

Touhou Hero of Ice Fairy: Prologue 《东方冰之勇者记:序章》是一款将 [横轴动作] + [弹幕射击] 元素相结合的东方Project同人游戏。本作采用了 BOSS RUSH 的关卡模式,玩家需要操控东方人气角色 琪露诺 化身为冰之勇者,踏上对抗邪恶力量、解放幻想乡,并最终拯救珍重之人的旅途。 ★很久很久以前★ 有一位居住在雾之湖湖畔的「冰之勇者」,她勇敢且“聪慧”,时刻履行守护「雾之湖公主」的誓言。 雾之湖公主美丽动人、内心纯真善良,传说蝴蝶会为她舞蹈,鸟雀会为她歌唱。 勇者一直仰慕着公主,而公主同样对守护自己的勇者萌生了好感。 然而,突然出现的一道「绯红魔影」将公主从勇者的身边强行掳走,打破了二人平静的生活。 悲愤交加的勇者将公主遗留的信物系在护腕上,义无反顾地踏上了寻回珍重之人的旅途….. ★你将体验到★ ■ 相较于传统弹幕游戏更为流畅爽快的「高机动弹幕对战」。 ■ 专门为横轴玩法所设计的精美弹幕。 ■ 可爱灵动的角色动画与立绘。 ■ 诙谐生趣的剧情对白。 ★需要注意★ 本作是尚在开发中的正篇游戏《东方冰之勇者记 ~ Touhou Hero of Ice Fairy》的独立序章游戏; 本作中出现的关卡流程将不会重复出现在正篇游戏当中; 正篇游戏将采用买断制的收费模式发布。 ★同好交流★ 对本作感兴趣,以及对东方Project题材感兴趣的小伙伴欢迎加入游戏交流群一起讨论~ 玩家QQ群:849555325 Read More: Best Bullet Hell Shooter Games. Touhou Hero of Ice Fairy: Prologue on Steam Three Fairies' Hoppin' Flappin' Great Journey!...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Bullet Time JRPG Games on PC

Aka Ninja VR Features **Real cut:**According to the cutting position, immediately calculate the cutting, very real **Lots of gameplay:**You can pinch the enemy’s neck with your left hand, and then chop his head with a knife in your right hand. You can also punch through the enemy’s belly with your fist and take out the enemy’s intestines. **Play as a ninja killer:**Challenge and kill a large number of ninjas to become a ninja killer...

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Capitalism JRPG Games on PC

Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale Hey hey, people. I was not expecting a Sseth review on this. Welcome, Argentinians! I’ve played it for a long time. This is intended to be a spoiler free review. Let me lay down some stuff, you will be able to tell if you’ll like it or not. Your first playthrough is going to take a while and it will be fun. You’ll figure out the mechanics, make mistakes, reload some saves, make some profit, then eventually come out on top....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Card Battler JRPG Games on PC

Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars Demo I’ll just be straight to the point, I enjoyed the Demo. The presentation is both unique and well done. And while the story, at least in the demo, isn’t something we’ve seen in other RPGs or even D&D sessions, it tells it well and, since it is a demo, can go many directions with it. Just give the free Demo a try and see if it is your cup of tea as well....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Card Game JRPG Games on PC

Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars Demo I’ll just be straight to the point, I enjoyed the Demo. The presentation is both unique and well done. And while the story, at least in the demo, isn’t something we’ve seen in other RPGs or even D&D sessions, it tells it well and, since it is a demo, can go many directions with it. Just give the free Demo a try and see if it is your cup of tea as well....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Casual JRPG Games on PC

Dungeon Crawler Daniel Another winner rpg from Wolfs Moon Studio and Shane. This one is different than the others as there is only only one town with multiple dungeon levels. Dungeon levels are timed so have to be quick yet have to fight to build up all the characters you pick up (over 20) on your journey. Huge variety of monsters and bosses (optional ones also) and plenty of items and chests in the dungeons and the town has all the necessary stock needed to buy....

December 21, 2021 · The Curator

Best Chess JRPG Games on PC

回纹战棋 Only played short while to get first impression, it seemed alright. Well worth 99 cents cheaper then candy bar. Well also actually helping someone even if just a little. – Real player with 0.1 hrs in game Read More: Best Chess Turn-Based Tactics Games. 回纹战棋 on Steam

December 21, 2021 · The Curator